Find an iPhone at the bottom of the ocean in perfect condition and return it to its owner

The co-founder of an ocean cleanup company describes his latest find.

They recover an iPhone lost at the bottom of the sea

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Some stories deserve to be told, such as the story about an iPhone sunk to the bottom of the sea that endured all the elements typical of the ocean and ended up in the hands of its rightful owner thanks to an ocean cleanup company. A story similar to that before returning to the hands of its owner.

Join us to discover all the curiosities about this iPhone sunk to the bottom of the sea and how it was recovered by a man named Alex Schulze, who subsequently proceeded to return it to its owner.

The owner of the iPhone could not even believe that they had found his smartphone

alex schulze he has collected all kinds of smartphones in the ocean due to his work. But, so far, only one has gone on. And it was an iPhone.

“Most of the time, the phones are just locked up or have been destroyed by sea salt.”

He is the co-founder and CEO of the company 4ocean, in charge of cleaning the sea. While looking for trash in South Florida, he came across an iPhone with a waterproof case.

“It seemed to be in good shape. I brought it to our office where I loaded it up and looked up the emergency contacts on the lock screen.”

Then Alex Schulze called the owner’s mother and returned it to her. 4ocean employees have withdrawn more than 13 million kilos of garbage of the ocean. The company collects the plastic and recycles it to create necklaces and bracelets.

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The most common is to find single use plastics like bottles. But the strangest things they have found are not treasure pirates… but bodies, something they say has been “very heavy”.

It is not the first and probably not the last time that we discover a story similar to this. In fact, this news has reminded us a lot of a user that in perfect condition. Sometimes, luckily, stories have a happy ending.

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