How to create and print mailing labels in Excel

If you wonder how create and print mailing labels in Excelyou should know that it is a procedure that involves the use of easy-to-use tools to achieve it.

In this post, we will show you how to do it quickly and easily so you can do it in a few steps and even print it when you have it ready

Steps to follow to make postal labels

When making postal labels, a series of steps must be taken into account, including:

Creating the header in Excel

For start header creation In Excel, it is essential to follow this procedure:

  1. Enter Microsoft Excel and run a new worksheet.
  2. Go to the first columns and indicates the values ​​that will be presented in the header of your postal label. For example: Names, Surnames, Telephone number and Postal Code.
  3. Place the information corresponding to each heading.
  4. Once completed, do Click on the “Save” symbol and store this file in the folder of your choice.

Setting up Microsoft Word

When making the header in Excel, it will be essential to make a configuration in Microsoft Word to obtain a postal label, the steps to follow are:

  1. Go to Word and create a new document.
  2. In it, you must do Click on the “Correspondence” tabgo to “Create” and press “Labels”.
  3. In this way, a new window will appear, in which you will need to press “Options”.
  4. In section “Printer information”you will have to choose the type of device of this class that you have, which is usually “Page Printer”.
  5. Now choose “New label”where you can add a name to the project, the size of the margins, page size, vertical number (rows) and horizontal number (columns).
  6. Once you have made the settings of your preference, according to the dimensions of the sheet, press “Accept”.
  7. Go back to the window corresponding to “Labels” and Press “New Document”in which you will find the previously established columns and rows.
  8. Then click “Correspondence”select “Start Mail Merge,” and choose “Labels”.
  9. In this option, you will have to add configuration previously created and press “Accept”.
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Performing mail merge

Once the worksheet has been configured in Word, it will be necessary to perform the mail merge, the procedure to be applied is as follows:

  1. In section “Correspondence”, click on the tab “Select recipients” and press “Use an existing list.”
  2. The File Explorer will open, where you must choose the created Excel document and press the “Open” button.
  3. When doing so, you will need to click the “First row of data contains column headers” and press “OK”.
  4. Now, choose Insert merge field” to locate the Excel elements in each header.
  5. Next, click the symbol Update tags”, which is in the “Write and insert fields” section.
  6. Click on “Finish and combine”where you can choose the “Print documents” function, press the “All” box and select “Accept”.
  7. Thus, you will have the option of choose the printer to use and other settings to finally press “Accept”.

Note: it is worth noting, that you can not only work with Microsoft Wordbut with other programs that use the .csv extension, such as Corel Draw.

Tips to take into account

There are various tips to take into account when carrying out this action, since it will be essential to use Microsoft Excel and Word. Among these are the following:

  • One has to ensure that the columns and field names to place match on the labels.
  • All the information to be used must be found on the first page.
  • When making the transition with Microsoft Word, the corresponding data to each header they will have to be aligned correctly in Excel.
  • Any modifications will need to be executed before being combined with Microsoft Word.
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Creating and printing postal labels in Excel can be done easily by configuring the Word worksheet and taking into account the steps explained in this article.

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