How to Change the Clock on the Galaxy S8 Lock Screen – Premium Tuto

Change your clock on of the It’s much easier than you think! Many of us spend hours trying to figure out how to do something new on our devices. , but unfortunately we don’t always find the solution. However, there is good news: changing the clock on the Galaxy S8 lock screen is really simple and can be done in no time.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Open the watch settings app.
  • You will find a list of options. Select the “Clock Theme” option.
  • Choose the style of watch you prefer. You can choose from a variety of different themes. When you’ve chosen one, press “OK” to save your changes.
  • Now you will see that the clock is changed.
  • If you want to change it again, simply repeat the steps indicated above.

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How can I change the clock on the Galaxy S8 lock screen?

If you have a Galaxy S8, you probably want to customize it to make it unique. One of the elements that you can easily change is the clock displayed on the screen. blocking. You can choose from a wide variety of options to make the watch fit your style.

To change the clock from the lock screen, :

  1. Go to the home screen and tap the “Settings” icon.
  2. Look for the option “Lock screen and security“.
  3. Tap “My lock screen clock“.
  4. Select the watch you prefer (some devices may have only a few options).
  5. When you’ve found the right watch, tap on it to save your choice.
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Your new watch will appear on the lock screen of your Galaxy S8. If you want to change it again in the future, simply repeat the steps above and choose another watch.

Is there an easy way to change the lock screen clock on the Galaxy S8?

Clear! The Galaxy S8 lock screen clock can be changed easily. You can do this through the following steps:

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1. Access the Settings menu
On your device, access the menu Settingswhich you will find in the menu bar of your cell phone.

2. Select the Lock Screen option
Once you are inside the menu Settingsselect the option Lock screen to modify the lock screen clock.

3. Select Clock
Once inside the section Lock screenyou must choose the option Clock and you will be able to see all the options available to change the clock on your Galaxy S8.

4. Choose the right format
Now, choose the clock format that best suits your preferences. You can choose between different clock formats that suit your taste.

5. Save changes
Finally, once you have selected the desired clock format, save the changes and you will have your new lock screen clock on your cell phone. ¡!

What are the steps to change the lock screen clock on Galaxy S8?

: Sign in on your Galaxy S8 phone. If necessary, unlock your phone with your account password.
Step 2: From the home screen, go to your apps list and tap “Settings.”
Step 3: Select “Screen and Lock”.
Step 4: Now go to “Show clock and date” and select “On”.
Step 5: Here you will find several options to choose from, such as the location of the clock and the shape, color and size.
Step 6: Once you have selected all your preferences, simply tap the “Save” button.
Step 7: Ready! The new clock on your Galaxy S8 lock screen is now visible.

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Do changes made to the Galaxy S8 lock screen clock take effect immediately?

Yeah. Changes made to the Galaxy S8 lock screen clock are applied immediately. All you have to do is select your preferred lock screen setting and the changes will be displayed on your device without needing to restart it:

  • Change the clock time– In the “Device” section of your device settings, you can tap “Lock screen & security.” Then, tap “Lock Screen” to choose a different style for your watch, with a new color and watch size. This will change the time displayed on the lock screen.
  • Add additional information to the lock screen– From the same Lock and Security screen in your device settings, tap “Show additional information on lock screen” to customize the text that appears on your lock screen. You can add information such as the date, weather, and even the status of your memory.


With the Galaxy S8, changing the time on the lock screen is very easy. There is nothing better than being up to date with the exact timeand with this guide, you’ll have the right setup before you know it.

Here are the steps To change the clock on the Galaxy S8 lock screen:

• Go to the home screen
• Select “Settings”
• Go to “Lock screen and security”
• Select “Lock Screen Style”
• Slide the screen until you reach the option that says “Clock”
• Select your preferred time format
• Ready!

Now that you’ve set the clock on your Galaxy S8 lock screen, enjoy an updated home image and ! Changing the time on these devices has become a very easy task to perform, thanks to the large number of options and customization offered. We hope this guide has helped you catch up with the time, so you’re always informed.

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