How to create indexes with figures, tables and graphs in Word

Know how create indexes with figures, tables and graphs in Microsoft Word, is essential when correctly indicating the images used in an academic work. And to achieve this, it is possible to use various methods.

Therefore, in the following article We will show you the ways that exist to do itthrough easy and quick procedures to apply.

Previous steps

To create indexes with figures, tables and graphs, all those elements to be noted must be identified. After, You will have to go to the “References” tab and click on “Insert title”. Thus, a window will open, where it will be necessary Press “New label” in order to add the graphic element, either as an equation, figure, illustration or table.

Once obtained the name of the image, you can modify its title when located in the bar corresponding to said function. Also, in the “Position” section, you will have the opportunity to choose whether it will be above or below the selection. Then, You just have to press “Accept” and thus, each element to which the label is inserted will appear numbered.

Note: This is done in order to reference each element that will later be part of the graph, figure or table of the index.

Insert index with figures, tables and graphs

To insert the index with figures, tables and graphs, it will be essential to add a blank page, add the title corresponding to this part, Click on the “References” tab and click on “Insert table of illustrations”. Then, a window will open, where you must go to “Title Label”, in which you will have to select the label created previously.

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In the “Filling character” section, choose the style you will present the same, according to your preferences. To end, Press the “Accept” button.

When creating indexes with figurestables and graphs in Word, you will be able to structure correctly the graphic elements that are part of your academic works.

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