How to Block Podcasts on Spotify? Tricks and Tips to Optimize Your Playback – Premium Tutorial

Are you tired of listening to the same podcasts over and over again? If you are a user of , you can block podcasts you don’t want to listen to to optimize the listening experience and ignore those you don’t want to pay more attention to. Here we will show you to start blocking podcasts on Spotify and of your reproduction.

Blocking podcasts on Spotify is not difficult, you simply need to follow these steps:

  • Open the Spotify app.
  • Select the sidebar located at the top left.
  • Go to “Your Podcasts.”
  • Choose the podcast you want to block.
  • Click the gear icon on the right side of the screen.
  • You will see the “Block content” option and click on it.

This way, the podcast episodes will still be in your library but you will no longer hear any fragments of it. To unlock it again, follow the same steps described above and enter your Spotify password.

Finally, there are some to optimize your playback experience. Grow your podcast library by downloading content you know you’ll listen to. This prevents the list from filling up with episodes that you don’t want or that aren’t of interest to you.


  1. Open the Spotify app on your device.
  2. Search for the podcast you want to block in the search bar.
  3. Once found, press the “Follow” button to begin the blocking process.
  4. Type the keyword “Block” into the app’s search field.
  5. A list of blocked podcasts will appear, select the one you want to block and press the “Block” button.
  6. The podcast will be locked and you will not receive notifications when new content is published.
  7. To unlock the podcast, type the keyword “Unlock” in the app’s search field.
  8. A list of blocked podcasts will appear, select the one you want to unblock and press the “Unblock” button.
  9. The podcast will be unblocked and you will receive notifications when new content is published.
  10. To optimize your playback, you can activate the “Play the last song” option from the app settings.
  11. Additionally, you can download the episodes individually to listen to them .

10 foolproof steps to grow on Spotify

How do you block podcasts on Spotify?

Spotify is an audio and music streaming application and also offers podcasts. There are different ways to block podcasts on Spotifydepending on the device you are using to access the application.

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Block podcasts on Spotify from the desktop app:

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1. Open the Spotify app on your computer.
2. In the left sidebar, go to the “Podcasts” section.
3. Find the podcast you want to block by searching in the top drawer.
4. Right-click on the podcast and select “Lock Podcast” from the drop-down menu.
5. Confirm the block and that’s it.

Block podcasts on Spotify from the mobile app:

1. Open the Spotify app on your mobile device.
2. Swipe left to open search in the sidebar.
3. Find the podcast you want to block by searching in the top drawer.
4. Swipe left on the podcast to display options.
5. Select the “Block the podcast” option.
6. Confirm the block and that’s it.

What tricks can be applied to optimize podcast playback on Spotify?

Optimize podcast playback on Spotify can be a complicated task if you do not apply suitable. First, one of the main tips is to make sure that the device you are playing the podcast on has a good Wi-Fi signal. This will make the transmission better and smoother.

Also, I recommend that you disable the autoplay option in the Settings section. This will prevent the player from running unnecessarily when you enter a new section of your . For example, if you just listened to High Vibes and want to listen to another podcast, the second podcast would automatically start playing before you can select it.

Another useful trick is to use the Download feature to listen offline. This feature is located in the settings section. This means that the podcast will be downloaded directly to the device’s memory or and once downloaded, it will not be needed to the Internet to play it.

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Likewise, there are some options that can be adjusted to improve the quality of the audio. From the settings, you can adjust the sound quality according to the speed of the . These settings can also be configured in the Player section.
Also, it is recommended to delete podcasts that have already been listened to. This helps reduce storage space used and optimizes playback. You can select the Delete automatically box when it has been heard in its entirety.

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Finally, it is recommended to synchronize manually from Menu> Synchronization; But first, make sure the device has enough battery. This way, the downloaded podcasts will be added to the library list.
With these simple tricks, you will be able to make the most of the quality and speed of the service so you can enjoy your favorite podcasts without interruptions.

Does Spotify have a special feature to block podcasts?

Yeah, Spotify offers a special feature for blocking podcasts, which according to the official description, is to “help users avoid unwanted content.” This feature is primarily geared toward minors, so it is very useful for parents who would like to control to some extent what content is played for their children.

The feature consists of a “content blocking” that allows the user to block podcasts that include explicit topics or topics that are susceptible to double interpretations. This means that the person can to silence the broadcast of podcasts that address sensitive topics such as violence, sexual content and content that is subject to controversy.

To enable this feature, users can go to the “Content Restrictions” section of their Spotify account. There, the user will be able to see a list of all the blocked podcasts, as well as an option to restrict access to them. Additionally, there are also options to mute specific keywords in podcasts. In this way, the user will be able to control and limit the content that is played in their account.

In addition to this feature, Spotify also offers a feature called “Listen Now,” which offers the user a selection of recommended podcasts based on their music preferences. This feature is especially useful for those looking to discover new and diverse podcasts.

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What are the advantages of blocking podcasts on Spotify?

When blocking podcasts on Spotify, there are many advantages that users can take advantage of. Among them are:

  • Improve the appearance of your podcast library: By blocking or deleting unwanted podcasts, users can get when searching for new episodes, as the results will be less overwhelming and easier to find. Additionally, detailed descriptions and comments can be added to make it easier to locate and properly remember the content.
  • Protect privacy: Locking podcasts allows users to decide whether they want to share their library with other users or not. This keeps personal information private and doesn’t expose a user’s playlist for everyone to see.
  • Block explicit content: The blocking feature also helps users limit access to certain explicit content on the platform, ensuring the safety of minors.
  • Manage information: By blocking unwanted podcasts, users can have better control over the information that is collected from them. This way, only the data necessary to provide the best possible experience will be collected.
  • Organize podcasts: Users can also organize their podcasts according to different categories such as interests, topics, styles, etc. This makes it easy to locate specific episodes in a huge library.


Finally, the process of blocking podcasts on Spotify has proven to be quite simple for those who choose to do so. Making sure this option is known is key to optimizing playback and ensuring a better user experience.since this avoids the mess of content that can be very annoying.

The process that we have presented to you here is easy to carry out and the result is more than satisfactory, so don’t wait any longer and try it!

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