How to Create Roles in Discord Mobile: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

If you have wondered how to create users in Mobile, you are in the right place. This will show you how to add roles to your Discord Mobile channel, so that all users can have a level of customization and control of their own experience within the groups.

Create roles from scratch, from assigning permissions to updating role colors and names. Additionally, we will help you understand the hierarchy of roles and how to put them into practice in order to improve your Discord server.

With the information we share here, you will be able to create an environment with fluid and secure rules so that your users feel comfortable interacting with each other.

Let’s start then, here we explain each step that needs to be followed to create roles in Discord Mobile:

  • : Access the roles menu.
  • Step 2: Create and edit roles.
  • Step 3: Assign permissions.
  • Step 4: Review the hierarchy of roles.
  • Step 5: Add members to roles.

After adding the roles to your Discord Mobile server, your users can start enjoying the benefits of organized interaction. For example, administrators will have the ability to manage conversations, moderators will prevent inappropriate content from being posted, and users will gain individual rights to manage their own tasks within the group.

Do not forget

  1. Open the Discord app on your .
  2. Select the conversation where you would like to create a role.
  3. Click on the button that indicates “…” located at the top of the screen.
  4. Select the “Manage Server” option.
  5. Scroll down until you find the roles section.
  6. Press the red button that says “←Add a role” to start creating your role.
  7. Enter an example of the new role name in the “New role name” box.
  8. Slide the “Level Permissions” bar to assign the permissions that the new role will have.
  9. Once you are happy with the permissions, press the button that says “Save changes”.
  10. You would have already created your new role.
  11. If you wish, you can edit it by tapping the “Edit” button located next to the role. Here you can also modify the permissions or delete the role if you wish.

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What is Discord?

Discord is an online communication platform that combines text, voice and video chat. It was released on May 8, 2015 by Hammer & Chisel Inc., a video game development studio. It is designed to provide effective communication for video game players, but the platform has also become a tool used for various purposes, from team meetings or hybrid groups to “virtual” conferences and online forums.

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This application is available for both desktop and mobile devices, providing the ubiquity needed to perform tasks online. Discord is designed to be easily accessible over the web, meaning there is no need to download any software or update it to use it. Users can interact with each other through various features such as chat channels, voice rooms, group calls, file transfer, and much more.

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Discord is known for its focus on privacy, meaning that everyone Through the app you will stay safe and secure. This includes , shared files and videos, as well as other personal data. There are also a variety of “servers” on the platform that are dedicated to specific topics, such as games, comedians, news, or anything else users want to discuss.

Discord provides unlimited bandwidth, , professional hosts and moderation tools. This platform also allows for server customization, allowing users to customize members’ appearances, roles, and privileges. Discord bots are a very useful way to create interactions with users through simple, pre-programmed commands. Additionally, there are third-party applications that allow users to extend the uses and functionalities of Discord.

Why should I create roles in Discord?

Creating roles in Discord can help organize and manage a community. Roles allow users to have different levels of privileges and access on a server. By defining each role with the appropriate level of permissions, administrators can control which community members have certain capabilities and which do not. This will make the servers more organized, as users will have a clear understanding of the extent of their rights and privileges within the community.

This means that admins will make a division between those users who are only members and those who possess some type of administrative power. Thus, admins will be able to clearly differentiate and identify users with greater or lesser authority. On the other hand, roles also allow administrators to limit certain functions to certain user profiles, thus preventing certain tasks from being performed incorrectly.

Additionally, roles allow users to feel like they are becoming more involved in the community and increase motivation and engagement among members. Roles can be useful for everyone from moderators to community members who will make donations. This improves interaction between users, in addition to promoting collaboration between them.

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Roles can also be used to promote content to users. By creating different roles and allowing users to add tags to posts, users have a clear idea about what content is accepted on the server. This helps keep the community tidy and organized, and ensures that users follow the server’s rules.

Finally, thanks to roles you have a better understanding of who is who on the server. This means that users will have a better idea of ​​who the administrator is and which users have the highest privileges. This helps users feel more comfortable talking to other users and go directly to the administrator if they need help.

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What are the steps to create roles in Discord?

To create roles in Discord it is important that we first have an account, we must on the platform and follow the following steps:

  • 1. Go to the configuration part and press the “Roles” button.
  • 2. Add the name, permissions and select the color of the role.
  • 3. Once created, the new role will appear in the list of existing ones, scrolling down until you reach the desired location.
  • 4. Add members to the new role. To do this, you must locate the user in the list of server members, click on it with the right mouse button and choose the “Assign roles” option.
  • 5. Finally, press the “Save” button so that the changes are confirmed.

This is how you can add new roles to your Discord server. These roles allow you to organize the members of your server and grant them different permissions depending on the degree of hierarchy that has been defined. For example, a work team could choose to create roles such as Manager, Administrator, Salesperson, etc.

How to create roles in Discord Mobile?

Create Roles in Discord Mobile

Discord is one of the leading online chat apps, and its mobile version offers many of the features that make it so popular. The ability to create roles in Discord Mobile is one of these features. This allows users to define different categories for users based on their level of engagement and authority within the channel or server. This is also known as a group privilege system, in which administrators can assign specific permissions to users according to their roles.

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In Discord Mobile, it is possible to create roles directly from the user interface. To get started, users need to log into their Discord account and select the channel or server they want to create a role on. Once there, users need to press the ‘+’ button at the bottom right of the screen, then select the ‘create role’ button. On the next screen, users can customize the name, description, and permissions for the new role.

An interesting aspect of roles created with Discord Mobile is that administrators can adjust privileges for each one. This means that users with different roles may have different skills within the channel or server. For example, a user with the administrator role will have all rights to view, modify and delete content within the server. Users with the moderator role will have the right to edit and , but they will not have access to the server configuration. Finally, users with the member role will have limited privileges, such as the ability to post messages and links to the server.

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Once administrators have created roles and defined privileges for each, they can assign them to channel or server users. To do so, administrators must navigate to the ‘members’ section located at the top left of the screen. Then, they press the ‘edit’ button next to the user they want to assign the role to. In the next window, administrators must activate the selector that appears next to the role they want to assign to the user. Finally, administrators only need to confirm the selection to save the changes.

Roles are a useful tool for managing Discord channels and servers, as they give administrators a lot of control over the moderation and security of their communities. The ability to create roles in Discord Mobile is a convenient tool for those users who need to assign specific permissions to multiple users at the same time.

How to assign users to the new created roles?

Assign users to newly created roles It may be a slightly complex process, but it will surely Once you understand the procedure it will be simple. Therefore, we recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Create a role. The first stage consists of creating a new role with specific permissions for the user(s) to whom we will assign this function. This can be done from the Roles section located in the administration interface.
  2. . After creating the new role, it will be necessary to go to the Users section to select those who will receive the assigned position. To do this, they must be checked in the “User name” box.
  3. Apply the new role. Once the users are selected, the next step is to apply the created role. This is achieved by going to the Roles menu and choosing the Assign User Role option.
  4. Confirm roles. And finally, we must verify that the users correctly received the new role. To do this, in the same administration interface, go to the Users menu and check that the selected users have the assigned permissions.

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