Frameworks in PHP

Hello. • Programming in a framework is more than a necessity, it is a tool. It allows you to save many codes. Can you imagine hiring someone who doesn’t know what a framework is? It may be that you don’t know much about PHP or that you don’t have a lot of experience, or you haven’t really bothered to upgrade. • A framework allows you to develop web applications much faster. Now, talking about why companies don’t ask for it. We are in Latin America, those of us who are. Companies are under the model “I must hire someone who knows less than me to pay them less” or “I must hire someone who knows how to do things but I can understand them”. Few programmers use frameworks for their projects, and most of them are freelancers. With so much joomla and drupal in Latin America, frameworks like cakePHP and Zend are hardly served, even though Cake already has documentation in Spanish. The reasons why I have seen that they do not ask for people with knowledge of frameworks is because: If the company uses frameworks: • They will teach the employee to master them, if he is able • If they ask you to know less, they pay you less • OR Well, they don’t want to put “you should know all this” because nobody will fill out the application. If the company does not use frameworks: • They will fear many times that you can take their clients • They have not used frameworks before • They focus on a service (sometimes cheap) to the client and do not update • There are not many personnel who know frameworks I have I have also come across other companies that do use quite complete frameworks. (Besides, they also use SVN, everything with linux, etc.) It often depends on where you are looking, some admit staff from another country, some others ask you to be there all day. It all depends on where you are and where you are willing to work (and what you have to sacrifice, because some jobs require them). I hope I have oriented you well about the importance of frameworks. Any comment is welcomed 😉

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