How to Activate Spell Checker in Word 2016

The application of words belongs to the package Microsoft Office and it has become one of the most used word processors worldwide, since it has a variety of very helpful tools, especially when writing, and many do not know how to activate the of Word 2016.

It is for this reason that in this article we will explain how to use these various tasks. administrative in charge, who will help you make the most of these very useful tools in Microsoft Word 2016.

Microsoft Word program

The program Microsoft Word is a text editor that allows users to use a wide set of functions They are designed for the convenience of working with this text program.

Thus, Microsoft Word is one of the best and most powerful text editors currently available, which unlike the Notepad and WordPad, It is not included in Windows, but is distributed as part of the Windows software package. Microsoft Office.

Also, this program has a large number of useful and convenient functions, which can be write big books in the programsince all the possibilities are described in great detail.

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It is because of that words It is a program that works and is a great help for writing documents, books, articles among othersin addition to being used in secondary or higher education, being very simple to write a essay, a term paper or a thesis in Word.

The Functions of the Microsoft Word program

The program of Microsoft Word It is the software that installs quickly, and its main program functions are the following:

  1. Allows you the editing, creation of text, and be able to save a document as a file with the required extension.
  2. Seeks the necessary file on an information medium, in addition to reading it from the disk.
  3. Manage to find the spelling errors in the existing text and review the vocabulary.
  4. Has the capacity to page the text.
  5. With the user you can format to the texts at their own discretion.
  6. Manage to have the ability to create a table of contents for the document.
  7. Have the multi-window mode integrated.
  8. Allows the impression of files of various formats.
  9. achieve remove the objects from a file and embed them in it.
  10. It allows insert and create images in the file, and you can insert ready-made photos, as well as using a library called CLIPARTwhich has ready-to-use drawings stored in any format and can be inserted into a file.
  11. Look for the insertion of scientific formulas and diagrams in the file.
  12. In it you can resize and the type of font used in the text.
  13. achieve highlight sections of text or block, as well as transferring them to a new location, and can be removed if necessary.
  14. Allows the creation and insertion in a spreadsheet file, and be able to change the number of the rows and columns at your own discretion.
  15. Search for the creation of databases spreadsheets and perform simple or complex mathematical calculations.
  16. Has the capacity to program in a language called Word Basic, as well as the creation of macros.
  17. They can be create letter envelopes, label and emblems.
  18. They can be insert video clips, special text effects, multimedia files and sound in the file.
  19. Has preview before printing in the text, with the possibility of enlarging it for better viewing.
  20. This program text editor It includes a help system, where the user can get help quite quickly.
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Uses of Microsoft Word

In Word it offers you many possibilities when it comes to create personal and professional documents that go beyond the simple text that has been created from scratch, since the use of designed templates by professionals to give it a better appearance.

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In this way, with these templates you can create reports, proposals, newsletters, brochures, catalogs, flyers, CVs, business cards, invoices, receipts, product packages, labels, invitations, gift cardsamong others.

In the same way, words It is compatible with many other programs, the most common being the other components of the office suite, and had the ability to evolve over the years with online subscriptions that offer access on multiple devices, as well as a free cloud-based version of Word.

The Automatic Spelling and Grammar Checker for Word 2016

The Word program automatically allows you to check the existence of the grammar and spelling errors so you don’t have to do any individual search.

These errors are highlighted different colors so that they can be easily identified in your document depending on their origin.

The colors are as follows:

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  • He Red color indicates that a word is misspelled or written.
  • He color blue indicates that there is a grammatical error, including misused words.

How to Configure Word 2016 Spell Checker

In the event that you wish to adapt or personalize the spell correction options for your document, You can do it according to your convenience, to do this you must follow the following steps:

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You have to click on the tab that says Archive to to access to the home screen, and then click on the Options.

After this a dialog box will appear and you must click on the function Revision.

After that at the bottom of the options box in the group called For correct spelling and grammar in Wordyou will be able to see the different options to choose from.

When you finish making the settings, you have to click on Accept.

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How to activate the Word 2016 Spell Checker

To activate the Word 2016 spell checker you must follow the following methods:

First Method

On Windows
In this case you must follow the following steps:

The first thing you should do is enter Microsoft Word and select in the program’s side menu the tab that says the “Options”.

When open in the Word options, the option is selected “Revision” and then in the option “Autocorrect.”

In the window of “Autocorrect” A number of options will be displayed that will be seen in the reference imagetherefore you must make sure that the indicated options are selected and accept them.

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Then you have to scroll down and you find another set of options “To correct spelling and grammar in Word.”

To finish, you must make sure that the following boxes are checked:

  1. Check Spelling while typing.
  2. Mark grammatical errors while writing.

Second Method

In this case you must follow the following steps:

You have to access the preferences from the main menu of the Manzanaand you will be able to see several options to adjust the Word preferencesin it, you must select the option “Spelling and grammar.”

When in the option of “Spelling and grammar” A series of options is displayed with different boxes, and at the bottom, there is the section “Grammar” where you have to make sure that the boxes for:

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  1. Check grammar as you write.
  2. Check grammar with spelling.

Once we have carried out these simple steps, we should see how the spelling checker It shows us those words that are misspelled.

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How to Correct Spelling Errors in Word 2016

Once Word has identified the error, you can proceed to correct it by following these steps:

You have to right click on the word you find underlinedand the menu of options and correction suggestions will be displayed automatically.

When doing the review, you have to take the most accurate suggestion that will be highlighted, and you must click on this to correct the error in the text.

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After that, the corrected word will appear in your document.

Note: It is very common for Word to mark words written in another language as spelling errors. language, non-common proper names or specific technical terms. In these cases you can ignore the error or simply click on the Add to dictionary option.

How to Hide Errors with Word 2016 Spell Checker

If you are sharing a document with someone, it is very common that you do not want the person to see that it is mark the errors that Word has found.

In order to hide the errors you have to follow these steps:

When you are in the tab Archiveyou have to click on Options.

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Then you will see a dialog boxand then you have to click on the function Review and go to the bottom of the dialog box.

After that you must click on the options Hide spelling errors only in this document and that of Disguise grammar mistakes only in this document, to finish you have to click on the option Accept.

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As could be seen Microsoft Word It has many tools that help you ensure that your text is in excellent condition to be presented, which is why keep the word spell checker 2016, following the methods presented in this article.

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