How to Change Download Location in UTorrent for Android – Premium Tuto

If you are in this article it is because you are looking for a practical way to change the download location in uTorrent to , welcome to the right place! Below we will explain how to achieve this task.

  • Open the app uTorrent.
  • Go to the main menu and go to the section Settings.
  • Scroll down until you find the option that says Download location.
  • Press the button that says “Change”
  • Choose the place where you want to save the downloads.


  1. Download the latest version of uTorrent for Android.
  2. Open the app. If you are new, you must create an account.
  3. Once on the main page, press the “Settings!” button. located at the bottom right.
  4. Scroll to the last section called “Download Locations.”
  5. Press the “Select location” button.
  6. Select the location where you want your downloads to be saved.
  7. Press “Save” to confirm the change.
  8. Ready, now your They will be saved in the folder you just selected.

How can you change the download location in uTorrent for Android?

uTorrent for Android is a very useful application for from Internet; However, sometimes downloaded files are stored in the default location of the device’s memory, which can be problematic. But fortunately, there is a to change the default download location:

1. Download location settings. Open the UTorrent app for Android and tap on the icon with three horizontal stripes to open the menu. Then, click on “Settings”. A list of settings will appear here, where the user will have to tap on the “Download Location” option.

2. Location selection. A pop-up window will now appear with available location options. Choose the desired option, being possible to choose between local, SD cards or cloud storage facility like .

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3. Location confirmation. Once you choose the desired location, you need to tap on the “Set” button to confirm your selection. And that’s it, the download location uTorrent for Android has been successfully modified.

Can you change the download location in uTorrent for Android without uninstalling the application?

Yes, you can change the download location in uTorrent for Android without having to uninstall the application. From the application itself it is possible to modify this configuration. To do this, just open the app, access the menu Settingswhere is it located Download Location. When you select this option, a pop-up window will appear with all the directories where downloads can be stored. Select the one you want, choose if you want the temporary files to be deleted and confirm. This way the download location will have been changed, all without uninstalling the application.

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Furthermore, since the within the same Settings menu, it is possible to save space on your mobile device or . This section contains the option Keep temporary files until the download is complete, which you can disable if you wish. If you do this, temporary files will not be saved and will not take up space in your device’s memory.

Finally, to close this setting you do not need to exit the application or uninstall it. Simply press the button Keep at the bottom of the screen and that’s it. Your files will still download correctly, but now in a different location than before.

What are the necessary steps to modify the download location in uTorrent for Android?

Modify the location of downloads in uTorrent for Android is and direct. Below we present the necessary steps:

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1. Open the uTorrent app. If you don’t have it installed yet, you can download it for free from the application store on your Android mobile device.

2. Select the “Preferences” menu. On the main screen you will see the “Preferences” option at the bottom left. By clicking on it you will enter the program settings and the section where you can modify the download location.

3. Swipe down the bottom of the screen to display the “Download Path” section. Here you will see the address where the file will be automatically downloaded (by default, your phone’s internal memory).

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4. Select a new location for your download. If you want to store the files in the , you have to go to “Change path” and indicate the address of the corresponding folder. If you prefer to save the files to the internal memory, just select “Internal storage”.

5. Press “OK” and ready. Now all your files will be saved in the folder you have chosen.

It is important to note that if you already have some downloads in progress, you should pause them before changing the location. Then, start them again so that they begin saving in the new assigned folder.

Are there any restrictions or storage limits for changing the download location in uTorrent for Android?

Yeah, there are some restrictions or storage limits to modify the download location in uTorrent for Android. These limits include:

1. The amount of data that can be downloaded on a . Most devices have limited memory, so downloading more data than the device can handle can result in errors.

2. Limited bandwidth. Some internet service providers offer limited bandwidth for Android users. This means that if the allocated bandwidth limit is exceeded, downloads may be slower.

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3. Device resources. Some Android devices do not have a sufficient amount of resources (RAM and processor) to handle heavy downloads, so they slow down even more.

4. There is never enough space. If your device does not have enough space to store downloaded files, then it will also have storage limits. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have enough free space on your device before you start downloading data.

It is important to keep these restrictions and limitations in mind before downloading any content with uTorrent for Android. This will help prevent errors and performance issues during the download.


In conclusionchange the download location with uTorrent for Android is . You can do it from Settings in the application, to establish where you want the contents to be saved on your cell phone. These are the steps:

  • Open uTorrent
  • Select Settings
  • Select Download
  • Set the new download destination
  • Save changes

With these instructions you can change the location of your downloads on your Android device to have better control over the content you download. We hope this information is useful to you!

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