How to Delete Copied Links: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

It may sound like another tedious task that you never get rid of, but deleting copied links has never been easier. In this you’ll learn how to remove those links and keep your content clean in a matter of minutes. After reading this article, you will no longer have to worry about copied links.

Although deleting copied links may sound intimidating, fear not! We will show you all the to do it quickly and efficiently. Once you follow these steps, your content will look and read much betterwhich will increase your reach and audience engagement.

To delete copied links effectively, you’ll need to understand your options and decide what’s right for you. In addition to a detailed description of the necessary steps, we will also give you some tips on how to improve your content in the future.


  1. To start deleting the copied links, you must first enter the web browser that you have installed on your computer, such as Chrome.
  2. Once inside the browser, look for the address where the link is located and click on it; this will allow you to open the page.
  3. Next, locate the address bar located at the top of the screen. You will see that the copied link is written on it.
  4. Press the key Suppress from the keyboard; This will delete its content and automatically remove the link from the browser.
  5. If at any time you return to the league, press the key again Suppress to remove it.
  6. Finally, to verify that the link has been deleted correctly, return to the page and check that it no longer appears in the address bar.

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What tools are necessary to delete copied links?

To delete copied links you will need some specific tools depending on the destination of the link. For example, if the copied link is in a social media post, you will need a tool to delete the content of that postwhich is generally accessible through the same platform.

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For the links on Google, it is recommended to use the Disavow Links tool in Search Console, which will help you remove any links you copied. This tool will also allow you to disavow particular websites, so that They cannot re-include your content without your consent.

Other tools that are useful for delete copied links They include the Ahrefs platform, which allows you to see how many times a link has been shared and from where. This will help you quickly identify where are your links and how to delete them.

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Another useful tool is Link Detox, that helps you identify potentially dangerous links to your content. This tool will allow you to see if there are links that have been tagged incorrectly or that may be irrelevant to your content. Besides, will allow you to disable any links that you do not want used with your content.

Finally, Google also offers a tool called Remove URLs, which allows you to request removal of a specific URL or directory from Google. This tool is especially useful if you find that someone is misusing your content. You can use this tool to request that Google remove a particular linkthus preventing it from further spreading.

Is it possible to safely delete copied links?

Is possible to safely delete copied links, as long as there are certain security measures that allow controlling the copying and subsequent deletion of the material. One of the most used methods for this is to ensure that the copied link is only on a server secure enough to limit access to authorized users. You can also use a cryptographic tool that prevents copied links from being viewed or used by unauthorized people.

Once the link is copied, whether by an authorized user or not, the link can be disabled in the database and measures can be applied such as limiting the number of users who are authorized to access it. Likewise, you can set a password so that only those users with this password can enter the resource.

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In the event that the link has been copied and distributed in an unauthorized manner, tracking tools can be applied to detect who made the contact and thus avoid any type of misuse of the material. This allows information to be recovered or modified without the risk of being discovered.

Therefore, taking into account appropriate security measuresit is possible to safely delete copied links and thus prevent distribution of the material to unauthorized users.

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How can I ensure that the content is no longer available to external users?

The first thing you should make sure is activate blocking of any content for which you have responsibility. You can do this on your server or from your database system, depending on the way you have stored your content and users. Ideally, you should control this block from your server to prevent external users from having access.

Then you have to make sure you remove any links to said content. This includes any link on the web, in PDF files, in text files or any other type of document where you may have mentioned the content in question. A quick and safe way to do this is to check that all URLs related to that content are marked as “non-indexable” in search engines, ensuring that no one can reach the content once the link is removed.

Finally, You should check if there is a copy of whoever may have saved the content on another external site.. This includes anyone who could have downloaded the content before you were able to block them. If you find a copy, you should contact the person or owner of the copy and ask them to remove the content.

To ensure that content is no longer available to external users, you must also:

  • Send an email message to all users to notify them that the content will no longer be accessible.
  • Delete the information of the server to avoid unexpected access.
  • Add a note to deleted content so that users understand why it was removed.
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Is there a way to prevent accidental deletion of links?

It is entirely possible to prevent accidental deletion of links, as long as you take some steps. precautionary measures. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Carry out Backups of content, especially content that includes links. This helps restore the original content if it is lost. It is recommended that every time you add a link, you make sure to save a backup copy.
  • Add confirmations before deletion. This means that when you remove a link, you should receive a confirmation notice to confirm your decision. This prevents deleting the link if you haven’t done this intentionally.
  • Use a version control. This tool is useful for tracking changes made to your content, helping you easily recover any content that has been unintentionally deleted.
  • If possible, you can also disable the option to delete links, or limit it to authorized users. This limits the number of people who can delete links or at least gives them a second chance to think before deleting.


Now that you know the copied links, you can now start to avoid security problems related to web content. The key to all this is to keep your content safe and well protected.

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So get to work! Put your new knowledge to the test to improve your website’s links, and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that no one else is using your content without your authorization!

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