How to change your Netflix password

Change Netflix password It’s simple, but to achieve it you need to follow a series of steps that you probably don’t know.

In the next article you will see all the methods to change your Netflix password. Additionally, you will find a list of problems that may arise.

Steps to follow

To change your Netflix password from the browser or mobile app, you must do the following:

  1. Enter or access the mobile app.
  2. Sign in to the account and tap your profile picture.
  3. Select “Account” and then “Change Password”.
  4. Enter your current password, then you will have to type the new one twice, the second time is for verification.
  5. Finally, confirm the changes in “Keep”.

How to reset password

If you can’t log in to Netflix, you have the option to reset your password through your email or phone number:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose “E-mail” and enter your email address or select “Text message (SMS)” and enter your phone number.
  3. Confirm on “Send an email” or “Send text message”.
  4. Check the your email inbox, you will receive an email with a link attached and you must open it. If you use your phone, you will receive a code via text message.
  5. When you open the link you will automatically log in and you will be prompted create a new password. On the other hand, copy the verification code and request your new access code.Note: Keep in mind that this cannot be the same as the previous one.
  6. Finally, you will have reset your Netflix password.
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If your phone number is not linked to your account, you will need to change your password by email. Then, add your phone number.

If you don’t remember your email or phone number

If you don’t remember your email address or phone number, you can do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “I don’t remember my email or my phone number.”.
  3. Enter your first and last name in the account.
  4. Next, enter your registered credit or debit card number.
  5. Now click on “Find account”.
  6. Follow the instructions and recover your email address or phone number associated with Netflix.
  7. This way, you can change your password with one of the methods explained above.

Problems changing your password

A series of problems can arise when changing your Netflix password. The most frequent ones and their solutions will be mentioned below:

  • Yeah the link has expiredwhich happens after 24 hours, you can send yourself another one through .
  • If you have not received any email, check your spam folders or any possible filters you may have set up in the past. If you don’t get it, add a to your contact list and then request .
  • If after a few hours you continue without receiving the reset email, it is possible that your email provider is having some problems. Wait for it to arrive or request another link.
  • If the link does not work reset button, enter to log out and return to the home page. Then go and request a new email.
  • If you continue to have problems changing your password, try using other devices.
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This way you can change your Netflix password without any problem.

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