How to add a TikTok sound as a ringtone on your iPhone

Find out how to create your own custom ringtone or message.

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It is out of the question that TikTok It is one of the fashionable social networks today. In it it is possible to discover the latest trends and the most viral videos.

Thanks to TikTok, iPhone users have the opportunity to create and customize your own ringtones with sounds taken directly from the social network.

Whether you want to use a small snippet of the most viral song, your favorite artists or that latest dance from TikTok that you love so much… there is a very useful method to customize your iPhone ringtones with sounds from TikTok and other social networks.

How to create your own iPhone ringtone from your favorite TikTok artists

First of all, you must choose a TikTok video through which you want to extract a sound then use an app from the App Store to customize your ringtone. Be that as it may, below we give you the necessary instructions to do it from your iPhone. It is completely free and does not require the use of additional software or other devices.

1. Search for a video from or from any other social network.

2. Keep your finger pressed on the video and save it to your Photos albums.

3. Then download the app from the App Store.

4. Select the “Import from Video” option.

5. Find your TikTok video file and import it into the app.

6. Then press the “Make” button.

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7. 10. The next thing you want to do is download in the case where you do not have the app installed.

7. Keep your finger pressed on the resulting file and press “Share”.

8. Once shared, select the “Ringtone” option to create your custom ringtone.

9. Press the Export button located in the upper right corner.

10. When the export process is finished, a pop-up window will appear with the option “Use sound as…”, from here you can use the audio as standard ringtone, standard message tone or assign the tone to a specific contact.

That easy! If you have completed the steps in the proper order, you are now ready to enjoy your own TikTok ringtone. Remember that you can use any other type of video and audio to customize your ringtones. A very simple and very useful trick.

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