Custom Products in WooCommerce: A Practical Guide

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Bundling products together and selling them as one is a widely used sales marketing strategy. Even depending on the type of products you sell it can be a necessity.

What these customized products will allow your customers is that they can choose the products that you are going to sell as a pack.

As examples, we can think of a basket of gourmet products where the customer can choose which products to add, it could be the sale of a computer by components or even a pack of aesthetic products.

The creation of customized or grouped products can be done in different ways with their advantages and limitations.

What does Woocommerce allow me to do by default

There are many as a choice within the plugins for the realization of an online store, but it is true that for some specific feature it falls a bit short.

An easy way to do this is to use the bundled products functionality that comes by default in the Woocommerce plugin which has more limitations than advantages.

Grouped products are created from the product editing page, in the Product Data part, choosing the option “grouped product” among the options it allows.

And in the Grouped Products field we must put the products that will be part of the pack.

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But to be exact, I am telling you that, in reality, although Woocommerce calls them grouped products, it is simply a presentation of products with a name for the grouping.

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And why do I say this? Because what Woocommerce allows me to do is create a grouped product to which I am going to add other products so that they can be chosen, it is supposed to be as a pack.

So far so good, but when managing the sale you will treat each of the products chosen from the pack individually for both price and shipping.

And that is the main limitation of this method. I cannot assign a different price if you buy the products in a pack than if you buy them directly from the page of each product.

What advantage does it have then to make this product grouped? Well, simply show them together as I mentioned.

But it also doesn’t let me manage the shipment as if the pack were a single product, which can also be a problem. To continue with one of the examples from the beginning, sending all the components of a computer separately is not the same as sending the computer assembled with the components chosen by the customer.

Therefore, in order for it to really be a customized product, we must be able to manage grouping, price and shipping.

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The best way to create these grouped products is through one of the paid plugins that we can find for WordPress.

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In this post we will see what options we have and I will explain, following an example, how to create a basket of gourmet products where the customer can choose the products that make it up. And above all, how to create that custom product to manage both its price as a pack and shipping.

Payment plugins to create custom products

Among all the plugins on the market to create grouped products, I am going to give you two options that fit quite well with the example that we are going to develop.

Remember that does not support this type of plugin, if you have any questions, you can contact the plugin’s own support so that they can help you with any queries you may have.

This plugin allows you to create products grouped as packs with the peculiarity of their visual design. It is a grid where the client can add the products simply by dragging them until completing their pack.

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It allows you to add discounts to the pack, you can create packages of different quantities with variable prices and the customer can send it as a gift.

The main disadvantages of this plugin are that when creating the packs you must choose the number of products that are going to be allowed to be added and that these products must always be Simple Products, they cannot have variations, which limits the possibilities of creating your custom product. .

This is a plugin that we are going to buy directly from the Woocommerce website repository, which is already a guarantee.

Perhaps it is less visual and interactive than the WISDM plugin but its functionality will make up for this disadvantage.

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With it we will be able to control both the groups, the price of the pack and the shipment, which were the three main characteristics that marked what a custom product should be.

It will allow us to add optional products to the pack and the products can be simple or variable.

It will also allow us to limit the number of units of each product that can be added to the pack.

And finally, it allows you to edit the appearance of the grouped products both on the product page, in the cart and check out, and in the email templates.

I have opted for Product Bundles and that is why I am going to use it for the development of this post.

Guide to creating bundled products with the Product Bundles plugin

When buying the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin we will download a zip file with all the information and the zip of the plugin itself. To install it we will go to the WordPress Plugins menu – Add new.

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At the top, next to the title, we will press the button “upload plugin”. A field to upload a file will appear. Click Select files, look for the plugin zip and click on “Install Now”.

Once the plugin is installed, another screen will appear to activate it. We will press the buttonActivate”.

The plugin does not have any specific settings page. All its functions are performed directly from the Product page.

1- Create the individual products that will form the personalized product.

The logic that is followed to customize a product in WooCommerce consists of a base product to which other store-specific products are added for a pack.

As examples, it can be a gift basket of gourmet products, a bag with cosmetic products or a skateboard where, starting from the table, you choose the wheels and axles.

Based on this logic, the first thing we have to do is register the products that can be chosen within the personalized product.

In our case we are going to assemble a gift basket with gourmet products. We will register 3 wines, 2 sausages and 3 cheeses. The products can be simple products or with variations. These variations can also be used in the personalized product.

Our products will be simple except for a sausage that will have a variation that allows you to choose different sizes.

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2- Creating the custom product in Woocommerce

This time we have created all the products that will be used in the personalized product. We create a new product by clicking on the Products menu “Add new”.

The product is filled in the same way as the rest of the product (title, description, short description, featured image, category). The difference is in the Product Data.

In the selector of kind of productIn addition to simple, grouped, external and variable products, a new “Product bundle” appears. We will select this one. A new “Bundled Products” side tab will appear.

Before moving on to this tab we must put a price on the product. Here we have two options to compose the product:

  • Regardless of the products chosen, the product has a fixed price. In this case, in the General tab, we will put the final price of the product (and discounted if we want).
  • The price varies depending on the products that are added. In this case in the General tab we will put the base price and then each product will add its own price.

In our case we will set a base price of €10 to cover the cost of the basket and wrap it as a gift.

Now we go to the “Bundled Products” tab. The plugin is not translated and some sections can be confusing so I will simplify it to make it easy to use.

Click on image to enlarge

In this tab we have 4 configuration options and then the introduction of the products:

  • layout: allows you to select the view mode of the products. We can choose between Standard (list), Tabular (table) and Grid (grid) mode.
  • Form Location: Position of the products. We can choose whether the products to choose are shown in the right half below the short description (Default) or below the images-short description set, before the description and ratings tabs (After summary).
  • Item Grouping: Used to indicate how the products will be displayed in the cart.
  • Edit in Cart: Adds the option to update the product from the cart.
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We will see these options in detail later, when we have all the products added.

To add a product we will press the button “Add Product”. A field will appear to write the name of the product. By entering 3 characters or more, a selector will appear with the matching available products.

We select the one that corresponds and it will load on the screen with a series of configuration options.

Click on image to enlarge

2.1 Basic product configuration options

If the product is simple we have 5 basic configuration options:

  • Optional. This box allows you to define a product as mandatory or optional. If it is mandatory, it will always be added to the final product.

    Click on image to enlarge

    When we combine optional products and required products, next to the name of the optional product it is shown in italics that it is optional.

  • QuantityMin. Indicates the minimum number of product units to add. It works together with Quantity Max, to indicate the range of units that we can add to the final product.
  • Max Quantity. It is the maximum number of units allowed to add a given product.
  • Shipped Individually. This box is used to indicate if the weight and dimensions entered on your product page will be taken into account to calculate the shipping costs. If we do not check the box, it will not be taken into account. This is very important to keep in mind because the price of shipping costs can vary substantially.

    We can consider a weight and dimensions for the entire set, by filling in the Shipping tab of our personalized product and then in each product check or not this box if we want it to add its weight and dimensions to the total. Woocommerce does not have this option by default. To do this you will need a plugin that allows you to configure the .

  • Priced Individually. This box is related to how we consider the price of the final product. If it has a single price regardless of the products that are added, we will not mark this…
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