How to Delete Learned Words on Galaxy S7 – Premium Tuto

You have already tried several times to write something down on your phone. , but you start typing and the keyboard on your smartphone suggests some words that have no relation to what you are trying to say. If this or something similar has happened to you, then it is likely that your phone’s memory has memorized new words from your frequent use of the keyboard, which can interfere when you try to type.

To eliminate the words learned in your Galaxy S7, you must first understand that there are two main ways to delete words:

  • Individually delete each learned word
  • Completely delete phone memory

Below we will mention each of the methods in detail:

Method 1: Delete words individually

The following steps will help you erase every learned word on your Galaxy S7:

  1. Go to the phone keypad and select the three horizontal stripes icon.
  2. Once you’ve done that, you’ll go to the Keyboard Settings screen.
  3. Then, select “Learned Words” and all the words your Smartphone has learned as you use it will be displayed.
  4. Now, all you have to do is select the word you want to delete and then confirm it to finish the process.

Method 2: Clear phone memory

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If you wish, you can also delete the entire phone memory, that is, all the words learned at the same time. To achieve this, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Keyboard Settings screen.
  • Select “Phone memory” and then press the “Delete phone memory” button.
  • Confirm memory deletion to finish the process.

Now that you know how to eliminate learned words in your You will no longer have problems typing and you will not have to put up with the unnecessary suggestions that the phone keyboard offers you. Additionally, depending on how you use your phone, you may find that the process of clearing memory can improve the performance of your device.


  1. First, open the ‘Settings’ app on your Galaxy S7.
  2. In the ‘General’ section, scroll down to the ‘Language & Input’ option.
  3. From there, press the ‘Samsung Keyboard’ button to access its options.
  4. Within this section, look for the ‘Learned words’ option and click on it to open a new screen.
  5. Now, you will see a list with all the words that the application has learned over time.
  6. Select one or more words to delete.
  7. Click on the ‘Delete’ button and that’s it. You won’t have those words on your keyboard anymore!
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How can you delete a learned word on a Galaxy S7?

First of all, You must have the latest version of , as there are some security updates that may be necessary to be able to perform this task. Once this is verified, the process to delete a learned word on a Galaxy S7 is the following:

  1. Open the “Settings” app. This is located in the list of applications in the menu.
  2. Search among the different sections of the configuration for “Keyboard“. Here you can manage your keyboard settings.
  3. Within the keyboard option, look for the option “Words and phrases“.
  4. Now you will have access to the list of words that you have typed many times and with which the keyboard suggests through autofill. To delete a word from the list you just have to click on the specific word you want to delete and select the option “Eliminate” from the drop-down menu.

It is important to remember that once delete a word, it will not appear as a suggestion again while you typeso it can be useful if you don’t want to see certain words constantly appear in the list of suggestions on your keyboard.

What steps must be followed to delete a learned word on a Galaxy S7?

The Galaxy S7 is a smartphone that has a function called voice recognition Bixby, which allows the user to speak to the device to perform certain actions. If you want to delete a word learned on this device, you only need to follow a series of .

  • : Go to your phone’s home screen and tap the app icon Bixby.
  • Step 2: Once inside the app, swipe down from the top of your screen to find the menu bar and tap preferences.
  • Step 3: Now you should see a menu with different options, choose the option Words learned.
  • Step 4: Select the word you want to delete and press the button Eliminate.
  • Step 5: In case you want to confirm the operation, press the button Eliminate again, and the word will be deleted and will no longer be considered for future voice commands.
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When is it recommended to delete learned words on a Galaxy S7?

It is recommended to delete learned words on a Galaxy S7 when they are no longer necessary. This is important to keep your keyboard settings up to date and free of outdated data. It also helps improve the phone’s overall performance, as a smaller index means the device will take less time to search. This also reduces the chance of spelling errors because the keyboard will use fewer learned words as suggestions.

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To delete learned words on the Galaxy S7, head to the settings menu on your phone. From there, select the “Language and input” option. Once in this section, you will find the option “Manage my learned words”. Here you can select each of the languages ​​to see the complete list of words learned with their frequencies of use. To delete a particular word, press the red button next to the name. This will remove the word permanently. If you want to delete all the learned words, press the “Delete all learned words” button. This will delete all stored words permanently.

It is important to note that deleting words learned on a Galaxy S7 is not always advisable. Some keywords, such as or password, can be safely stored on the keyboard to avoid spelling errors when typing certain sensitive information. Additionally, erasing learned words can also be tedious, especially if there are many words to erase. Therefore, it is only recommended to delete learned words on a Galaxy S7 if they become obsolete or if the phone starts to run slowly.

Is it possible to get rid of all the words learned on a Galaxy S7?

It is possible to get rid of all the words learned on a Galaxy S7. Yes, there are ways to delete all the words that have been acquired through the use of the Galaxy S7 smartphone. Depending on the method the user chooses, the process may vary. There are two main procedures to eliminate learned words:

  • Through cache – This is the easiest way to clear the phone cache. This can be achieved by entering the cache configuration panel through the browser and deleting it there. Once this is done, all files and words that have been temporarily saved will be deleted.
  • Via sync app – Many smartphones have syncing applications that allow the user to synchronize their phone with other devices. If you access the app, you can see a list of the words that have been synced to your device. This means that if files or words are deleted from this list, they will also be removed from the device’s memory.
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In both cases, it is necessary to be careful since some words are not only saved on the device but also in the cloud and deleting them could mean a total loss of information. It is important to ensure that the device memory is always backed up before making any changes.


learned on the Galaxy S7 It’s pretty simple and it does not require much technological knowledge to perform this task.

You simply have to go to Settings > Language and input > Keyboards and input > Learned words and there you will find the option to delete the stored data. Besides, You can decide whether or not you want to save the data as it is generatedin addition to establishing stricter restrictions on what is recorded and how it is used.

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All these tools allow us to easily manage the data learned by the Galaxy S7, with the guarantee of greater security and privacy for our data.

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