How to Configure a Pepephone Router | Tutorial 2023

Having an internet service in our home has become a matter of extreme importance in recent years, since for many of the daily tasks we do we require being able to be connected with our work, study centers, family and friends. Therefore, today we will proceed to explain to you how you can configure a Pepephone.

Thanks to the enormous demand for residential and mobile internet services, companies have developed a series of strategies and offers to be able to seduce potential consumers with their services, who seek to have the best relationship in the quality of the service and the competitive price that they offer. They require paying to be able to access it without suffering any inconvenience in this regard.

How to configure a Pepephone router

Among the internet service companies in Spain that offer a better relationship between quality of service and price, we have , which is characterized by offering an excessively competitive and attractive price in their plans and services for both mobile internet and that offered by fiber optics, always with the guarantee of having the possible.

At the same time, it has a strict liability policy in which in the event of any failure in the service or something committed by the company, it is is held responsible immediately and compensating the user that could have been affected by said problem, thus marking a notable difference with other companies which usually take a long time to recognize their errors and it is very difficult for them to assume the burden of them.

Therefore, configuring a Pepephone router is a good alternative for those users who require integrated mobile and residential internet plans via fiber optics through one of the most competitive rates on the market, knowing that they have the full support of the company at the time. of any failure that may occur with the service.

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In addition, the Pepephone service has the possibility of being canceled at any time without any obligation by the user nor strict contracts that must be fulfilled under any penalty, so customer loyalty is only based on the quality of the service and offering the lowest rates you can find, which makes it one of the most affordable options. attractive ones that are at your disposal.

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Ways to configure a Pepephone router

In case you have decided to contract the service of this company, one of the first steps you must take is to configure a Pepephone router so that you can access said service. To do this, you must take into account that Pepehpne works mainly with two routers, he and he, which have a series of characteristics that we must know well to be able to choose one or the other.

Features of the Sagemcom Fast 5655v2 AC

  • It has the capacity to be dual band since it supports both frequencies 2.4Ghz as 5Ghz.
  • It has up to 4 ethernet to be able to make wired connections
  • Has the ability to your phone through 2 RJ-11 ports.
  • You can also external devices such as hard drives using their 2 usb ports integrated.

Features of the ZTE ZXHN F680 GPON ONT

  • It has a speed of up to 500 mb en the frequency of 2.4 Ghz and 1.3Gb on the 5 Ghz frequency so you can have super fast connections without any loss.
  • It has 250mb of RAM memory for processing the different connectivity functions.
  • It has a total of 4 ethernet ports as well as a USB port to connect other equipment and peripherals via cable.
  • It has 2 RJ-11 ports to make VoIP calls.

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Steps to configure a Pepephone router

If you want to configure a Pepephone router, regardless of its model, you must follow a series of simple instructions to be able to carry out this operation successfully and thus be able to immediately enjoy the excellent service that this company offers you.

  • In the first instance, you must connect your router to the electrical network and verify that all its lights are on and active as a guarantee of correct operation of the equipment.
  • Connect the device to the Pepephone fiber optic network by installing the cable in the corresponding port on the router. You must do this by connecting the RJ11 cable from the telephone rosette to the ADSL port that is on your computer.
  • Then, you must establish the bridge between your router and your computer by connecting the Ethernet cable between both devices from the corresponding LAN ports.
  • From there you must configure a Pepephone router from the computer, accessing the route in one of the web browsers you have installed.
  • Then, you must enter the router data, that is, its username and password, which are usually configured as admin/admin or 1234/1234.
  • So, you must set the security parameters of your either changing the name of said network and establishing its password, it is advisable to define a complex password that combines different types of letters, signs and numbers so that it is difficult to recognize by unauthorized third parties.
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Open the ports when configuring a Pepephone router

Although configuring a Pepephone router is simple and may be the only thing you need to do to access the service, you may require a to be able to enjoy other features and functions beyond the basic ones offered by the service.

One of these functions is the ability to open the ports of the router in order to have greater connection options, especially in case you require use some torrent or p2p download program, play online or some other need where you must have external access to your ports.

One of the advantages of configuring a Pepephone router with open ports is that it allows you to download or use all capabilities of our bandwidth in a faster and safer way, it also allows us to solve some problems related to connection problems that we may have.

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To do this, the first step is to request that you be excluded from the CG-Natwhich is a procedure for several users of the same company to use the same IP address in order to counteract the shortage of addresses due to the high traffic and connections that currently exist.

This step is essential because it precisely allows you to open the ports of your router to the outside while you can configure a Pepephone router with this mode. So you must make sure you have exited CG-Nat before continuing with the procedure.

  • Access the setting of the router.
  • Choose the gear icon in the category Access Control within the configuration.
  • Select the tab Port forwarding and in this you must choose the section Add Rules Manually
  • Type the name of the port so you can identify it.
  • Select the protocol you are going to use on that port, either TCP or UDP or a combination between both.
  • Choose the port you want to open in the category External Port.
  • As for the Internal Portyou must choose the same port that you have selected in the previous option.
  • Then you must place the IP adress assigned to your router in the Internal Port section.
  • Then, you simply have to select the option Add and you would have your port free to be used according to your needs.
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