Comparison of unlimited mobile data rates

Do you know all the unlimited data rates? We show you the offers with infinite gigabytes so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs:


Best rates with unlimited data Company Rate Price

Unlimited calls and gigabytes €20/month*

digi mobile
Unlimited calls and gigabytes €25/month*

Unlimited calls and gigabytes €27/month*

Unlimited calls and gigabytes €37/month

Unlimited calls and gigabytes €29.95/month*

*Rates subject to promotions.

In January 2023, there was a widespread Movistar that will raise bills by more than 8%. However, neither Yoigo nor Orange nor Digi raised the cost of their unlimited data offers.

Unlimited Essential mobile rate: unlimited Vodafone data

is the company with the greatest variety in its unlimited mobile deals. As for its prices, the company usually has offers for 6 months. We show you some of the:



These offers of unlimited mobile internet from Vodafone stand out because they allow you to add additional lines and you will be able to navigate at maximum 5G speed in many cities throughout Spain.

Do you want to save on your bill? Consult us for free so that you can choose the cheapest offer on the market without obligation.

Infinite contract: unlimited data Movistar

is one of the leading companies offering a mobile offer with unlimited data in your contract rates. However, you do not have this option in Movistar prepaid. It is the most expensive rate on the market but it does not have a commitment to stay, so you can leave whenever you want.


This is another of the most popular options among users because it has Movistar coverage and 5G speed.

Digi Mobil: all about its mobile offer with unlimited data

Digi Mobil is the latest company to offer unlimited gigs. The operator uses the Movistar network to provide mobile coverage. Your offer includes unlimited national and international calls:

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The rate is the cheapest option with unlimited calls and unlimited data that currently exists on the market.

Do you know the unlimited data of Orange’s GO rates?

The orange company also has unlimited mobile data offers and unlimited calls at 5G speeds. The two options offered are:

* is an independent comparator. We are not Orange.

* is an independent comparator. We are not Orange.

The rates with are more expensive compared to their competition. However, they have good coverage and have no commitment to stay.

Yoigo Unlimited Data

The also have unlimited gigs in mobile rates. The company supplies itself with Orange and Movistar coverage, so you won’t have to worry. The only one also includes unlimited calls:


Contract unlimited data with Euskaltel

The Basque company offers the cheapest unlimited data rate on the market. In addition, you can add additional lines at a 50% discount:


If you want to know more about the , we recommend that you consult our specialized article.

Therefore, from we consider that the best mobile rate for unlimited databoth for its price and its coverage is that of Euskaltel.

Fiber and mobile rates with unlimited data

It may be more profitable to get an unlimited mobile line if you add fiber optics to your rate. We leave you the most interesting options of fiber and mobile with unlimited data:

Most outstanding rates with unlimited data Company Rate Price

Fiber 600 Mb and unlimited GB €49.90/month*

Fiber 1 Gb and unlimited GB €57.90/month*

Fiber 500 Mb and unlimited GB €59/month

Fiber 600 Mb and unlimited GB €62.10/month*

Movistar unlimited fiber and mobile rate

Among all the convergent packages of Movistar with unlimited gigabytes We’ve highlighted two different unlimited offers. All Movistar rates include the television package, the , additional lines and the option to add:

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*Includes Disney+

Vodafone unlimited fiber and mobile rate

Vodafone One fiber and mobile rates include unlimited gigs. They have a promotional offer and a one-year stay. However, it includes a TV pack according to the rate you contract:


Orange unlimited fiber and mobile rate

The orange company is another one that offers unlimited gigs of Orange in your Internet and mobile packages. In addition, they include two mobile lines, Amazon Prime and Orange TV Play. These offers are valid for one year.

* is an independent comparator. We are not Orange.

Yoigo unlimited fiber and mobile rate

Yoigo has a single Internet and mobile rate of unlimited gigs. This offer includes a promotion and free infinite calls. The difference with the rest of the companies is that has no commitment to permanence:


For what uses is it recommended to have unlimited Internet on the mobile?

The mobile offers with unlimited data They are aimed at those people who need a large amount of data on a monthly basis.

The uses that we explain below consume many gigabytesTherefore, to avoid scares on the bill, it is recommended to hire one of the rates mentioned in the previous sections:

  • Navigate with GPS
  • Have constantly updated applications
  • Play YouTube videos in high quality
  • Watch movies and series in streaming
  • Download large documents or files
  • Listen and download podcast
  • watch live tv
  • Video conferencing in high quality

You may want to use your mobile data rate for a tablet with SIM. In this case, we recommend that you consult the .

Unlimited Data FAQ

Phone companies are offering mobile rates with unlimited data. This means that you do not have a limit amount of data to spend in a month. You will not have to worry about how many gigabytes you have spent. These offers are recommended if you want to hire and share mobile data.

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For the moment the companies with unlimited mobile data in Spain They are: Orange, Yoigo, Movistar, Vodafone and Digi. However, little by little more operators are joining this modality. You can almost have , with your 100 GB rate.

Unlimited data is still pricey, but you can find the cheaper rate with unlimited data for just over €32/month at Vodafone. No discounts applied. However, it is common for companies to apply promotions for a few months to these rates.

However, you can continue comparing the ones on the market from our specialized article.

All mobile rates are without permanence, except when companies offer a discount/promotion for a few months when contracting them. When hiring, make sure that it is the price forever to get rid of permanence.

With the unlimited data rates We recommend you always read the fine print. If you use your roaming rate, the data is not unlimited and you will have to spend between 19 GB and 50 GB (depending on the company).

To have unlimited data on your mobile you must contract one of the rates shown in this article. You can call our advisors to help you with the process or contact the company directly. To formalize the contract, you only need to have the personal data of the owner of the line at hand.

Comparison of mobile rates in

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