Create a Custom Template for Shop and Product Pages in Woocommerce without Elementor Pro –

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Currently one of the most used builders in WordPress to design a website is Elementor, among one of the facilities that this plugin offers us is to be able to design custom templates for pages that are usually only modifiable through code such as page files. store, blog, products, search results, one of the great options we have is to be able to edit WooCommerce pages such as store, cart, checkout, product view.

However, if we want to add templates for this type of content in WordPress we will need to use the paid version of Elementor pro, but all is not lost, we have an additional option to add custom templates to our store content.

Install the plugins to create our templates

To be able to add this type of content we will use the following plugin, which in its free version will allow us to add a personalized template for the page:

  • Simple view of the product
  • Store Page

The first thing we need to do is search for the plugin in our store library and install them.

Creating the templates for our store page and products with Elementor

Once the plugin is installed you only have to activate it, once we activate it the first thing we have to do is create our custom templates for our pages from the Elementor → Templates

See also  Update WordPress manually or automatically?

In this video you can see the detailed step by step to create a template in Elementor

Assign our Elementor templates to our store with Woolentor

Once you have created your product template, for example, you can now create your template for your store page, for this we only need to follow the same procedure, you can see all the details in the following video.

After having our templates created, the next thing you need to do is the plugin configurations from the Woolentor → Settings → WooCommerce Template which is located in the side menu of WordPress, in this section we will see the options that we can use in its free version, and configure the templates that we have created by assigning it to these default woocommerce pages.

You can see the detailed step by step in the following video

This way you can use this plugin to create a custom template for your WooCommerce shop and product page.

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