How to activate the iOS control center in all apps and configure it well

A good productivity option is offered by the Control Center. That place where we have direct access to numerous system functions and that allows us to perform many tasks in much less time than the one we would use if we had to go to the iPhone settings.

To achieve speed, the ideal is have the Control Center of our personalized device with the best settings and something very important, that we can access it from any application.

Configure the Control Center

Depending on the iPhone that we have, the Control Center is accessed in one way or another. If it is an iPhone with Face ID we access by sliding down the upper right cornerif we have an iPhone with Touch ID we slide up.

To access all the options of the Control Center and configure it to our liking we must follow these steps:

  • we headed up Settings > Control Center.
  • Inside we activate the option Access from apps.
  • Now we click on Customize controls.
  • We add or remove the controls that we are going to use the most.

have a Control center active at any time and personalized with the accesses that we most need until our productivity with our device increases considerably.

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