CD/DVD Drive Not Working in Windows 10 | Solution

When updating the operating system or migrating to version 10 of Windows, the appearance of different types of errors or failures that affect the correct functioning of your PC have been reported.

Among these errors, users have encountered that the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10, a failure that prevents the reading or playback of discs and that can be easily corrected, with the methods that we will indicate below.

And why does the CD/DVD drive not working error appear in Windows 10?

The error due to which the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10 appears when you update or migrate towards version 10 of this operating system.

It is a problem that does not originate from a specific cause, not necessarily the failure why the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10 It means that the equipment has physical damage and you have to change it by another or resort to technical repair.

Among other causes may be due to:

  • between drivers and the operating system.
  • Damage or corruption in drivers.
  • Old or obsolete drivers.
  • The CD or DVD drive is not connected correctly.
  • Configuration errors during CD or DVD drive installation.

Basically CD/DVD drive not recognized after loading Windows 10 version or a recent update, which implies a worrying problem if you need to run jobs in which you must use CDs or DVDs.

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How the error occurs due to which the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10

The error that indicates that the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10 has been frequently reported by users since versions 8 and 8.1 of Windows, error that now extends to Windows 10manifesting in different ways.

  • The CD or DVD drive access icon in Windows 10 “disappears” and cannot be located in the operating system. You cannot locate it in the File Browser of Windows, nor under the items Disk management either Device management.
  • The CD or DVD drive in Windows 10, does not read, find or recognize the disksthe disk does not appear as inserted into the drive, therefore it cannot be accessed.
  • The CD or DVD drive in Windows 10, does not play discs; In this case, initially when inserting the disc, the unit identifies it, but when it is played, the action is not carried out.
  • The failure has also been reported in relation to the DVD drive in Windows 10 does not write the information to the disk or fails during the process.
  • They do not play automatically discs by inserting them into the drive.
  • Detection process freezes, playback or reading from the CD or DVD drive; no response is obtained but it remains in endless loading execution.
  • CDs or DVDs They are expelled at all times for the unit.
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In short, regardless of the way in which the CD/DVD drive not working in Windows 10 manifests itself, you will always find that it is a problem that you can solve yourself.

Of course we emphasize that you should not forget that they are technical procedures whose steps you must follow in detail, therefore it is recommended that you have some basic computer knowledge so as not to have harmful effects on your equipment.

They are methods reported as effective and easy to apply, to correct the error why the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10

Fix the CD/DVD drive not working issue in Windows 10 with these methods

Before proceeding to explain the Of the recommended methods to fix the CD/DVD drive not working error in Windows 10, it is pertinent that you perform some basic preliminary checks that could save you time and efforts.

Sometimes we miss some things that we consider are simple and do not affect the functioning of your computer equipment. Therefore check the following:

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  • from your CD or DVD drive, as silly as it may seem Being incorrectly connected could cause the failure. why the CD/DVD drive is not working in Windows 10.
  • Verify that the CD or DVD drive appears registered in the BIOS. To do this you must perform a reboot and enter your computer’s BIOS to see if it appears there. The fact that you cannot find the name of your drive in the BIOS may mean that it is not a software problem but a hardware problem that leads to the failure of the CD/DVD drive not working in Windows 10, in which case the solution is to Establish contact with your computer equipment supplier.
  • Another prior verification that may be useful to you is check if the optical reader from your CD or DVD drive works correctly.
  • Check if the optical reader has moved or changed position, in that case the solution is to return it to its original position. This is an action that we recommend not doing yourself as it is delicate and can lead to permanent damage to your unit and computer. Seek technical support.
  • In the same way you can why the CD/DVD drive is not working in Windows 10, making a cleaning the optical reader. For this you can follow two ways:
    Manually, removing the CD or DVD drive to directly clean the optical reader. EITHER relying on an automatic cleaning kit (Brush Disc), which allows you to service the optical reader without removing it from the unit.

If the failure due to which the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10 persists, it may be evidence of a defective unit, making it the appropriate option to replace it.

