Create Online Academy with WordPress [2022] –

You should keep in mind that This Course does not include access to any WordPress Hosting so that you can create your own academy, since it is not the objective of the course.

It is based on the premise that either locally (your team) or in a Hosting that you have contracted with a Hosting provider, it is important that you have a WordPress installation in which you can put into practice the knowledge that you acquire through throughout the Course.

Some lessons of the Course include some other downloadable file to help you with issues such as translations of the Sensei LMS plugin or the Certificates, as well as some Certificate template that can serve as a model to create your own.

Who is this Create Online Academy Course for?

This Course will help you start an Academy of Open Courses (without a payment gateway, or closed only to subscriptions, since this requires certain commercial plugins) where you can display content in video, text and with the support of images or downloadable files.

With Sensei LMS, in this Course you will be able to start any type of Academy that comes to mind:

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