Euskaltel customer area: how to access and consult invoices

From the Euskaltel customer area you can carry out a multitude of procedures related to your line. We will tell you what this platform is for, everything you can process and how you can access it from the website and from the Euskaltel app.


What is the Euskaltel customer area?

offers its customers a private area so they can manage their line and carry out certain procedures without having to call the customer service department.

He Euskaltel customer area It is completely free, but it is only available to the operator’s users, who will be able to access both through the website and through the Euskaltel app.

Access the Euskaltel customer area from the website

Before accessing your client area from the web for the first time, you will have to . To do this, you must select the “Sign up” option within the access icon that you will find in the upper right corner of the web.

Once you have completed the registration, you must follow these simple steps to access the Euskaltel customer area from the website:

  1. Access the Euskaltel website and click on the access icon.
  2. Enter your email, NIF or telephone and password.
  3. Select “Access to your account”.

once you are within your client areathe first thing you will see will be a summary that will show you information about your last bill, the latest procedures you have processed, relevant news about the company and the procedures most requested by users.

When you register, the user you have created will also serve to access the Euskaltel customer area from the app.

Access the Euskaltel customer area from the app

To access your customer area from the Euskaltel appThe first thing you should do is download the free application on your mobile. To do this you have to access the Google Play Store or App Store, depending on the operating system of your mobile.

Yes, it’s first time you enter your Euskaltel customer area, you must register before accessing, as it happens on the web. To do this you will have to enter the following information of the line holder: NIF, bank account, email address and password.

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next time you want access your customer area from the app You will only have to enter your email, NIF or telephone number and password. If you want to stay logged in, you must check the “Do not log out” box.

What procedures can I do from the Euskaltel customer area?

Inside of the Euskaltel customer area You will find different sections from which you can carry out a multitude of procedures related to your line.

Next, we detail all the information that you will find in each of the sections of your Euskaltel customer area and the steps you can take from each of them:

  • Bills: from this section you can see and download your invoices.
  • Products: within this section you will find information on each of the services you have contracted with Euskaltel. These are the steps you can take:
    • Management on mobile telephony: check your consumption for the current month, change the rate, check the PUK number, recharge your prepaid card…
    • Internet management: view information about your rate, consult and modify Euskaltel email accounts, activate router mode, configure the WiFi network, change the passwords for your user, email, takeoff service, FTP account and WiFi network.
    • Management on the landline: modify your rate, check the minutes consumed and activate new services such as voice mail, call bonuses…
    • Management of the television service: activate extras such as Premium channels or channel packs, add equipment.
  • Offers: from this option you can see the promotions and discounts that you have active.
  • management: Within this section you can see the latest steps you have requested such as orders, claims and breakdowns. You can also notify new breakdowns or claims.
  • Personal information: from this section you can see and modify your personal data.

See your invoices in the Euskaltel customer area

In the Euskaltel bills You will be able to see all the data related to billing, your personal data, the total to be paid, the itemized consumption and the evolution of your call and data consumption.

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One of the steps that customers carry out most through the Euskaltel customer area is the consult and download your invoices.

  1. to see your Euskaltel bills You will have to access your customer area from the app or from the company’s website.
  2. Once inside, select the option “Bills” and click on “See all”.
  3. Choose the invoice you want to consult. In this section you can view and download your latest bill and the invoices of the last months.

From this section you can also activate the electronic invoicechange the language or activate email alerts.

He Euskaltel billing period extends from the 22nd to the 21st of the following month. Between the 22nd and 24th of each month you will have the invoice available, which will be charged before the end of the month.

If some month it has not been possible to collect your invoice, these are the available options you have to pay an outstanding Euskaltel invoice:

  • In banks or at BBK, Kutxa, BBVA, Caja Vital and Caja Laboral ATMs. In the “Your invoice” section, from the Client Area you will be able to see the invoices that you have pending and download the payment form that you must take to the bank.
  • through the online banking or telephone banking in any of the aforementioned entities. You must indicate the issuing entity number, the reference, the identification data and the amount.

Euskaltel invoices for companies If you have contracted one of the Euskaltel rates for companies, you will also be able to carry out all the procedures, such as checking your Euskaltel Business invoicefrom your Client Area.

Activate roaming from the Euskaltel customer area

If you are a Euskaltel customer and you are going on a trip, we recommend that you check if you have roaming activated. Otherwise, you may have to pay an extra cost if you use your rate outside of Spain. Follow these simple steps to activate roaming from the Euskaltel customer area:

  1. Access your client area from the Euskaltel app or from the web.
  2. Enter the main menu and select “Products”.
  3. Once inside, go to “Mobile” and select your phone number.
  4. Within the section “Services”click “Activate services”.
  5. Once you have accessed “Restrictions”in the international calls section, check the box “Enable” and “Accept”.
  6. Click again on “Activate services”.
  7. Within the section “Roaming”check the “Enabled” box and “Accept”.
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In case you want deactivate Euskaltel roamingyou will have to follow the same steps but in step 7 you will have to check the “Disabled” box.

Change your rate in the Euskaltel customer area

Currently, from the Euskaltel customer area, you can only modify your mobile and landline rate. In case you want to change your Internet or television rate, you will have to call .

If you like modify your Euskaltel mobile rate:

  1. Within your client area, access “Products” > “Mobile”.
  2. Select the line in which you want to make the change.
  3. Click on “Modify” and choose the rate you want to hire.

For change your Euskaltel landline rate:

  1. Access your client area and enter “Products” > “Fixed”.
  2. In the Flat Rate section you will see the rate you have contracted and you can modify it by clicking on “Add flat rate”.

Notify a fault in the Euskaltel customer area

Yeah you have suffered a breakdown in any of the services you have contracted, you can notify the company through your client area.

  1. Once you have accessed your client area, enter “Managements”.
  2. Click on “Notify Fault”.
  3. Indicates the product in which you have the fault (Internet, landline, TV or mobile).
  4. In the event that you have contracted more than one service for each product, indicate which one you have the incident with and click “Next”.
  5. Make a comment, if you consider it necessary, and after adding a contact telephone number, click on “Report”.
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