How to Delete a Thunderbird Account | Tutorial 2023

Many times you can have problems when having a Thunderbird accountwhich is the email application that is managed by the Mozilla companyand which in turn owns the browser .

In that sense, if you are reading this article, it is the right place, because we will explain how delete this type of account in said email program.

Thunderbird account

The account of Thunderbird comes from this application that allows you to access email accounts, to send and receive new messages through your computer.

In this sense, before configuring your email account in Thunderbird you must create the mail accountsin order to download this application you can do it in the following

Thunderbird Account Features

Among the most notable features of a Thunderbird account are the following:

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1. It has an Email Account Configuration Wizard

This type of functionality, you have to know the configurations of IMAP, SMTP and SSL/TLSand after that you can enter your name, email address and password, and the wizard will search the database and find the appropriate settings for your account.

2. You have a complete Address Book

This feature of having an address book is a quick and easy way to add people to your address booksince you add people by clicking on the star icon in the messages you receive and with two clicks you can add more contact details such as photo, birthday and other information you want.

3. Has Attachment Reminder

Regarding the attachment reminder, look in the body of your message for the word “attach” and other words like “file types” and you will be able to remember what to add in the attachment before sending the message.

4. It is an Email with tabs

In case you like tabbed browsing Firefoxyou can manage your email with tabs, which means that it allows you to load messages in different tabs so you can quickly jump between one message and another.

Suddenly you may be responding to a message and need to refer to a previous message, so tabbed mail will allow you to keep multiple emails open so that you can access them in an easier way.

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That is why when you close Thunderbird, the visible tabs will be saved so they can be restored for the next time you open Thunderbird. In addition, there is a Tabs menu in the tab toolbar that helps you switch tabs.

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5. It has a quick filtering toolbar

Regarding the quick filtering toolbar it allows you to separate the email instantly, and you can type words in the search box Quick filtering and results are displayed instantly.

You can also filter the mail by new messages, those with tags and the people in your address bookand be able to save a filter and use it in multiple folders.

6. With Search Tools

This type of application has a search interface that contains filtering and timeline tools to be able to locate the exact message you are looking for, plus it indexes all your messages and chat conversations to help you search even faster.

In addition to your search results, it will show you in a tab so you can easily switch between your search results and the rest of your email.

7. Message archive

In case you need a message later, and you want it out of your inbox Without deleting it, you can archive it, which will help you in managing your inbox and placing your message in the archive folder system.

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8. Smart Folders

Another feature it has is smart folders that help you manage multiple email accountsin addition to combining special folders such as your inbox, your sent messages folder or the archive folder.

In this sense, instead of going to the inbox of each of your email accounts, you can see all your received email in a single inbox that will be stored.

9. Plugin Manager

By having the plugins installed directly on Thunderbird, you just have to open the plugin manager. And see the ratings, recommendations and images of the accessories in action that will help you choose them.

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10. Robust privacy

Thanks to Thunderbird it offers you functions for user privacy and protection against remote images, which guarantees user privacy, since Thunderbird It automatically blocks remote images in email messages.

11. Protection against identity theft

Having a Thunderbird account protects you from fraud by email that try to trick users so that you can hand over personal and confidential information by indicating if a message is trying to make you phishing. It also notifies you when you click on a link that may take you to a website other than the one indicated by the URL in the message.

12. Automatic update

Thunderbird has an update system that checks if you are running the latest version, and tells you when a new security update is available.

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Security updates are small 200KB to 700KBand it offers you what you need and they download and install very quickly, being an automatic update system that provides you with Thunderbird on Windows, macOS and Linus as well as more than 40 different languages.

13. Garbage disposal

Thunderbird has been updated to prevent spam, and every message you receive is one of the latest spam filters. unwanted mail Thunderbird, since marking a message as “not wanted”filtering for spam is improved.

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How to Set Up a Thunderbird Account

In order to configure an email account, you can configure it on your Thunderbird by following these steps:

You have to open Thunderbird on your computer.

When entering the section of “beads” from the main window, you have to click on “Email”.

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When the new screen opens, you have to complete the account information, indicating the name, email address and password. Then you press the button “Continue”.

Through the wizard you must look for the usual configuration, in this case you have to press the button “Manual setup” to be able to enter the correct account information.

After this you have to fill in the incoming and outgoing mail server, port number, SSL security and the user’s name.

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Then you have to press the button “Try again” and finally you click the button “Made”

Once the procedure is completed, the email account will be added.

How to Delete a Thunderbird Account

If in this case you want to cancel the Thunderbird account, you must complete the following steps:

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The first thing you have to do is enter the application to desk of Thunderbird and go to the panel on the right where you will see the accounts and choose the account.

When you choose the account you want to delete and right click on it.

When you see the list that has been displayed, and you must click on “Setting”.

Then in the account settings panel, you have to locate the option “Account operations”, and you click on it.

When you are there in the list that you find with the account you have to click on “.

When the pop-up window opens you have to check if you want to delete the data of the saved messages from the account, and you must click on “Eliminate”, and the account would be deleted in Thunderbird.

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As could be seen when having an account Thunderbird It has great advantages and if you want to have it presented, but if on the contrary it does not seem effective to you, you can eliminate it with the data presented here, whatever the option, in this article we present what you need to know about this email application.

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