How to Change the Screen Overlay on the Samsung Galaxy S7 – Premium Tuto

Are you looking for an easy way to change the screen overlay on your ? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Here we will show you, , how to perform the operation quickly and easily. We will guide you on the right path so that you can enjoy this amazing feature of your smartphone:

  • 1. Open the Display Settings of your . This is accomplished by swiping down from the phone’s home screen to access the settings menu. Once there, select “Display” to enter its settings.
  • 2. Locate the “Screen Overlay” option. You will find this option at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to access the settings menu.
  • 3. Choose the option that best suits your needs. Here you will find different options for screen overlay such as “normal mode”, “camera mode”, “cinema mode”, “photo mode”, “internal mode” and some others. Choose the one you like the most to set it as the default.
  • 4. Save the changes. Finally, click “Save” to save the changes and close the options menu. You have already changed the screen overlay mode on your S7!


  1. Turn on the phone and unlock it. To change the screen overlay on the Samsung Galaxy S7 you need to first turn on the device and unlock it using your PIN or password, as appropriate.
  2. Open the Settings app. Once the phone is unlocked, you can press the Home key to display the application list. In the applications menu, find the Settings application and open it.
  3. Access the screen menu. Within the Settings Menu there are many options, including the Screen section. Click on this option to display the Screen menu.
  4. Select the Screen Overlay option. If you pull down the Screen menu, you will find the Screen Overlay option. You can click on it to see a list of all the screen overlays currently installed on your Samsung Galaxy S
  5. Choose a new overlay. From the list that appears, click on the overlay you want to use. Once you have chosen one of the available options, you will see a window with more information about the overlay you have selected.
  6. Select “Activate.” In the extra information about the overlay you have chosen you will have a button called Activate. Click on it to activate the overlay you have chosen. Once you activate any of the available options, you will have changed your phone’s screen overlay.
  7. Test your new overlay. Finally, if you want to check that the overlay was changed correctly, you can go back to the phone’s main screen and see if there are any differences regarding the buttons, wallpaper, etc. If there are no differences, then it means that the screen overlay has been changed successfully.
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How to change screen overlay on Samsung Galaxy S7?

Change the screen overlay on the Samsung Galaxy S7 it is . To begin, go to the Phone Settings section, from where you can find the Screen section. Here are several options that can be useful to customize the screen of your device.

To change the screen overlay, you must do the following:

  • 1. Go to the Themes option within the Display section.
  • 2. Select the Screen Overlay option.
  • 3. Choose the screen overlay that best suits your needs and preferences.

Once you’ve selected your preferred screen overlay, your phone will automatically switch to display the new layout. This way, you can easily change the screen overlay of your Samsung Galaxy S7.

Besides, you can personalize your phone even more so with existing themes, which can , icons and other visual aspects of the operating system. Thus, from the same topics section you can access these options.

How to disable the overlay of a certain app on the Samsung Galaxy S7?

To disable an app overlay on the Samsung Galaxy S7, you first need to open the Settings screen. That can be done by sliding your finger from the top to the bottom of the screen; then press Settings at the top right. Once inside this menu, you have to look for the option . There, click on Applications.

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In this list, find the application you want to disable and click on it. Now you will have some options like:

  • Add
  • Force Stop
  • Uninstall
  • Information
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In this case, the correct option is Disable Overlay. This will stop the app from working in the background; that is, it will not run while the device is used for other things.

Press Disable Overlay to complete the process. And ready! You will no longer have to worry about the application in question running simultaneously with another activity.

How to enable transparency for a specific app on the Samsung Galaxy S7?

If you want to enable transparency for your app on your Samsung Galaxy S7, you can perform the following steps:

  • 1. Unlock your phone.
  • 2. Open the ‘Settings’ screen.
  • 3. Enter the ‘Applications’ menu.
  • 4. Select the app for which you want to enable transparency.
  • 5. In the panel that appears, activate the “Transparency” image.
  • 6. Finally, press the ‘Ok’ button to confirm the changes.

It’s that simple that you can enable transparency in the specific application of your Samsung Galaxy S7. However, this means that every time you open a transparent application, a general background will be displayed behind it. To do this, in the same ‘Applications’ menu you will have the option to enter the ‘Backgrounds’ section where you can select the desired background. for your transparent applications.

How to customize the screen overlay to fit your needs on Samsung Galaxy S7?

Customizing the Samsung Galaxy S7 screen overlay is an easy option. The first thing you need to do is access Settings. Once inside, you will have to search Themes and Lock Screens. From here you can:

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  • Select a theme for your home screen: This theme can change the overall look of your device. This includes the wallpaper, icons, colors, etc.
  • : You can select a predefined wallpaper or create a custom one.
  • Adjust app size: On some devices, such as the Samsung Galaxy S7, you can adjust the app size individually.
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Once you have made all these modifications, you should see the result on your home screen. Besides, many apps have device-specific customization optionsso see if that is your best option to get the result you want.

Either way, with the number of settings available for screen overlay on the Samsung Galaxy S7, you can create a unique and optimal user experience for your needs.


And ready! If you have followed these steps, you now know how to change the screen overlay on your Samsung Galaxy S7. There is no longer an excuse to do without having a screen optimized for your mobile device.

From contrast and brightness until blue light filtration is activated, You can customize the appearance of your screen in less time than it would take you to read this article. This is sure to make your experience with the Samsung Galaxy S7 even more satisfying. Now, enjoy your custom screen!

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