How to create a ZIP file with your iPhone to compress and send photos and videos

Compressing files on iOS a few years ago was unthinkable, now it’s possible.

Process to create a ZIP file in iOS 15

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The user experience offered by the multiple versions of Apple’s operating systems is practically perfect, it is far from being so just because of small details. Details such as the typical restrictions and limitations that the firm with the bitten apple logo imposes on its software. Apple’s ecosystem is so closed precisely to continue maintaining that splendid harmony between software and hardware that is always talked about. But it has its drawbacks, of course.

One of the big downsides to Apple’s limitations in its software is that users sometimes can’t access features that are available on other platforms. A few years ago it was impossible on iPhone and iPad. Fortunately this changed, like many other limitations that have been gradually disappearing.

In this article we will explain, in great detail, how compress photos and videos in a ZIP file to send it to your contacts from your iPhone. No need to resort to a tablet, a Mac or a PC! It is a very simple process and will allow you to considerably reduce the size of your files.

How to create a ZIP file to compress photos and videos

The latest models in the family iphone Apple have very advanced cameras that offer absolutely spectacular results. The quality of the resulting photos and videos is amazing, but this comes at a cost: they take up an awful lot of storage space.

If you exceed the storage capacity limit of your iPhone (or iPad) you have the possibility to subscribe to iCloud+ with up to 50 GB for only 0.99 euros per month. But many users don’t want to spend money to expand their storage capacity. So creating a zip file can be very helpful for reduce the size of photos and videosIt is also very useful for sharing multiple files with other users.

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These are the steps you must follow if you want to compress your videos and photos on an iPhone with iOS 15:

1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone.

2. Select all the photos you want to compress in your zip file.

Remember that you have the possibility to select multiple photos and videos by sliding your finger on the screen.

3. Then tap on the share button located at the bottom left corner of the Photos user interface.

4. The next thing you should do is click on the “Save to Files” option.

5. Now select the folder in which you want to save your photos.

It is important to note that the folder should only contain the photos and/or videos that you want to compress.

6. Then simply click on the “Save” button.

7. Open the Files app.

8. Go to the folder where you have saved your photos.

9. Keep your finger pressed on the folder and select the “Compress” function.

As a result, a .ZIP file with the name of the folder you have chosen will be created automatically. When you click on this compressed file, the photos are automatically decompressed, creating a new folder.

How to share a compressed file with your photos

Now we have created a ZIP file in the Files app of iOS 15. It’s been easy, right? Well, once we have all our photos, videos (or any other file we want) compressed on the iPhone, it’s time to send and share the result with other users. Or even with ourselves! Since it can be a very interesting method to transfer large files between two devices without using from iPhone and iPad.

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Share ZIP files via Files

You can share your file directly from the Files application or from a third-party application, such as WhatsApp.

Follow these instructions to share your compressed ZIP file in Files:

1. Open Files on your iPhone with iOS 15 or another software version.

2. Go to the folder where you have stored your ZIP file.

3. Keep your finger pressed on the file until the floating menu appears.

4. Choose the “Share” option.

5. Select the app in which you want to share the file.

And ready! as easy as that. With this process you will be able to share the zip file with all your compressed photos and videos so that they do not take up so much size. There are many options available, you can share the file on WhatsApp, Dropbox, Messages, Trello, Mail and many more.

Share ZIP files via WhatsApp

If, on the other hand, you want to send the compressed images with a friend, your partner or a family member via WhatsApp, you just have to follow this series of simple steps:

1. Open the WhatsApp app on your iPhone.

2. Access a chat conversation.

3. Click on the (+) button.

4. Choose the “Document” option.

5. Browse through your Archives folders and choose the ZIP file.

6. Press the “Send” button located in the upper right corner.

Unfortunately, not all the apps in the App Store are compatible with the ZIP format, but as we previously mentioned, there are a good number of apps with which you can share your ZIP files.

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This is the end of our tutorial on how to compress and send ZIP files from the iPhone with the iOS 15 version of the operating system. A few years ago this was not possible and we needed to transfer the images to a Mac or PC to later compress and send them back to the iPhone to work with them. Luckily technology advances and allows us to enjoy functions as wonderful as this one. So take advantage and use this knowledge to share your favorite photos and videos by compressing them in a “.zip” format file.

Do you regularly use the Files app to compress videos and photos with your contacts? What do you think of this system for creating ZIP files? We await your opinion in the comments and on social networks.

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