How to Clear Facebook Cache: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

Did you know , like any other application, uses the cache to temporarily store your activity data? This allows for a better user experience as stored photos, videos, documents and web pages can be retrieved quickly. But what happens if the cache overrun?

Sometimes the stored content is too much and you need clear facebook cache. If this has happened to you, then this article will help you clear your browsing history effectively and in no time.

You will find a Detailed to clear Facebook cache from any device. We will explain how to delete cache storage on desktop computers, laptops, cell phones and tablets.

At the end of the article, we will share to prevent caching from flooding your memory. We will also explain what the advantages and disadvantages of caching are and why it is important to clear it periodically.

This is what you will find in the article:

  1. A detailed description of what Facebook caching is.
  2. How to clear Facebook cache from desktops, laptops, cell phones and tablets.
  3. Helpful tips to prevent excessive use of caching.
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of caching information.

Do not forget

  1. First, open your web browser and find the Facebook home page.
  2. Sign in with your user credentials.
  3. After to your account, go to the top right of the screen and click the down arrows next to the notifications button.
  4. Select the “Settings and Privacy” option from the displayed menu.
  5. Click on the “tabBrowser Cache“.
  6. On this page you will see a button “ navigation“. You click the button.
  7. Once you have clicked, another pop-up window will appear where you can see three options (All, From Beginning and Custom) to clear the cache. If you want to delete the entire cache, select the first option: “All”.
  8. If you want to only clear the cache from 3 months ago, select the second option: “From the beginning”.
  9. Finally, if you want to clear the cache from a specific time interval (for example, 2 weeks ago), select the third option: “Personalized”.
  10. After selecting the desired option, click the ” buttonDelete now” to confirm the action.
  11. Your web browser’s cache will now have been successfully cleared. Verify that the cache has been cleared by refreshing the page and reloading the contents.
  12. Now your Facebook cache is clean!

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This is how you can CLEAR CACHE on iPhone and IMPROVE its PERFORMANCE ✅

What is Facebook cache?

The Facebook cache is a file saved on the computer of users who have visited a . This cache is made up of small pieces of information about the Facebook website, such as color settings, images, fonts, content, etc. These fragments are stored locally in the browser so they can be consulted and loaded faster for a better user experience.

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Advantages of Facebook cache

– Reduces page loading time: The cache helps load Facebook pages much faster since the files are already stored on the user’s computer.

of user: Users will not have to wait for all the images, videos, etc. to load. every time they visit a Facebook page, enjoying a better user experience.

– Use less data: Cache can also help users reduce data usage, since the files are already saved locally on their computer and they don’t need to download everything again every time they visit a page.

– Improves security: A well-implemented cache can also help keep users safe, as downloadable files can be verified before downloading. This can help prevent downloads of malicious files or harmful content.

What are the steps to clear Facebook cache?

Clearing the Facebook cache does not seem like such a difficult task, but the diversity of operating systems means that the process may vary a little depending on the device we are using. Below we will explain the Facebook cache on several different systems:

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For Windows users:

  • Access the settings and press the key Ctrl +F5 at the same time to refresh the page.
  • Go to your browser’s search bar and type %temp%then press enter.
  • Select all the files in the temporary folder and send them to the recycle bin.

For users of :

  • Opens from there go to Preferences > Advanced and activate the Show development in menu option.
  • From the Development menu, select Clear Cache.
  • Close Safari and reopen it to see the results.

For users of :

  • Go to the settings panel and press the Storage option.
  • Select the Cache option and all the applications and the space they occupy will be found there.
  • Select Facebook from the list of applications and press .

For users of or iPad:

  • Go to the Settings section > Safari > and website data.
  • Select the Clear History and Website Data option and press Clear History.
  • Reopen Safari to check if the Facebook cache has been cleared.

Is it important to clear Facebook cache?

It is important to clear the Facebook cache to maintain the good performance of the application or website and also to maintain a . Clearing Facebook cache allows you to delete data stored on your device, such as save profile, settings, session log and many others, thereby preventing other users who use the same device from accessing said information.

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The benefits of clearing your Facebook cache are numerous, including:

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  • The good performance of the application is maintained.
  • Maintains user privacy by avoiding the recording of sensitive information.
  • Speed ​​up application loading time.

The process of clearing the Facebook cache varies depending on the device used. For example, on Android devices the cache can be cleared in the mobile application settings; For iOS devices, it is recommended to make the change in Settings/Safari/Delete History.

Likewise, there are some third-party applications that allow you to clean the cache automatically, thus reducing deletion time. These same apps usually have the option of performing frequent cleanings to maintain the good performance of the application and the information stored on the device.

How to clear Facebook cache on your computer?

Clearing the Facebook cache on your computer is a good way to improve performance and avoid errors. This can be achieved through the following steps:

  • 1. Open the Facebook settings window. To open the configuration window for your Facebook account, go to the “Settings” section from the navigation bar that appears at the top of any page on Facebook. Once there, click the “Cache” button to open the settings window.
  • 2. Reset your Facebook account cache. Once you have opened the Facebook settings window, you will find an option to “Reset cache”. You will need to click the button to reset the cache of the browser or operating system you are using Facebook on.
  • 3. Clean temporary files. Once you have reset your Facebook account cache, you will need to go to the control panel of the operating system in which you are using the social network. There, you must clean all temporary files, as well as cookie files and cache to avoid problems with the speed and stability of the social network.
  • 4. Run a scan of your computer. After you have cleaned the temporary files, you will need to run a full scan of your computer to check that there are no viruses or malicious software that may be affecting your computer’s performance. This can be done through a reliable and up-to-date antivirus program.
  • 5. Disable your browser plugins. Finally, you’ll want to check your browser plugins to make sure there aren’t any that are interfering with Facebook’s proper functioning. These can be found in the “Add-ons” section of the web browser you are using. Disable those that you consider potentially harmful to your computer’s performance.
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How to clear Facebook cache on your smartphone?

As Facebook grows in popularity more and more users are starting to use the app from their smartphones, such as iPhones and Android tablets. The Facebook cache on a smartphone is the temporary memory that is needed for the application to function properly.

If the cache is not cleaned or cleared, performance issues such as slowness, application errors, and rendering glitches arise and can even completely crash the application. Clearing the Facebook app cache on a smartphone is simple, although it varies from device to device.

The steps to clear the Facebook cache on an iPhone are as follows:

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  • Go to “Settings” and tap “Facebook.”
  • Look for the “Clear data” option and tap on it.
  • Enter your Facebook password when prompted.
  • Wait until the cache is completely deleted.

To clear the cache of an Android tablet or phone, follow these steps:

  • Go to “Settings” and tap the “Applications” category.
  • Select the Facebook application.
  • Tap the “Stored data” option.
  • Press the “Clear data” button.
  • Wait until the cache is completely deleted.

If the user mentioned above, it will delete the Facebook app cache on your smartphone. However, to maintain good performance in the application, It is advisable to carry out this process with some frequency.

Are there any unfavorable consequences when clearing Facebook cache?

Clearing your Facebook cache can result in a number of unwanted consequences. These are because by clearing the cache, the user will lose all the data stored in the browser’s temporary memory, such as:

  • Passwords: Many users save their Facebook account passwords in the browser’s temporary memory (cache), which would result in these same passwords disappearing after clearing the cache.
  • Browsing history: Once the cache is deleted, users will lose their browsing history, websites they have visited, and their respective pages in the past.
  • Personal settings: When the cache is cleared, all those settings that the user saved to adjust the browsing experience on Facebook are also deleted. You can go…
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