Avast Secureline Vpn: Bug Fixes | Tutorial

Vpns are commonly used to access virtual networks and thus circumvent some blocking mechanism that prevents us from accessing any content in our region. Therefore, they are very important for our daily lives. However, we may experience problems with our Avast Secureline Vpn which prevents us from being able to run said application.

Avast Secureline Vpn is the software developed by the Avast company to create virtual networks through its Vpn service, the most common error being the message “the Secureline Vpn server has rejected your license file” this being a sign that prevents this service from being possible to some network.

Avast Secureline Vpn Errors

is a company famous for the enormous number of computer solutions focused on security and privacy, which it makes available to us with products of a different nature, ranging from its famous antivirus, through Avast Secureline Vpn, to the Secure Browser, always with enormous reliability and great features.

However, the error that occurs when activating your paid Vpn service can cause a series of inconveniences ranging from the impossibility of connecting to the application to the impediment to creating the virtual network that we need.

This error message can occur in various situations or scenarios that we must envision in order to act accordingly and find the best performance and the best solution and, thus, be able to enjoy the great benefits of this service. These scenarios are the following:

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  • Avast asks for a new subscription. Despite already having the paid service for your Avast Secureline Vpn, this error may occur when the Avast server needs to be reactivated and, therefore, has not charged the payment you have made for the subscription. In this sense, the first thing you should do is verify if the payment for said subscription has been charged and that it is active.
  • Avast has DNS conflicts. It may happen that Avast, when trying to create the Vpn network, generates a conflict or interference with the DNS configuration of your computer and, therefore, cannot execute as required. To do this, you must change said configuration and establish new parameters that allow you to connect.
  • Avast rejected the license. Other problems that may arise are that, for an unknown reason, Avast has rejected the purchase of the license for its Vpn product and blocks its reproduction. In this sense, you must notify the technical support service through its different platforms so that said license can be activated.
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Taking into account these scenarios that may cause problems with Avast Secureline Vpn, below we will propose different strategies and solutions that will allow you to solve any difficulty that may arise with the application.

Configure DNS

As we have previously indicated, a poor configuration of the DNS parameters of your operating system may be generating a conflict with the Avast server and, therefore, it may have stopped working on our computer.

In this sense, changing said configuration should be one of the most effective solutions to these problems. You can do it by following this procedure:

  • Start your Windows having the permissions as Administrator
  • Go to the category of Setting
  • While there, go to Grid
  • There, go to the option Network Configuration and then modify the adapter options.
  • So, with the right click make sure what your network type is and enter the Properties
  • Within this, access the IPv4 Internet Protocol and again go to the options. Properties.
  • Access it and enter the values ​​shown there.
  • Restart your computer.

Change the VPN to an alternative location

One of the most common factors for problems that may arise in Avast Secureline Vpn is the oversaturation of its servers, since they may have to cover the high demand generated by the millions of customers who are subscribed to the services of said company. .

Therefore, if the VPN server to which you are connected is saturated or collapsed, the natural thing is that you will not be able to connect to it despite having everything configured correctly on your computer. To do this, you can change the virtual location of your computer so that you can connect to a different server located in a location with less traffic and demand from users.

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To be able to do this, you just have to follow these instructions:

  • Go to the official application of Avast
  • Then select the tab Privacy
  • Within this, choose the alternative of
  • Choose a location where you think there will be less demand on the servers and You accept.
  • Restart your computer and then try to access Avast Secureline Vpn to see if the problem has been resolved.

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Check your Avast Secureline Vpn subscription

Although it may seem obvious, it may happen due to some circumstance that we are not clear about the terms and conditions that apply when we access Avast payment services or that, due to some oversight, we do not have the subscription to these services updated or active.

To be sure of the status of your subscription, you just have to do the following:

  • Go to your official app Avast
  • There he enters Setting
  • Then select the section Subscription and then validate the one corresponding to the Avast Secureline Vpn.

You should also pay attention to emails from the Avast support service which can tell you about any problems you have with your subscription.

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Disable the firewall and antivirus

Both the Windows firewall, as well as any antivirus system that you have installed on your computer, may be interfering or blocking the connection between your computer and the Avast servers since it may mistakenly identify them as insecure or unreliable connections.

In this sense, the is to disable both the Windows Firewall and your antivirus at the time of creating your VPN in order to avoid any blocking by them. To disable the Firewall :

  • Enter the menu Execute
  • Write the command firewall.cpl and wait for the unfolding Windows Defender Control Panel
  • Disable the Firewall for both public and private connections.
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As for how to deactivate your antivirus, each of them has a different procedure, but mostly you just have to go into the program’s settings or properties and then deactivate monitoring of network connections.

Check your network connection status

It may be the case that Avast Secureline Vpn problems are not due to server failures or internal application problems, but rather due to a failure presented by your local internet provider. Therefore, it is always advisable to check the status of the network without using the Avast application, to check whether or not it is the one that has problems. In order to verify your connection you only have to do the following:

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  • Enter the Windows Troubleshooter
  • Choose between the options Internet problems
  • Select apply auto repairs
  • Wait for this to run.

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