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But if it is not a physical damage issue you can apply the following fix methods to CD/DVD drive not working in Windows 10

Method 1. Set the Show hidden devices option

It is normal that after some Windows 10 updates your system is reset to a previous configuration state.

It may then be the case that the system has returned to a time when you had not recognized the CD or DVD drive and therefore it does not appear now in Windows 10.

Of course the consequence is that you cannot use it since the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10, if you detect that it is not there, as an initial step you must Activate the Show hidden devices option.

For it :

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  1. Click, with the right mouse button, on the item This team (This PC).
  2. Then select Manage.
  3. Click now on Device administrator and select the option See.
  4. Check the item Show hidden devices.

Method 2. Locate your drive and uninstall ATA/ATAPI IDE controllers

To apply this second correction method to the failure why the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10, you must access the Device administratorin the following way:

  1. Click, with the right mouse button, on the item This team (This PC).
  2. Then select Manage.
  3. Click now on Device administrator.
  4. In the right panel, click with the right mouse button on option CATA/ATAPI IDE controllers.
  5. A list will be displayed with the registered controllers, click on each one and in the submenu select Uninstall.
  6. Now press again on each of the controllers, and in the submenu select the option Check for hardware changes.
  7. Finally restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Method 3. Reinstall and/or update your CD or DVD drive driver

Updates for each driver you have on your computer are available on the manufacturer’s official websites of the device, there they give you instructions for reinstallation.

Likewise, the update It can be executed automatically by the operating system itselfafter you uninstall your unit’s driver as follows:

  1. Access the Device administrator by pressing, together, the keys Windows + R.
  2. In it search box enter the text: devmgmt.msc and press Enter.
  3. In case you request confirmation or administrator passwordadd it and click on Allow.Note: You can also access the Device administrator: By pressing the keys together Windows + Xthen select the option Device administrator (Device manager), in the displayed menu.
  4. In Device administrator Click on the CD/DVD drive.
  5. Click, with the right mouse button, on each of them to expand the submenu and select Uninstall.
  6. In the confirmation box that pops up, click Accept.
  7. Restart your computer.
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When Windows returns, it will automatically reinstall the driver necessary for your computer and this should correct the error why the CD/DVD drive does not work in Windows 10.

Method 4. Manually install the appropriate drivers for your CD or DVD drive

When you have verified that the issue where the CD/DVD drive is not working in Windows 10 is caused by problematic or outdated drivers, you can Locate available updates and install them again manually.

This process is completed with the following steps:

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  1. Enter the Device administrator. (Steps 1 to 3 of the previous methods).
  2. In your CD/DVD drive see if there is a question mark and/or exclamation mark Well, this indicates that there is a failure or problem with the controller.
  3. Click on the unit and select Update driver.
  4. In the following box with two options, select Scan my computer for driver software.
  5. Now press the option Allow me to choose from a list of drivers available on my computer.

  6. Select the required driver for your system and click Following.

Manual installation of the driver will begin, and that should fix the issue caused by CD/DVD drive not working in Windows 10.

Method 5. Fix Cd/DVD Drive Failure from Command Prompt

If the CD/DVD drive does not appear on your computer under a Windows 10 environment or does not recognize it, it means that it is not registering it, in which case you can solve this failure from the Command Prompt.

If the message appears: Windows could not start the device, the configuration information is incomplete or corrupted. (Code 19)there is probably a problem with registering the CD or DVD drive in Command Prompt.

This directly causes the CD/DVD drive not working in Windows 10. The steps to follow to enter the Symbol of the system and correct this, are:

  1. On the menu Start Windows writes the text in the search bar: cmd.
  2. Click on the resultwith the right mouse button.
  3. In the display select Execute as an administrator.
  4. In Symbol of the system add the command: reg.exe add “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0” /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x
  5. Press Enter.
  6. The message will then appear The operation completed successfully.
  7. Now close the box.
  8. Restart the computer and when you return, check if the problem is solved.

Note: You can also apply this method with the PowerShell (Administrator).

Method 6. Reconfigure Group Policy

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