Black Horoscope: peace of mind for the future –

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Aries, Leo, Capricorn? Do you let yourself be guided by the stars or are you one of those who believe that decisions determine our destiny? Whether you belong to the first group or the second, surely more than once you have fallen into seeing what your horoscope says, even if it is just out of curiosity.

Millions of people consult the predictions for their zodiac sign every day, millions! And many of them do it at, where Rosa and her team write what the stars dictate.

Did you think the horoscope thing was dead? The data says it is not: more than 2 million visits to per month They confirm that the zodiac is interesting, and a lot 🙂

Horoscope Black’s success also extends to social networks. It has a community of more than 5 million users on Facebook and more than 3 million followers on Twitter.

Horoscope Negro and his website

We have spoken with Rosa to find out a little better how they have come to achieve over 20 million views to Black Horoscope.

They live with the responsibility of knowing that there are many who consult the horoscope as a life guide, to motivate themselves and make decisions. For this reason, keep your page visible at all times is an essential requirement.

Black Horoscope followers access the website constantly for daily, weekly or yearly predictions. There they find the astrological information that answers their concerns.

Only if your website has continuity and there are no drops in servicethey can take their message to the world.

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Every day we live with them the barrage of visits that occurs when they publish the day’s predictions on social networks. A call to which thousands of people attend and for which we must always be prepared.

With an average of monthly visits during the last year of around 12,000,000all the forecasts indicate that the horoscope still has a lot of life ahead of it.

Black horoscope and hosting provider

Before moving your website to they had worked with another hosting provider and Rosa tells us that the experience was not positive.

Black Horoscope already had huge spikes in simultaneous visits to the web and the hosting in which they hosted their content could not support them and crashed.

As this happened repeatedly and they did not offer her a solution to keep the website operational, Rosa looked for alternatives.

Fortunately, Black Horoscope found us.

Rosa wanted to place her trust in a new Hosting provider and she knew that it would not be easy to find one that suited her needs. But thanks to the recommendation of many of you on websites and blogs, she came to .

What did Black Horoscope find in ?

For Rosa and her team, the basis on which they wanted to support their project was governed by 3 essential elements that their new hosting provider, that is, , had to comply with:

  1. Closeness: from Black Horoscope they tell us that this has been 100% fulfilled thanks to the work of our team, thank you!
  2. Web Continuity: They wanted a solution for the main inconvenience they had had with other providers, that their website would not crash with spikes in simultaneous visits and thus visitors would be able to navigate smoothly.
  3. Transparency and Speed: they requested quick and precise answers about the possible difficulties that could appear.
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And we comply.

When Black Horoscope publishes a tweet or a post on Facebook, its millions of followers connect in a short space of time to the content of its web, at that moment it is key that the web continues to load without slowness.

Its website reaches 1.5 million unique visitors per day and peaks of more than 20,000 simultaneous visits.

It is a challenge for us to get, together with Rosa, to optimize your WordPress and Hosting so that the Web can withstand all the traffic and that the experience of its visitors is the best possible.

“It was very fast, we didn’t harm users and the team did everything to make the website stay the same”

The Black Horoscope experience at

For us, it was crucial to know how Rosa and her team felt about staying with our hosting services.

We know that we put all the love and care into all the projects that come to us, but understanding their vision of what they like and the aspects they don’t help us improve.

We have asked Rosa to know, in the first person, the experience of having its most recognized project, Black Horoscopehosted in a .

Your answer tells us that the path we are following is the correct one. You are having a satisfactory experience and from what you tell us, we have helped them a lot.

“When problems have arisen, the reaction and solution time on your part has been fast and efficient, and we even continuously optimize so that there are no failures in the future.”

Rosa emphasizes to us that she wants to make a special mention to the captain of our ship, Lucas, to thank him for his good advice on the difficulties they had had at the beginning.

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As a point of improvement, Rosa thinks that perhaps at some point information may have been lost when she sends a ticket and several advisors respond to it.

He also tells us that, in his opinion, this does not usually happen but that it could be completely improved with a single person handling the ticket.

We take note, Rosa!


As you see, Horoscope Black is at full capacity in .

And his future looks just as promising.

A few months ago they published and have been offered to collaborate with various astrology web pages that have a lot of repercussion in different countries.

In addition, they are thinking of launching new websites in the short term in which they will work with the same passion and in which they will put their hearts so that they are just as successful as their well-known website.

We say goodbye to Rosa and her team, alluding to the concepts with which she associates us:

“: efficiency, speed, closeness, reliability and involvement”

They could not augur us a more successful present and future!

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