How to Consult a Free WhatsApp Psychologist?

The lockdown period, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, showed us all the potential that technology could offer users. From their homes, people began to do their shopping, talk with friends, and seek professional help.

Faced with the emotional and mental consequences, online therapy became a great solution, but far from being ephemeral, it is here to stay. Discover the accessibility of free psychologist whatsapp.

How to access a free psychological help chat?

The (CDC) reported that, in just the first few months of 2020, online therapy increased by 50% compared to online therapy in 2019.

Currently, the number of therapists turning to online platforms to continue their practice has not only increased, but has also proven its value.

For this reason —as long as you verify the seriousness of the professional you are going to consult—, you can treat problems of isolation, depression, anxiety and even survivor’s guilt from the comfort of your home.

Keep these things in mind:

  1. When consulting a specialist online, look for references from those who have previously taken therapy, the more people endorse the professional, the better.
  2. Do not ask questions via chat without having met the person you have on the other side of your computer.
  3. Access the website of the professional in question, evaluate the content and ask for professional endorsements.
  4. Verify the security of the chat in question, that is, that it has encrypted communications and saves your access data encrypted.
  5. Once the process is complete, allow the administrator of the WhatsApp group to add you and have the possibility to interact.
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Recommendations of Free psychologist by WhatsApp in Spain

Here we leave you some recommendations from Spanish associations, which you can consult when you need it:

  • : non-profit association that offers free psychological therapy to people who cannot access it due to lack of resources.
  • : Centta Foundation project that provides free psychological consultation to people in foreclosure risk.
  • : toasts low cost counselling, especially for people at risk who cannot afford the high cost of private psychological therapy.
  • : toasts free psychotherapy taught by psychologists in postgraduate training.

Talk to a psychologist for free, request more information from the contact form on the website or by calling. These sites offer 24-hour psychological help.

Related article:

To what Free 24-hour psychological help lines I can call?

These are some of the telephone numbers where you will find specialists who offer you support, comfort and psychological help:

listens to you (900 107 917): Help those who are suffering from illness or the loss of their loved ones. The call is anonymous and free.

Hope Phone (914 59 00 55 permanent / 717 033 717 mobile): You are cared for by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate people’s abilities to overcome their problems.

The Community of Madrid (900 124 365): You receive psychological care by registered professionals to help regulate emotional management. It is carried out through the Regional Office of Mental Health and Addictions of the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Official College of Psychology of Madrid.

Free online psychologist 24 hours WhatsApp: Is it really free?

Online therapy can be free or low-cost, especially that provided through social services, non-profit organizations, universities, financial assistance programs, and employee assistance programs.

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Generally, the average cost of a one-hour therapy appointment can range from $65 to $250. This of course depends on the training, experience and location of the therapist.

That ask psychologists for free?

The question largely depends on the concern that prompted you to seek psychological help. Here are some interesting cases as examples:

Is it true that an adult can be ASD?: “I can’t stand listening to so many people talking at the same time, loud music that I don’t choose, in class I used headphones for tests because the sound of pencils distracts me.” The person who was calling for help was having a hard time going to work and dealing with the sound outside.

?: “There are times when I feel a lot of anguish, like I hyperventilate and my heart beats fast, it scares me a lot.” This question was asked by a nursing intern.

Why do I dream of aliens all the time?: “I have no idea why, but since then I have always lived with a certain aberration to the subject, as I grew up until I reached puberty, at approximately 13 years old, I began to suffer from insomnia and depression.

These questions were taken from the website, where you can register and, once the question has been asked, the specialists offer you their answers and depending on their arguments, you can assess which one to take online therapy with.

Can a psychologist help on WhatsApp?

A free psychologist whatsapp It can be of great help, however, I repeat that the results depend on the type of therapist you choose and your needs.

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Therefore, depending on the person and the circumstances, the use of online therapy services can help with certain circumstances:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • relationship problems
  • mild depression

Remember that these types of services are not ideal for emergencies or more serious situations, such as addiction or eating disorders.

Frequent questions:

How can I talk to a psychologist for free?

To talk to a psychologist for free, check the suggestions that we leave you in this post.

How to talk to a psychologist on WhatsApp?

To talk to a psychologist for free on WhatsApp, you must ask the specialist for his contact in the instant messaging app or tell him to add you to his support group.

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