Client-server architecture

Main characteristics of this type of architecture facing the database.

This architecture is divided into two clearly differentiated parts, the first is the server part and the second is that of a set of clients.

Normally the server is a fairly powerful machine that acts as a data repository and works as a database management system (DBMS).

On the other hand, clients are usually workstations that request various services from the server.

Both parties must be connected to each other through a network.

A graphical representation of this type of architecture would be the following.

This type of architecture is the most widely used today, because it is the most advanced and the one that has best evolved in recent years.

We can say that this architecture needs three types of software for its correct operation:

  • Data management software: This software is responsible for handling and managing the data stored and required by the different applications. Normally this software is hosted on the server.
  • Development software: this type of software is hosted by clients and only by those dedicated to application development.
  • User interaction software: It also resides in the clients and is the graphical user application for data manipulation, always clear at the user level (mainly queries).

Apart from these, there are more software applications for the proper functioning of this architecture, but they are already conditioned by the type of operating system installed, the type of network in which it is located, etc.

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