Discover 10 types of digital products that you can sell with

For those who are not yet familiar with this market, there are different types of that can be sold at , these they are nothing more than informational materials that are created and distributed online.

In other words, a digital product provides information to educate, solve a problem, or otherwise make your life easier with respect to that focused topic.

This learning can be related to the most varied possible topics, such as: how to play a certain musical instrument, how to use software, how to prepare to study abroad, how to train your dog, how to edit videos, how to plan better financially , and as many other topics as you can imagine.

VIDEO | Types of digital products you can sell on

One of the main advantages of creating digital products and selling them on the Internet is that the benefits become scalable, since the sales opportunities are exponentially greater than face-to-face courses.

Depending on the niche you decide to work on, it remains to decide which format you like the most and, of course, the audience you want to offer your product to.

If it has caught your attention and you are curious about this market, read on and discover 8 types of successful digital products in the digital world!

1. Ebooks: effective digital products

Ebooks or digital books are one of the most popular types of digital products, as they are the simplest to be created, distributed and consumed by your customers.

With a word processor such as Word or Writer which is free, you can easily write your ebook and save it in PDF or ePub format, which are the most common formats to market this type of content.

Advantages of opting for the ebook as your digital product:

  • Instant delivery to the customer: no headaches to send your product to the consumer. It is possible to automate the delivery of the file and the client himself downloads the ebook.
  • The client can access the material on any device compatible with the file, which facilitates its study.
  • Once the ebook has been saved on the mobile or computer, there is no need to have the Internet to access it.
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for simpler content that is easy to assimilate and does not require visual demonstration.

2. Video classes: ‘s specialty

Videos are always successful, especially if people are involved. A very simple way is to prepare a suitable environment to teach the proposed topic.

Today some phones have excellent image capture and if you have a good device, you can start your video classes that way.

In addition, for your videos to be of acceptable quality, you need to do a little research on lighting and make sure that the audio is transmitted clearly, without noise. Invest in a lavalier or directional microphone for clean audio.

If you don’t do well in front of the cameras, you can invite a specialist to talk about it.

You can also make your videos in interview format and transform the recording into part of your digital product.

Video classes are ideal for materials that require demonstration, such as cooking classes. Learning is much easier when the learner has visual examples of what to do at each step.

VIDEO | Video classes: How can you start selling them online? | Q&A#49

3. Screencasts, a quick way to create videos

We’ve already had a specific post about screencasts here on the blog, but it’s worth highlighting this medium here again.

Screencasts are the fastest and easiest way to create a video. For those who don’t know, screencasts are videos shot from a computer screen. They are perfect for courses on how to use a software or a site. .

4. Audiobooks: a portable info product format

Audiobooks are narrated books compacted (usually) in MP3 format. Once you have the content, audiobooks are quite easy to produce, all you need is a good quality microphone and a place isolated from external noise.

The advantage of audiobooks is that people can put it on their iPod, smartphone or any other audio player and listen to its message while doing other things. Depending on the type of audience, this is a very effective medium.

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5. Podcasts: an example of an effective digital product

Podcasts are audio recordings that often simulate radio shows. Usually its content is based on interviews or discussions among a small group of people.

Podcasts can be recorded in conferences over the Internet, using Skype for example, and, like audiobooks, they have the advantage of being consumed through players such as iPods and smartphones, while the listener carries out other activities.

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6. Member Programs: enjoy exclusive content

The member sites, member program or simply Memberships are sites with private content, restricted only to authorized members, who normally pay for a membership to obtain this access.

This adhesion gives the right to access the content of the site for a few months.

This type of digital product is ideal for Private Clubs and Online Coaching programs. You can use this channel for text, audio or video formats.

In the case of courses, modules can be released as often as desired. To create a members area for your course/product, learn more about .

7. E-Magazines, digital products with regular editions

The e-Magazines, or simply e-Zines are electronic magazines. They can be produced in PDF format or also in private content format.

The main characteristic is that the e-Magazines have a defined periodicity, as well as the printed magazines, which guarantees the client that he will be able to acquire or access a new edition of the magazine every week, fortnight, month, etc.

This format is becoming more and more popular, especially now with tablets.

8. Online events: take advantage of selling live

Online events are one of the most demanded types of digital products for those looking to sell a product in a live meeting, which brings together people with common interests and who are looking for new experiences.

With it is possible to create events with variable durations, manage schedules and invite exhibitors, all of which will be available from a reserved area to house those who have the permits.

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9. Kits: the best combined digital products

Kits are sets of products of various types. They can mix ebooks with video classes and screencasts.

As all the files are in digital format, everything can be delivered through the Internet and, in this way, the consumer can enjoy the content in various types of media.

There is content that is more suitable in video format, others are better in audio, or in a text document.

Understanding which is the best format for each type of content is an excellent way to improve the quality and sales of your product, thus putting together a kit.

10. Subscriptions: generate recurring sales with

Subscription services have the advantage that they can be charged monthly, for this offers the possibility that a digital producer can configure the digital product that he sells as a subscription.

Through this format, the producer charges a fixed amount to its clients on a monthly basis, in exchange for them being able to access the content permanently for a certain period of time.

This business model usually generates high profitability, simplifies the work of producers, and improves the loyalty of customers with whom they already work.

Some questions… Do you have any knowledge that you think is worth sharing with other people? Do people often ask you for advice on a topic? If you can teach something that solves problems or makes life easier for other people, why not transform this knowledge into a digital product?

Now you know some of the most successful digital products! Excellent.

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Good business and until next time!

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