How to create or make Broadcast Lists in WhatsApp?

No messaging app attracts more people than WhatsApp. Over the years, this tool has been adapted to the most basic needs of any user.

Today we’re going to touch on a subject very familiar to fans of marketing and promotion: The WhatsApp broadcast lists. We will explain what they consist of and, in a few steps, we will teach you how to create one.

How do broadcast lists work on WhatsApp?

The broadcast list gives you the ability to send a text message or media file to multiple people at once, without having to add them to a group. This benefits you greatly, since you will not disturb people’s privacy and would increase the probability of attention.

According to him , There are some peculiarities when using broadcast lists, let’s see:

  • You must make sure that the sending contacts have you registered on their phone.
  • Each user can create infinite lists.
  • you can select up to 256 contacts in each broadcast list.

Create a Broadcast List on WhatsApp

We come to the interesting part, through a few steps, we will teach you how to create a Broadcast List in WhatsApp:

  1. Go to the top right of the application interface and press the three dots. Then select the option called “New Diffusion”.
  2. Choose to your preference the contacts that will receive the message. Always remember that you can only select 256, if that is not enough, you will need to create another list.
  3. Type the text or select the media file that will be sent in the broadcast message.

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Edit a broadcast list in WhatsApp

After the list is created, WhatsApp allows us to edit it at ease. This option is recommended if you want to change their name or make any changes to the contact selection:

  1. Find the chat in the broadcast list and enter.
  2. Position yourself in the upper right part and press the three points. Then choose the section “Info. of the list”.
  3. To modify the number of members you just have to go to “Edit recipients”. On the other hand, if your purpose is to change the name, you have to touch the three dots and you will find the option.
  4. From the last step you can add more members to the broadcast list, instead of changing the name, select “Add recipient”.
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Delete a WhatsApp broadcast list

After our list has fulfilled its intent, it is advisable that it be removed. Learn how to get rid of one below:

  1. Long press on the list you want to delete to select it.
  2. Press the symbol of a trash can at the top of the screen.
  3. Press “Delete” in the confirmation notification displayed by WhatsApp. In this message you can order to delete from the gallery the multimedia files that were shared in the list.

Why aren’t the broadcast messages arriving?

There is a very common concern in the community that uses Broadcast Lists for the first time: Some senders do not receive the message sent. This problem has two very simple solutions to execute, we show them below:

  • Can ask your contacts to register you on their phone or that they check if they have registered you correctly. They just have to go to WhatsApp Contacts and select to add a new contact or edit an existing one.
  • Another difficulty that can cause messages not to reach people is that you are in his black list of contacts. It often happens that due to past problems or by mistake, we end up blocking someone’s contact. It is very easy to remedy, since you can contact another way and report the setback.

There are no broadcast lists on WhatsApp Web

Not being able to directly send broadcast messages on WhatsApp Web is one of the limitations most lamented by users on the Internet.

Luckily, there is a fairly simple variant that can solve the problem: Create said list on your mobile phone and then open it from the PC.

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Follow the steps explained by us in this article and you will be able to send your messages to several contacts in an easy and fast way.

As you could see previously, knowing how to work with WhatsApp broadcast lists allows you to speed up the advertising process. Being able to communicate with the target audience, in a massive way, and without having to manage a classic group, makes the task of promoting easier and more effective.

What are you waiting for to create your first mailing list?

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Frequent questions

What is the difference between group and broadcast in WhatsApp?

The difference between WhatsApp group and broadcast is that, while in the former you can send messages from both parties (administrator and members of the group) and all members can see the rest of the members, in broadcast messages this is not it is possible, and the contacts who receive the message do not know that the message has been sent from a broadcast list.

How to know if it is a broadcast message on WhatsApp?

Broadcast messages on WhatsApp are no different from regular messages for the recipient. A notice or warning mechanism has not yet been implemented on the platform.

How many contacts can a broadcast list have?

A WhatsApp broadcast list can only have 256 contacts added. As a recommendation, if you need to reach more people, create another list, since there are no limitations regarding the number of mailing lists that can be created.

How to make a broadcast list in WhatsApp without adding contact?

Making a broadcast list on WhatsApp without adding contacts is not possible, as according to their policy, both parties must be added equally. As a suggestion, you could contact them and convince them to add you to their agenda.

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How to send mass messages on WhatsApp without being blocked?

Being blocked on WhatsApp for SPAM is one of the most common punishments. Luckily for you, there are several ways to send mass messages that are legally allowed:

  1. Do not abuse sending messages to people who are not your contacts. Always try to have them added and they to you, otherwise WhatsApp will translate it as SPAM.
  2. Avoid chain messages, as they are considered by the platform as a means of fraud. Alternatively you can create a mailing list.
  3. Try not to continually change your phone number. This is not considered SPAM but appears as a cause for blocking in WhatsApp’s own “Terms and Conditions”.
  4. Avoid being blocked by your contacts as this can lead to the permanent closure of your account. The application understands that if you are constantly blocked it is because you are doing something illegal.
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