Characteristics of a relational database management system

We now write the rules that make a database management system relational.

Before putting the rules, we remember what a database management system was:

A database management system is defined as the set of programs that administer and manage the information contained in a database.

12 rules are established by which the database is relational:

  • Information Rule: All information is logically represented in tables.
  • Consistent handling of null values: Should support null values ​​automatically regardless of data type.
  • Guaranteed access rule: Each data must be accessible through the combination of the table name, the column that contains it, and the primary key of the row.
  • Full sublanguage rule: Must allow a language whose syntax is well defined for database manipulation.
  • On-line catalog: A user must be able to access said catalog with his username and password.
  • High-level insertion, modification and deletion: It must be possible to perform such operations without altering the other data.
  • View update: It must be possible to update the views by the managing system.
  • Physical independence of the data: the way of storing the data does not influence its handling.
  • Logical data independence: changes to database objects do not have to affect users and programs.
  • Distribution independence: programs do not have to be altered by redistributing data.
  • Integrity independence: Integrity constraints are stored and created in the managing system and not in programs.
  • No subversion rule: If a database management system has a low-level language, this language cannot be used to destroy or circumvent the integrity rules or constraints expressed in the high-level relational language.
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If your database management system complies with these twelve rules, you can affirm that it is a relational database management system or what is the same RDBMS

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