Functions in Excel: complete list by categories

FunctionDescriptionCOUNTCounts the number of cells in a range that has numbers.COUNTIF SETCounts the number of cells in a range that meets several conditions.AVERAGEAdds several quantities and divides them by the number of addends.AVERAGEIF SET (Excel 2019 )Calculates the arithmetic mean of the cells that meet a condition.DEVPROMReturns the average of the absolute deviations from the mean.AVERAGEAverage of its arguments, including numbers, text and logical values.AVERAGE.SIAverage of all cells that meet conditions .BETADISTCumulative beta distribution function.BETADIST.INVInverse function of the cumulative distribution function of a given beta distribution.BINOMDIST.NProbability of a discrete random variable with a binomial distribution.BINOMDIST.SERIEProbability of a result of test with binomial distribution.INV.BINOMDisplays the smallest value whose cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value.CHIDIST and INV.CHICADCumulative beta probability density function.CHIDIST.CDProbability of one-tailed chi distribution square.INV.CHICQUAD.CDReturns the inverse probability function of a one-tailed chi square distribution.TEST.CHICQUADIndependence test.INTERVAL.CONFIDENCE.NORMDisplays the confidence interval of the mean of a population.INTERVAL.CONFIDENCE.TDisplays the interval of confidence of a population using a Student’s t distribution.COEF.OF.CORRELCorrelation coefficient between two setsCOUNTACounts the values ​​in the list.COUNTBLANKCounts the number of blank cells.COUNTIFCounts the number of cells that meet conditions given.COVARIANCE.PDreduces the covariance (Average of the products of the deviations for each pair of data points).COVARIANCE.MReturns the example covariance (Average of the product deviations for each pair of data points in two sets) .DEVIA2Sum of the squares of the deviations.DIST.EXP.NExponential distribution.DIST.F.RT and DIST.F.CDProbability distribution F.INV.F and INV.F.CDInverse function of the probability distribution F.TEST. F.NResult of a test F.FISHERFisher transformation.TEST.FISHER.INVInverse function of the Fisher transformation.FORECASTValue in a linear trend. In Excel 2016, this function is replaced by FORECAST.LINEAR.FORECAST.ETS (Excel 2016) Future value based on historical values ​​using the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing algorithm (HTA). FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT (Excel 2016) Sample a confidence interval for the predicted value at a given future date.FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY (Excel 2016)Calculates the length of the repeating pattern for the specified time series.FORECAST.ETS.STATISTICS (Excel 2016)Deduces a statistical value as a result of time series forecasting.LINEAR FORECAST (Excel 2016)Future value based on existing values.FREQUENCYFrequency distribution as a vertical matrix.GAMMA (Excel 2013)Value of the Gamma function.GAMMA DIST (Excel 2010)Gamma distribution .GAMMA.DIST.INVInverse function of the cumulative gamma distribution.GAMMA.LN and GAMMA.LN.EXACTNatural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x).GAUSS (Excel 2013)Returns 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution .MEAN.GEOMGeometric mean.GROWTHDeduce values ​​in an exponential trend.MEAN.ARMOHarmonic mean.HYPERGEOM DISTRICTHypergeometric distribution.INTERSECTION.AXISCalculates the intersection of the linear regression line.CURTOSISCurtosis of a data set.K.ESIMO.MAYORK- TH largest value of a data set.LINE ESTIMATIONParameters of a linear trend.LOGARITHMIC ESTIMATIONParameters of an exponential trend.LOGNORMDISTCumulative log-normal distribution.INV.LOGNORMInverse function of the cumulative log-normal distribution.MAXCalculates the largest value of a list.MAXACalculates the maximum value of a list including numbers, text and logical values.MAX.IF.SET (Excel 2019)Calculates the maximum value between cells that meet conditions or criteria.MEDIANAMedian of the given numbers.MINCalculates minimum value of a list.MINAMinimum value of a list including numbers, text and logical values.MIN.IF.SET (Excel 2019)Minimum value between cells that meet conditions.MODE.VARIOUSVertical array of the most frequently repeated values.MODE. ONEMost common value of a set.NEGBINOM.DISTNegative binomial distribution.NORM.DISTCumulative normal distribution.INV.NORMInverse function of the cumulative normal distribution.NORM.DIST.STAND.NCumulative standard normal distribution.INV.NORM.STANDInverse function of the cumulative standard normal distribution.PEARSONCalculates the Pearson product correlation moment coefficient.PERCENTILE.EXCK-th percentile of the values ​​in a range (K is in the range 0 to 1 and is exclusive).PERCENTILE.INCK-th percentile of the values ​​in a range.RANGE.PERCENTILE.EXCRange of a value in a data set as a percentage (0 to 1, exclusive).RANGE.PERCENTILE.INCProposes the percentage rank of a value in a data set.PERMUTATIONSNumber of permutations of a given number.PERMUTATIONS.A (Excel 2013)Number of permutations of a given number of objects (with repetitions) selected from a total.FI (Excel 2013)Value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.POISSON.DISTDistribution of Poisson.PROBABILITYProbability that the values ​​of a range are between two limits.QUARTILE.EXCQuartile of the data set, based on the percentile values ​​from 0 to 1, exclusive.QUARTILE.INCQuartile of a data set.HIERARCHY.MEAN and HIERARCHY. EQVHierarchy of a number in a list of numbers.COEFFICIENT.R2Square of the Pearson product correlation moment coefficient.COEFFICIENT.ASYMMETRYAsymmetry of a distribution.COEFFICIENT.ASYMMETRY.PAsymmetry of a distribution based on a population.SLOPESlope of the linear regression line .K.LOWEST.K-th smallest value in a data set.NORMALIZATIONNormalized value.STDEV.PStandard deviation of the entire population.STDEV.MDStandard deviation of a sample.STDEVESTCalculates the standard deviation of a sample, including numbers, text, and values logical.STDEVStandard deviation of the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values.TYPICAL.ERROR.XYDeduct the standard error from the predicted “y” value for each “x” in the regression.TNDIST and TDIST. 2CReturns the percentage points (probability) of the Student’s t distribution.TDIST.CDStudent’s t distribution.INV.TCCalculates the t value of the Student’s t distribution based on probability and degrees of freedom.INV.T .2CInverse function of the Student’s t distribution.TEST.TProbability associated with a Student’s t test.TRENDValues ​​in a linear trend.MEAN.BOUNDEDMean of the interior of a data set.VAR.PVarian of the entire population.VAR.SVariance from a sample.VARAVariance from a sample, including numbers, text, and logical values.VARPACalculates the variance of the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values.WEIBULLDISTWeibull distribution.TEST.ZValue of a one-tailed probability of a z test.

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