Discover How to Show Hidden Songs on Spotify – Premium Tuto

Now you can discover all the hidden songs of easier than ever! Finding that special artist you’ve been listening to for a long time, delving into the discography of your favorite singer or finding new hidden gems from the world of music is now a thing of the past. I discovered the deepest Spotify content with these simple steps:

1. Click on the search icon in your Spotify app. Once there, type the name of the artist you are looking for. Remember that the name does not necessarily have to be the official name of the artist. There are no limits to finding the song you were wanting to know.

2. Scroll down until you find the Hidden Song/Album section. This section is located below the artist’s explanation. You will notice that there are a large number of songs listed.

3. Browse through titles and versions. You may be surprised by what you will find. You will love discovering the wide variety of songs and albums that are available to listen to.

4. Enjoy the music you found. Once you have all these titles at your disposal, feel free to expand your music catalog. Share with your friends and family and tell them that you invite them to discover the best of music through Spotify. It’s a fun way to discover new artists!

As you can see, discovering hidden songs on Spotify is now much easier. We are very excited to share this resource that will allow us to discover music of all styles.

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  1. Log in to your and go to the control panel.
  2. Select the “Options” option in the left panel.
  3. A window will appear with the “Options” section. Select the “My preferences” option.
  4. At the bottom, there will be a blue box labeled “Show.” Check the box that says “Show hidden content.”
  5. Click the “Save” button to finish the configuration.
  6. Now go to your playlist. Navigate within it and you will be able to see all the songs that were previously hidden.
  7. Ready! You can now enjoy your favorite songs that were hidden before.
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How can I show hidden songs on Spotify?

To show the hidden songs in Spotify we must see if there is any option to display in the app. This can be achieved through the preferences menu, where we will look for the option “Show hidden songs”. If the option is available, we simply activate it so that all hidden songs and special lists are displayed; If it does not appear in the preferences menu, then we can try to download the latest version of Spotify in the to see if we receive such a feature with the update.

We must also keep in mind that there are certain versions of Spotify that do not allow you to show hidden songs or special lists, so we will not be able to do so without changing to a different version. So if we have already tried the previous two steps and still cannot find a way to see them, an alternative way is to use an external application to view them.

There are a variety of applications that can help us, from free applications to paid ones; Some offer the possibility of seeing hidden songs immediately, although there are also those that give us the facility to search for them from their databases. These applications provide a more direct and snapshot to see the hidden songs, in addition to having the possibility of interacting with them.

Is there a method to find songs not visible on Spotify?

Yes, there are definitely some methods to find songs not visible on Spotify. Some of these ways are:

1. Use title and keyword searches: This is a very effective way to find material that is not visible on Spotify. Simply enter the song title and a relevant keyword into Spotify’s search bar and visit the results page. If the song you’re looking for appears in the results, then it’s probably visible on Spotify.

2. Look at the artist’s website: You can go to the corresponding artist’s website and check if the song is available on Spotify. If you see a Spotify link on the page, it means the song is visible on Spotify.

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3. Use third-party streaming services: There are some streaming services like SoundCloud, , Bandcamp and others, where you can find songs that are not necessarily visible on Spotify. Check out these services and see if you can find the song you’re looking for.

4. Check other streaming services: There are also many other online music services such as Apple Music, Music, Deezer, Music and others that offer a high level of musical variety. If the song you’re looking for isn’t visible on Spotify, then it probably is on one of these other streaming services.

Is it possible to discover old and unreleased songs on Spotify?

Yeah, it is possible to discover old and unpublished songs on Spotify. Some platforms allow the download of new and old music without restrictions or costs, such as:

  • SoundCloud: Allows its users to build albums, playlists and stories using any type of audio, from old music to original creations.
  • Bandcamp – A music purchasing website that encourages independent artists to share their music with the world.
  • TIDAL – A high-quality audio streaming service offering exclusive artist transcriptions.

Additionally, there are many online radio stations where you can old and unpublished. These provide a unique experience and feature a variety of musical styles, from 70s jazz songs to modern songs. Some of these stations are:

  • BBC Radio 1 – Offering updated content every day, including live events and special editions.
  • Vintage FM Radio – Offers classic singers from all decades, from the 1930s to today.
  • Pop Gold Radio: they play old songs from the 60s and 70s, as well as rock and roll, soul and punk.

And if you still need to get access to old, unreleased songs, many record libraries have thousands of old songs, some even dating back to the 20th century. These places can be ideal for finding old and rare music.

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Is it advisable to use third-party applications to search for hidden songs on Spotify?

It is advisable use third party applications for hidden in Spotify, as they have a lot of useful features that cannot be found natively on the platform. Between them:

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  • Advanced searches: Third-party apps allow more detailed searches by artist name, album, and song, which is not possible with Spotify search.
  • Custom search channels: These tools also allow you to create personalized search channels, where you can to your favorite playlist.
  • Search for musical styles: Allows you to explore music within a variety of musical styles to discover new artists and songs you like.

Apart from these features, third-party apps have some additional functionalities like creating playlists, personalized recommendations, sharing songs with other people, and much more. These tools are also usually very easy to use and offer an intuitive interface, making them very easy for new users to learn.

Since third-party apps offer a lot of useful tools, we highly recommend using these apps to find hidden songs on Spotify. Once discovered, these songs can be easily added to your favorite playlist.


With a little ingenuity and creativity we have discovered how to unlock hidden songs on Spotify. Thanks to this information, users will not have to waste time searching for desired songs on the Internet.

Now they have the possibility of entering some to find unknown songs that they probably wouldn’t have found otherwise.

These tools are useful for those who want to experience new songs and discover the great world of music. So, there’s no excuse not to expand your playlist and enjoy the best music Spotify has to offer!

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