How to change your Snapchat key or password

If you wish change snapchat passwordyou should know that you have an extremely quick and easy procedure to execute to achieve this.

Change Snapchat password

Note: log in to your account and you will go directly to the site from where you can change your password

It is for this reason that, in the following post We will explain the steps to modify your password within this platform, as well as the tips to consider during this process.

From the mobile application

To change the Snapchat password from the mobile application, you will need to follow this tutorial:

  1. Access the app and log in normally in your account.
  2. Now, press the user icon that appears in the upper left corner.
  3. Once in this section, press the gear symbol.
  4. Next, choose the section “Password”, where it will be necessary to first add your current password and tap “Continue”.
  5. Next, you will have to place the newusing a combination of uppercase, lowercase, symbols and numbers.
  6. You will have to repeat it and press “Keep”.

This way, you will get a new key within the app.

From the web version

To modify your Snapchat access code using its web version, take these steps into account:

  1. Enter
  2. You must log in with your credentials, in case the platform requires it.
  3. Once done, place your current key and then the new one.
  4. You will have to repeat it and solve the captcha.
  5. To finish, press “Change Password”.

Tips to take into account

There are a series of tips to consider when changing your Snapchat password, including:

  • This type of element must be unique and not repeated on other platforms.
  • One has to make periodic changes password to increase the protection of your profile.
  • Do not use personal data when modifying this parameter, whether it is names, dates, cities or other types of information.
  • The key has to be easy to remember and, at the same time, difficult to guess.
  • Has to introduce more than 8 charactersas well as uppercase, lowercase, numbers and combined symbols.
  • It is advisable use a password generator to create a secure code. Some options are and .
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Considering the procedures and tips mentioned above, you can easily change your Snapchat password.

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