How to Activate WhatsApp: Step by Step Guide

As we know, WhatsApp is a voice and video calling and messaging application that can be used on mobile devices and computers. Its main objective is to be the way for users to send and receive text messages, images, videos and audio files over the Internet. It also allows you to make voice and video calls.

One of its main features is its security and, as part of this, that WhatsApp uses your phone number as your identifier on the platform, as well as to verify that you are the owner of the number. However, this can become a problem when, for whatever reason, you don’t want to share your phone number.

However, there are no eternal problems when it comes to technology, and this too has been solved. Here we show you all the answers to how to activate whatsapp? Let’s see:

To activate WhatsApp follow these steps:

  1. Download the WhatsApp app: On Android devices or on iPhone devices.
  2. Open WhatsApp and start the setup: You will have to enter your phone number and an SMS will be sent to you or a call will be made to verify your account.
  3. Start using WhatsApp: After your account is verified, you can start using WhatsApp immediately.

How to have WhatsApp on my mobile

Officially, to have WhatsApp you need to have a valid phone number and a SIM card in your device to be able to use the services of the platform. You also need to have access to an internet connection to be able to send and receive messages and make calls through the app.

But, as I told you before, there are other ways to use this platform and, without further ado, I will relate them to you below.

whatsapp with phone number

If you already have your phone with its corresponding SIM card and Internet connection, follow these steps:

  1. Download the WhatsApp app from your phone’s app store (for example, the Google Play Store on Android devices or the App Store on iPhone devices).
  2. Open the WhatsApp application and follow the instructions to set it up. You will be prompted to enter your phone number and verify your number via text message or phone call.
  3. Once you have verified your phone number, you can start using WhatsApp. Add to your contacts and start sending and receiving messages and calls.
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If you’re having trouble downloading or setting up WhatsApp, make sure you have enough free space on your phone and a stable internet connection. If you’re still having problems, try restarting your phone or check if there’s something wrong with your SIM card or internet connection.

How to have WhatsApp without phone number

Natively, you can’t. The platform requires you to have a valid phone number in order to activate WhatsApp. If you don’t have a phone number, you shouldn’t be able to use it. And I say “you shouldn’t”, because some tricks have been discovered that do allow it.

Use a landline number

You can install WhatsApp on a device that has a landline phone number by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a stable internet connection on the device where you want to install WhatsApp.
  2. Open your device’s app store (for example, the Google Play Store on Android devices or the App Store on iPhone devices).
  3. Find the WhatsApp application and select it.
  4. Click the “Install” or “Get” button to download and install the app on your device.
  5. Once the app has been downloaded and installed, open WhatsApp and follow the instructions to set it up. You will be prompted to enter your phone number and verify your number via text message or phone call.
  6. Once you have verified your phone number, you can start using WhatsApp. Add to your contacts and start sending and receiving messages and calls.

Use a virtual phone number

It is possible to use WhatsApp with a virtual phone number by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a stable internet connection on the device where you want to install WhatsApp.
  2. Get a virtual phone number. There are several options for getting a virtual phone number, such as virtual number messaging apps or online virtual number services.
  3. Download the WhatsApp app from your device’s app store (for example, the Google Play Store on Android devices or the App Store on iPhone devices).
  4. Open the WhatsApp application and follow the instructions to set it up. Instead of entering your real phone number, you must enter the virtual phone number that you have obtained.
  5. Verify your virtual phone number by following the WhatsApp instructions. This may include receiving a verification code via text message or phone call.
  6. Once you have verified your virtual phone number, you can start using WhatsApp. Add to your contacts and start sending and receiving messages and calls.
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What if I absolutely don’t want to use a phone number?

If this is the case, it’s time for you to consider other instant messaging apps. There are a few alternatives you can consider if you want to use a similar messaging app without having a phone number:

  • Web messaging applications: Some messaging apps, like Telegram, offer the option to use the app through a web browser instead of downloading it to your phone. This means that you do not need to have a phone number to use the app.
  • Messaging apps without phone number: There are some messaging apps that don’t require a phone number to sign up, like Skype or iMessage. These apps may be an option if you want to communicate with people who already use these apps.
  • Virtual number messaging applications: Some messaging apps allow you to use a virtual number instead of your real phone number. This may be an option if you want to use a messaging app without revealing your real phone number.

whatsapp on my cell phone

As we have seen, you can install WhatsApp on your cell phone without necessarily having to use your phone number, although it is essential to provide a phone number. We hope that you no longer have doubts about how to install whatsapp and share with us your experiences.

Frequent questions

How can I recover my WhatsApp account?

There are several ways to recover your WhatsApp account if you have forgotten your password or if you cannot access it for some other reason:

  • Verify your phone number: Make sure your phone number is correctly set up on your device and that you have access to it. If you have changed your phone number or have lost access to your phone number, you will not be able to recover your WhatsApp account.
  • Try to log in to WhatsApp: Open the WhatsApp application and select “Login” or “Create account”. If you can log in, it means your account is still active and you can access it.
  • Use the link “Have you forgotten your password?”: If you have forgotten your password, you can use the link “Have you forgotten your password?” to get it back. A recovery link will be sent to your email address associated with your WhatsApp account.
  • Use the “Sign in with another number” option: If you have changed your phone number and you no longer have access to the phone number associated with your WhatsApp account, you can use the “Log in with another number” option to log in with a different phone number. Please note that this will create a new WhatsApp account and you will lose access to your old account.
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