ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR: how to fix it in Chrome

In Chrome the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR code indicates that it has been detected a problem with the secure connection with the server contacted.

If you want to know how to fix this errorin the following article you will find all the necessary procedures to achieve this.

Causes of the error

This problem can be caused by both the server and the browser. In the first case, the error occurs when the SSL/TLS certificate of the website you want to access has expired. Likewise, it is likely that some external faults may interfere with the exchange of certificates.

If the error occurs on the part of the browser, the causes are also diverse. Because of this, there is no general solution for this error, different possible solutions must be tried.


It is recommended to try any of the following procedures to resolve the error:

Restart the router

Although it is one of the most well-known and simplest methods, it is also quite effective. In general, connection failures tend to disappear after this, although if the problem persists it may try factory reset the router.

Check the system date and time

The problem with the SSL/TLS connection may be due to the system date and time not being correct, so It is recommended to check that these values ​​are correct. Otherwise SSL/TLS connections may not load correctly.

Clear SLL and browser cache

In many cases, the outdated cache stored in the browser can be the cause of the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Chrome, as well as the SSL cache. Therefore, It is advisable to remove it periodically and thus avoid problems when browsing.

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Clear Chrome cache

To do this, you must enter the browser and click on the three dots, then follow the path “Settings > Privacy and security > Clear Browsing data > Clear data”. To troubleshoot the certificate all caches must be deleted.

Clear SLL cache

In Windows go to “control Panel”, then proceeds to “Network and Internet” and enter “Internet Options”. Click on the “tabContent” and select “Clear SSL status”. Once the cleanup is complete, check if the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error has been fixed.

Note: In most Operating Systems the cache is called “SLL state”.

Check the hosts file

Although the hosts file is used only for assigning addresses on local networks, it is sometimes necessary to clean it to prevent malicious programs from modifying it and causing errors such as ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. To do this, you must do the following:

  1. Press the Windows key and “R” at the same time to open the program “Execute”.
  2. Then enter the path “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc” and press “Accept”.
  3. Then open the file “hosts” with some text editor.

Note: to access the hosts file on other Operating Systems, the access path may vary. On macOS and Linux the path is “/etc/hosts”.

Disable extensions

While extensions are quite useful, they can also cause errors. When this occurs, one of the options to solve it is Temporarily disable all extensions.

To do this, open Chrome and press the three dots icon, then select “More tools” and click “Extensions”. Then disable the extensions, one by one, and restart Chrome. Finally, confirm if the error has been resolved when trying to access the page in question.

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Note: To reactivate the extensions it will only be necessary to check the “Activate” box next to the corresponding extension.

Disable antivirus and firewall

Antivirus or firewalls may prevent access to certain web pages, since the security parameters may determine that the IP address is a risk. Therefore, temporarily deactivate the security protocols and try to access the website in question again.

Disable the QUIC protocol

To do this, go to Chrome and in the navigation bar enter the path “chrome://flags/#enable-quic”. By default you will be directed to the protocol entry, which will indicate that the QUIC is active. To deactivate it select “Deactivate” and restart the browser with the pop-up button.

Update the browser

Finally, you can try updating Chrome to its latest version. This is because outdated versions increase the chance of experiencing the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error. Therefore, It is recommended to keep your browser updated.

Although Chrome automatically checks for new updates every time your computer starts, it is advisable to always keep your browser tabs open so that update notifications are active.

In this way you can solve the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Google Chrome, simply and without complications.

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