Fix Error in Widevine Content Decryption Module

Various errors interrupt the Internet experience of computer users, affecting web browsers and preventing access to the sites that need to be visited.

Chrome does not escape this, during its use a bug has been reported that does not allow the playback of encrypted audio and video. Below we will tell you how to fix this annoying problem by fixing the error in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

How can you fix the error in Chrome

Being able to view HTML5 video and audio protected by Digital Rights Management is one of the advantageous options that using the Google Chrome web browser gives you; However, this function is affected by a error in Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

Before proceeding to fix the error in Widevine content decryption module in Chrome, you need to understand what is this feature of the Google Chrome browser and what is it useful for.

The Widevine Content Decryption Module (CDM), It is a built-in Chrome plugin whose basic function is allow the playback of HTML5 digital audio and video content encrypted for DRM protection.

DRM -Digital Rights Management- is a technological system that is applied to digital content as a guarantee of correct use and appropriate to its requirements, of the audiovisual services offered through web browsers.

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With digital rights management technologies, content developers establish the guidelines under which your media property may be displayed or copied by third parties.

This is a protection that limits browser access to some video and audio formats, some content can be viewed with Adobe Flash support, while currently audiovisual services use .

In the case of the Google Chrome web browser, you can access DRM-protected HTML5 audio and video files with the Widevine content decryption module.

As we already indicated, the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome is a browser add-on, it is not installed through third parties, but is added automatically when you first install the browser on your computer.

In theory, with Each update of the Chrome browser updates said component and audio and video playback must occur correctly.

However, this is not always the case and the display of this type of content is interrupted when the error message appears in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

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The browser also uses this component and in the same way, problems are experienced during its use due to the error in the Widevine content decryption module.

What the message indicates: Widevine content decryption module error in Chrome

Generally speaking, when the error message pops up in Widevine content decryption module in Chrome, you will not be able to see or audiovisual HTML5 protected by DRM technology.

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This is one of the faults that most affects full access to content from popular audiovisual transmission platforms: Netflix, Prime, and similar sites.

If you disable, deactivate or delete the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome you will not have access to these contents, because this plugin does not runtherefore the browser does not decrypt the DRM protection.

Notes of interest:

The error in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome can also manifest itself with a message specifying that the component is missing from the browser.

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When the error in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome manifests itself when playing media content on Netflix, it is announced with the message: Netflix error M7357-1003.

Causes of error in Widevine content decryption module in Chrome

Problems with the Widevine content decryption module are usually caused by three direct causes:

  • When no automatic update occurs of the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome or it fails during its process.
  • When The module is not located or recognized Widevine content decryption in Chrome among its components. That is, it is not integrated into the browser.
  • The security features of your program antivirus or firewall prevent it from running the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome, as a plugin to play HTML5 audiovisual content.

Learn how to fix the error message in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome

Of course, a correction must be applied accordingly to each cause, and sometimes the application of more than one of the existing procedures will be required to correct the error in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

Thus, as correction options you can try the following solution methods:

Solution 1. Update Widevine Content Decryption Module in Chrome from Chrome Components Page

To apply this method we recommend following these steps:

  1. Start the browser Google Chrome. (Preferably with ).
  2. In the Address Bar add the text:
  3. When the page URL opens, locate the Widevine CDM component.
  4. Click on the button which is under the title Widevine content decryption module.
  5. At the end of the process, also refresh the browser page.
  6. Restart the computer and check if the error message persists in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

Please note that this update process may fail or be interrupted, if this is the case, apply the next method to verify that you are a user with full control to access and reapply the component update.

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Solution 2. Verify and Enable Full User Control Login for Widevine Content Decryption Module Editing

This solution for the Widevine content decryption module error message tells you that you need to modify your user privileges settings.

To do this you must follow these steps:

  1. Press the keys together Windows + R to display the box Execute.
  2. In the search bar of the painting Execute add the text: %userprofile%/appdata/local.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. In the next window, locate the Google folder and double click on it.
  5. In the next box click on Chrome and in the new display click on the folder User Data (User Data).
  6. Within User Data Click, with the right mouse button, on the folder WidvineCdm and when the menu opens, select the option Properties.
  7. In the tab Security check your registration Username and in Permissions check it is checked Total control. (The option must be checked under the item Allow).
  8. Press okay.

If the option is not checked Total controlyou must proceed to change the configuration in this way:

  1. Click on the button Edit.
  2. When the box opens you must uncheck the item Deny.
  3. Press Apply and finally press Okay.
  4. Restart the browser Google Chrome.
  5. Enter the URL again chrome: // components / locate the Widevine content decryption module component in the list and click Check for update.

Solution 3. Temporarily disable antivirus and/or firefall software

The error message in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome may appear due to the functions of the antivirus or firefall software that you have activated on your computer.

These security features sometimes Block WidevineCdm updates; Therefore you can choose temporarily disable security software and check if the error appears when the antivirus or firewall is not working.

To proceed with this temporary disabling you must:

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  1. Locate the icon for access to your security software and click on it with the right mouse button.
  2. In the displayed menu select the option Deactivate.
  3. In the next window you can define the time in which it will be disabled the antivirus program. It is recommended to indicate the minimum available disabling time period.
  4. By disabling antivirus start Google Chrome again and try to access the content you require to see if the error persists in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome.

You can too disable firewallfor it :

  1. In Start enter the text control Panel in the search barpress Enter and select the result.
  2. In control Panel select the option Security system and in the right panel of the same window select windows firewall.
  3. In the new window click on the option Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
  4. Now click on the option disable windows firewall.
  5. Restart your team.
  6. Check if the error persists in the Widevine content decryption module in Chrome by opening the affected page.
  7. Go back to update component from URL chrome://components/.
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If it is not corrected and the error persists, it is not a problem with the security functions and you should try another correction method.

Don’t forget to re-enable security features after updating the Widevine content decryption module component in Chrome, reversely following the process described above.

Note: If you confirm that the security functions of your antivirus generate errors with the operating system and web browsers, you can change your security software for another, whose characteristics do not interfere with its configurations, such as Bitdefender, you can also consult other options in our entry : .

Solution 4. Delete and Update WidevineCdm Component Folder Again

To proceed with this solution in Chrome you must:

  1. Sign in to Windows with Administrator privileges. (Chrome browser must be closed).
  2. Press the keys together Windows + R to open the box Execute.
  3. In the search bar of Execute add the text: %userprofile%/appdata/local.
    Press Enter.
  4. In the new window, successively locate and click on each one, the folders: Google – Chrome – User data.
  5. Opens User Data and in the list locate the folder WidevineCdm.
  6. Click on it with the right mouse button and select Eliminate.
  7. Now you must access the .
  8. In it Task Manager press, with the right mouse button on Chrome Entries.
  9. In the display select the option Finish homework.
  10. Now update module component to decrypt Widevine content in Chrome, following the steps detailed in Solution number 1.
  11. At the end restart your computer.

Note: You can also delete the Widevine content decryption module component folder in Chrome by pressing the keys together. Shift + Delor drag the folder to the Recycle Binand then you must empty it.

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Solution 5. Apply reset or reinstall Chrome


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