How to Change the H+ Signal to 4G: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

If you are reading this it is because you are probably looking for how to change the H+ signal to 4G. That’s just what we’re going to see here! This article will guide you so it doesn’t matter your level of knowledge.

First of all, you should know that to change the H+ signal to 4G, you must have a 4G compatible device. If you have an old phone, then it will not be possible to update. Anyway, now is the perfect time for you to get a modern phone that supports 4G.

Now, if you already have a 4G compatible device, then we can start with the steps to make the change.

First, make sure your phone is connected to the Mobile Network. If your phone is not connected, then you will need to connect it and wait until it connects before continuing.

Once your phone is connected, Open your phone’s settings menu. On most phones, the settings menu is located on the home screen or the “Settings” screen.

Scroll down until you find the Mobile Networks option and then find the setting that says “Mobile Networks”. Here you will find a drop-down list with different network options, including the “4G” option.

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Simply click on the 4G option to activate it and save the changes. After saving your changes, test your phone to see if the connection has been changed to 4G. If it doesn’t work, be sure to restart your phone for the changes to take effect.


  1. Enable the 4G Network on your phone: Go to your phone’s settings, then to the wireless network and choose the “Mobile” option. Then, select “Mobile Networks” and enable the option to Select Networks Automatically. If the “4G” option does not appear, then your phone It does not have 4G compatibility.
  2. Verify that the APN is configured correctly: Go to your Mobile Network settings and then select APN (access point). If there is only one list, the APN is already configured. If there are multiple lists, then you can choose the option with the name of your mobile network provider.
  3. Enter the configuration parameters: Check all configuration parameters in the list. Some of these parameters are the following:
    • Username
    • Password
    • APN
    • MCC
    • MNC
    • Authentication type
    • APN Type
    • Network protocol

    If you do not know how to configure them, contact your mobile network provider to receive the correct configuration parameters.

  4. Restart the phone: When you have saved all the settings, restart your phone for the changes to take effect. Wait until your phone detects the new network and try using your browser to check if the H+ signal was changed to 4G.
  5. Check signal quality: Once the 4G signal is active, you will have completed the setup. Now you can check the quality and speed of your connection. Use a tool like Speedtest to measure the number of megabytes per second that you download or upload from the 4G network. And voila, that’s how easily you have managed to change the H+ signal to 4G. Take control of your phone and fully enjoy the speed and stability offered by the 4G network!
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What steps do I have to follow to change the H+ signal to 4G?

To change the H+ signal to 4G you must follow these steps:

  • Check that your phone device is compatible with 4G. Since there are some devices that do not support a 4G signal.
  • Find a place where you have a better connectionto know if your device can reach a 4G signal, you must look for a place where you receive better coverage.
  • Activate the use of mobile data. To do this you must go to the Settings/Connections/Mobile Connection/Mobile Data option and activate the box.
  • Configure the 4G signal on your device. To do this you must enter the same Configuration/Connections/Mobile Connection/Mobile Networks option again; In the evolution of the connections you will find the option “2G/3G/4G” and change the mode to “4G”. Then save the changes made.
  • Perform a speed test on your connection. You must do this to know if you have a good connection, because only then can applications be installed, among others.

Is it necessary to have a new SIM card to make the change?

In principle, to make a change to the SIM card, it is not necessary to have a new SIM card. This is fundamentally because changes to a SIM card refer only to internal settings related to line data, such as line numbering, broadcast operator, APN settings, and similar things, not They will have nothing to do with the hardware of the SIM card.

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However, there are some specific cases in which a new SIM card may be necessary to make a change. For example, if you change the technology the SIM card operates in, from GSM to LTE or vice versa, then it may be necessary a new SIM card. This is because a SIM card for GSM technology cannot work in a device with LTE technology, and vice versa.

Additionally, if a telecom operator decides to change the type of SIM card, for example, a Micro SIM card to a Nano SIM card, it may also be necessary a change in the SIM card. This type of change is due to the different size of these types of SIM cards and there is no way for a SIM card of one size to work in a device designed to use a different size.

Therefore, to answer the question: If it is necessary to have a new SIM card to make a change, the answer is: Not necessarily. In most cases, changes can be made without having to change the SIM card. However, there are some specific cases in which it will be necessary to have a new SIM card to make the changes, such as changing technologies, or opting for SIM cards of different sizes.

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What mobile devices are compatible with the signal change from H+ to 4G?

At the moment, There are several mobile devices that are compatible with the signal change from H+ to 4G. These vary from smartphones to tablet or similar devices.

The best smartphones with this compatibility are:

  • Manzana 11, 12, 13 and 14.
  • S20, S21 and S30.
  • Motorola Moto G Power, Moto G Stylus, Moto Edge and Moto Edge +.
  • LG Velvet, LG Wing, LG Dual Screen and LG Quantum.
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Other devices They can also support this signal change. These include tablets such as the Apple iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad 2020, iPad Mini and Tab S7. There are also some wearable devices such as smartwatches. Series 6, Fitbit Versa, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2, etc.

Keep in mind that not all mobile devices on the market will be compatible with the signal change from H+ to 4G, but those mentioned above offer good performance, speed and security when it comes to connecting to the 4G network.

Can I continue using the same data package when switching to 4G?

Yeah, it is possible to use the same data package when switching to 4G. Most 4G data packages are designed to be compatible with all devices, so there is no need to change the subscription once the user has switched to 4G.

But there are a few things to keep in mind before using the same data package on a 4G device. For example:

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  • Network Compatibility: Make sure your data provider and device support 4G
  • Navigation speed: The browsing speed in 4G is much higher, which means that the user can download and upload content much faster.
  • Additional costs: If the user decides to switch to a 4G data package, there are some additional costs associated such as setup charges, etc.


In this way, we have achieved a to change your H+ signal to 4G. It is a simple process that can be done in a matter of seconds and with the help of just a few simple steps. With this guide, you have the freedom to browse quickly without worrying about your signal connection. Now enjoy the world of data at a much faster speed with the 4G network!

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