How to Disable the Shuffle Play Feature on Spotify – Premium Tuto

Now that we listen to music daily thanks to free services like Spotify, it is normal that we have become accustomed to our programming being incredibly varied. The shuffle feature in Spotify is a great help for those who love variety and enjoy the surprise of not knowing what song is going to play next.

But what if you get tired of this feature and want to listen to an entire album without interruptions? Well, luckily there is an easy way to turn off shuffle play on Spotify so you can have complete control over your music.

In this article we will explain:

  • Why turn off shuffle play.
  • How to turn off shuffle play on Spotify.
  • The difference between “play all tracks” and “play shuffle”.

Do not wait more, Get up from your chair and prepare your music library to listen to your favorite music without interruptions.

Do not forget

  1. First, launch the Spotify app on your device. On the main screenlocate the button “Setting”.
  2. Once you are inside the interface Settinglook for the section “Reproduction” and select it.
  3. Inside the Playback page, scroll the bar down and you will find the option “Shuffle Playback” marked with a box to activate it.
  4. Finally, simply slide it all the way to the right to DEACTIVATE the random play function.
  5. Ready! Now you have learned how deactivate the shuffle feature in the Spotify app.

How to Deactivate Spotify Random Mode – Complete User Guide


What is the shuffle function?

Random play function It is a common feature in audio players, both for computers, mobile phones and gadgets. This function allows you to automatically and randomly jump to different songs contained in the playlist.

This feature is especially useful when you want to listen to the entire list without going through the trouble of manually switching from one track to another, resulting in a better listening experience. However, this feature is not recommended for occasions where the song selection is relevant, whether for a party, romantic setting or similar entertainment.

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Bulleted List:

  • The random playback function ensures a broader and more varied sound experience.
  • There is no need to switch from one song to another manually.
  • It is advisable to use it only when the song selection is not relevant.

How to disable the shuffle play feature in Spotify?

Deactivating the shuffle play function in Spotify is very simple. To do this, you will only have to follow the steps:

  • Open the Spotify app.
  • Log in with your username to access your songs.
  • Once inside, select the “Settings” option in the right side menu.
  • In the “Playback Options” section you will find the option to deactivate or random playback.
  • Change the option button to “No” to disable shuffle play.
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This way, the desired option will be disabled and you will no longer receive random or suggested songs. If you decide to enable it again, follow the same steps and return the button to the “Yes” option.

What are the steps to turn off the shuffle feature?

Turn off the shuffle function It is a simple task if you follow a few . First, the user must select the device on which they want to disable shuffle play. This can be done through a desktop or laptop computer, or through a smartphone or tablet. Below are specific steps to disable this feature:

  • In most Media Players (such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc.), select the ‘Shuffle Play’ option and disable the option.
  • For mobile apps (like Spotify), press the menu icon at the top right of the screen and select ‘Shuffle Play’. On the next screen, disable the option.
  • For Apple Music users, go to the Settings section in the App and turn off the option.
  • In most vehicles with integrated multimedia navigators, the option can be found located in the main menu. Select the ‘Shuffle Play’ option and disable the option.

Later, when you want to activate random playback again, the user will only have to follow the same previous steps to enable the option. It may be necessary to restart the application for the changes to take effect.

Why should I turn off the shuffle feature?

The shuffle feature on electronic devices can be one of the most fun features; However, its excessive use can have harmful effects for the end user. Below we will explain What are the risks involved in keeping the random playback function activated.

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  • 1. The shuffle option tends to play unwanted content or content that may be inappropriate for minors.
  • 2. If the shuffle function is activated on content stored on any device, there is a possibility that sensitive information could be exposed from the device, as the subject of a hacker or malware attack.
  • 3. Excessive use of the shuffle function reduces the data processing efficiency of the device; which leads to a decrease in performance.
  • 4. The shuffle function may cause spontaneous disconnections of the device if there is an interruption in the power supply or internet signal. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why a device can experience recurring freezes and crashes.
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It is important to have common sense to evaluate the use and deactivate the random playback function in case the contents to be played are sensitive and/or the users are minors. Deactivating the random playback function will ensure better performance of the device and its stored content, avoiding interference from third parties.

Is it possible to turn the shuffle function back on in the future?

The shuffle function may be activated in the future. This depends on the progress made in the development and implementation of new content reproduction technologies. There are some software manufacturers that have already implemented the shuffle function in their products, such as the music streaming service Pandora, which allows its users to play songs randomly on their device. Additionally, users can set shuffle play for a specific song list.

Another way to access the shuffle function is by downloading specialized programs, such as Shuffle Music Player, which is a free program that allows users to play music files randomly on their computer. This software offers a set of tools to customize music playback, in addition to allowing the creation of favorite music lists or synchronization with platforms such as Spotify.

Technology experts are also working on personal smart devices, such as virtual assistants, that allow activation of shuffle play via voice. That is, a simple voice command could be enough to select a random song to listen to. This technology is being developed based on a software protocol called “Bluetooth Low Energy”, which is responsible for sending signals between electronic devices.

Once this technology is developed, many manufacturers will have the ability to implement random playback on their devices, which will serve to of the users of these products. This will open up the possibility of taking advantage of devices’ ability to randomly select multimedia content and offer users a variety of listening options.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the shuffle function?

The shuffle function has become a modern trend in the world of technology, as it offers the possibility of listening to all your songs without having to search or play them manually. This feature helps users when , since it is a fun, practical and entertaining way to enjoy your favorite songs. Next, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of using the shuffle feature.

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  • It allows you to obtain different musical experiences.
  • Brings users closer to various musical genres.
  • It allows you to discover new music in a fun way.
  • Enables exploration of the user’s entire library.
  • It is useful for creating diverse environments in social gatherings and celebrations.


  • You cannot choose specific songs.
  • Older themes are not always available.
  • The shuffle function does not always produce the desired results.
  • It is possible that themes appear that the user does not like.
  • The shuffle function does not allow you to preserve the order of the playlist.


In conclusiondisabling the shuffle feature on Spotify is something to do, since it does not require any type of technical knowledge. Just follow these simple steps:

  • from Spotify.
  • Go to the Settings section.
  • Disable the shuffle option.

Once the previous steps have been completed, the shuffle playback function will be deactivated and you will be able to enjoy your music as always. Spotify is an ideal application to listen to music and comfortable, and turning off this feature can help you optimize your experience. Enjoy music without distractions!

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