GUIDE: How to Search People’s Emails?

Perhaps you are looking for the email of the CEO of a company or an influencer that you have been following for a long time. In this post we tell you how to find people on LinkedIn, Sales Navigator or any company site. You will get instant access to millions of contacts.

Top 6 methods to search emails of people?:

  • 1: Use email search services.
  • 2: Use Twitter’s advanced search
  • 3: Search email directly from LinkedIn.
  • 4: Search for emails through websites.
  • 5: Use an alternative search engine.
  • 6: Through WHOIS lookup tools.

If what you are looking for is not exactly the email of several people, but to search and investigate the email of a specific person (spouse or children perhaps), we recommend using monitoring applications for this purpose. Take a look at this one, for example:


Incoming / Outgoing emails

mSpy provides email monitoring for iOS and Android devices

  • Read all incoming and outgoing emails.
  • Check the date and time of each email.
  • Track recipient information.
  • Compatible with: iOS (with and without Jailbreak) / Android 4.0 onwards.

How to find a free email?

In this article, I’m going to show you several ways to find an email for 100% free. We will help you make your first contact, as email is the perfect way to start building a professional relationship.

Always make sure that you are completing the contact process in the correct way, every professional has two types of email accounts, personal and professional.

Professional email is usually made up of “name + @domain/company”. If you send emails to a personal contact it can create SPAM, reputation and GDPR issues, so be careful with that.

1: Use email lookup services.

Email search tools are perhaps the easiest way to find an email address. Just tell them a person’s name and website and they will do magic to find an email.

There are hundreds of these tools on the market, and some are better than others. Know some examples:

Hunter: fully automated and very easy to use

It is used similarly to when you search for email addresses among salespeople and recruiters on Google. The difference is that before you found if you were lucky.

The problem is that Google isn’t built to look up email addresses, even with advanced operators. However, Email Hunter comes to our rescue as it crawls the entire web and indexes (almost) all publicly available email addresses.

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Hunter crawls the web and indexes publicly available professional email addresses. The data is easily accessible through a simple user interface to find the right person in a company or know how to contact already identified professionals.

We follow these steps to find the email address:

  1. You look for the website of the company the person works for.
  2. You enter email addresses using the same domain name (ie all email addresses with
  3. You check if there is an email address that matches the profile.
  4. If there isn’t, we use the most common pattern to get the most likely email address.

To provide more accurate results, you also use SMTP checks to check deliverability and score the quality of feeds (the pages where email addresses are publicly displayed on the web).

Name2Email is the leader with a 92% success rate

It is an extension for Chrome, free and does not limit the number of searches. You only have one drawback: you can’t do bulk searches for email addresses.

To find anyone’s email for free, just enter the person’s first name, last name, and corporate domain name in the “To:” field of the Gmail Composer tab and Name2Email will automatically suggest the email address for you. correct email.

Once the email address is found, click on it and it will automatically be inserted into the “To:” field of your recipient.

Input format: First name Last name

FindThatLead, very easy to use email search engine

It has a built-in email search engine that is very easy to use (“Email Search”)once the search is done, the tool will give you professional emails with names, surnames and titles.

It is divided into 3 sub-tools, but we are going to focus on these two:

“Search by name”

Search by name is a very simple and intuitive tool. The first section consists solely of entering the name of the target person (if we know it) and the domain of the company where they work.

“Search by domain”

Personally, Search by domain is the tool I prefer when I’m looking for an email and I’m interested in contacting someone from a company, but I don’t know their first or last name.

Next, we explain, step by step, what you should do:

  1. Download the .
  2. Create an account, it’s free.
  3. Next, in your Google Chrome browser, search for the website (company website or social network) of the person you are interested in
  4. Hit the “Get Emails” button and you’re done.
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2: Use Twitter’s advanced search

Twitter users often share their email addresses in his tweets. But to hide them from bots, they substitute the symbols “.” and “@” for “dot” and “at”.

This is the procedure you must follow:

  1. Go to Twitter Advanced Search.
  2. Look for the words “at” and “dot” in your target person’s tweets. You can also include words like “email”, “contact” or “reach” in your search to limit the results.

Some people don’t even bother to encrypt their email addresses in their tweets.

Related article:

3: Search for email directly from LinkedIn

If the person you want to contact has LinkedIn, what you need is the . It is easy to use and allows you to find the email of any user of this social network.

This is what you should do:

  1. Create a free account.
  2. Scan the profiles that interest you.
  3. Then, you can download a CSV with all the professional emails. automates all actions of your Linkedin profile / Linkedin Sales Navigator / Linkedin Recruiter (Full & Lite) to help you grow hack lead generation without spending hours on screen.

These are some of its functions:

  1. Scan and visit 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade connections.
  2. Export your leads in CSV.
  3. Send invitations, messages and validate skills (endorsements).
  4. Generate qualified leads in an automated and segmented way.
  5. Visit up to 15,000 profiles per month.
  6. Scan up to 45,000 profiles per month.
  7. Delete unaccepted invitations.
  8. Send messages directly to groups without being connected.
  9. Send messages to seconds and third parties without being connected.
  10. Automatically follow target accounts.

4: Searching for emails through websites

Emails can often be found in plain sight on a company’s website, whether through press releases, contact pages, or content.

With a list of companies in mind, your team can go through each website to extract the emails you need to campaign.

Finding emails from websites is the most accurate solution because they come directly from company web pages.

Not all websites will contain the specific emails you are looking for, and website data mining can be a more effective solution for finding email patterns and maximizing CRM data coverage.

5: Use an alternative search engine

If you run an exact match search for “” on , you’ll get results for all publicly available email addresses associated with the domain.

You can include your prospect’s name in the search if you want to get in touch with someone in particularor just make it generic.

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This is a very practical method that works perfectly in DuckDuckGo and other search engines. Unfortunately, Google uses “@” for social media tags, and it doesn’t work on Bing either.

5: Through WHOIS lookup tools

If you’re trying to find the email address of someone who has a website (perhaps a freelance business owner, entrepreneur, or writer), their contact information can be found under their website information.

WHOIS data is used when registering a domain and is publicly availablegiving you information about who owns the domain.

Everyone with a website is required by law to share their contact details. Just head over to and search for the email domain of your choice.

How do I grow my business using email search?

Once you know how to use some of these tools, you will have useful tools in your hands that will make it easier for you to implement each of the stages of a marketing strategy for your business.

Through email search services, advanced search on Twitter or LinkedIn, you will have the email of the people who will open doors for you to grow your business without spending time hunting for those contacts.

Frequent questions:

How to search for an email in Gmail by first and last name?

To search for an email in Gmail by first and last name, you just have to put that data (belonging to the user you are interested in) in the search box. The list of accounts that match the criteria you entered will then appear. Click on an account to access its page.

How do you search for an email in Gmail?

When you want to search for an email in Gmail, in the search box above, enter your search terms. Press Enter. A list of emails will be displayed. To further refine your search, use the filter buttons below the search box or the search operators within the search box itself.

How to know a person’s email by their cell phone number?

If you want to know a person’s email by their number…

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