How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 7

For users running Windows 7 They have long known the importance of keeping your antivirus activated, however if you don’t know how to disable Windows Defender in Windows 7we will explain it to you below.

This antivirus was developed by Microsoft that put an end to the company’s streak of failures in terms of securitybeing fully integrated into Windows, designed to protect all users from all threats that may endanger their security.

Windows Defender

Windows Defender was known as Microsoft Antispywarebeing a program designed to prevent, remove and isolate spyware in Microsoft Windowscurrently being known as Defender which is included in the versions of Windows Vista and in the versions of Windows 7 and all the ones that have come out so far.

Thus, Windows Defender it is a solution antivirus and antimalware Quite secure and reliable that works in real time, it does not need a large amount of resources to work, so it does not put the system at risk. performance of the team, and has a great .

With Windows Defender It can be said that it is an excellent and quite complete antivirus. In fact, it is currently one of the best antivirus on the market, as it protects against malware, viruses and spywareand acts in the background so that the user can continue working comfortably.

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This is why the main purpose of Windows Defender is to detect the presence of malicious programs in Microsoft Windows, as well as delete and quarantine them. However, it does not have a antimalware engine as powerful as Malwarebytes, which carries out an anti-malware analysis in real time without protection, in this case using it together with Windows Defender will help you enhance the security of your computer.

With Windows Defender you can examine folders and files to ensure their security. If the program detects any threat, it will notify you immediately. To analyze any of them, you have to right-click and select the option “Browse with Windows Defender.”

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Windows Defender Features

Among the most notable functions of Windows Defender the following stand out:

  • With Windows Defender you can manage your privacy from the configuration panel.
  • With it you can integrate the Parental control so you can protect your restricting online purchases and limiting access to inappropriate content.
  • If it consumes so few resources it is because it uses the cloud technology. This antivirus is very effective when it comes to protecting your computer from common threats present on the web.
  • Its analyzes are quite fast and complete, and it will notify you every time you download suspicious files.

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows Defender

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Among the most notable advantages and disadvantages are the following:

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  • It has options of Parental controlthis protection shield It allows you to control the websites your children access. Also program good PC usage habits, such as the time they can use it and the hours of the day, and control the games and programs they download based on their age.
  • it’s possible manage privacy thanks to its security system.
  • has low Resource consumptionwhich gives you a chance to work without slowing down the operating system.
  • Security is outstanding, since its database is updated several times a day and has real-time cloud-based protection, so you will always be protected.
  • Have a good performancesince Windows Defender does not get stuck when installing certain programs.
  • It has the Microsoft supportthe Windows developer, this means that from minute zero the antivirus will be activated and protecting your PC.
  • As he antivirus engine and the operating system are designed to work together.


  • Does not have tools “anti-ransomware” that protects the operating system from these violent viruses.
  • You need some security modulessuch as an email filter, a password manager, or privacy protection features offered by other alternatives.
  • With the Windows firewallalthough it is effective, it is very complicated to configure, by default it offers you good security, but if you want to take the protection to another level and create custom rules for the firewall, things get very complicated.

How to find and remove viruses with Windows Defender

One of the strengths What Windows Defender has is its ease of use, since it is constantly monitoring your computer, and shows periodic notices with the status of your securityto be able to do that review you can follow these methods:

First Method

In Microsoft Defender allows you to scan the files or directories you want on demand.

To do this, you have to right-click on the file or folder you want. analyzeand choosing the option to scan with Windows or Microsoft Defender, depends on the OS version.

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Second Method

Within the program, in the section “Antivirus and threat protection”, you can find the possibility of performing scans of your entire PC. If you click on the button “quick test” Windows Defender will analyze the most common infection points.

You can also delete any threat that may be on our PC, and if you open the exam optionsyou can configure the type of on-demand analysis you want to do.

Types of Microsoft Defender scans

Windows Defender It has its own set of types of analysis, this will depend largely on the circumstances of each case. It will also include the time you have available.

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Given this, you have to take into account that as that team analysis be deeper, more components are scanned, that way you will be safer, but you may encounter some inconveniences.

For example, a mistakesince antiviruses usually consume a good amount of team resources, if you are working at that moment, you can suffer this decrease in a worrying way.

In the case that it is deeper, the time lengthens sustainably, which could be somewhat annoying if it lasts too long, especially in old equipment or with somewhat limited specifications.

Therefore, the modes available in this case to choose the most convenient one are the following:

  1. Quick test: analyzes the most common and critical parts used by threats.
  2. Complete exam: It analyzes absolutely all the hard drives on your PC.
  3. Custom analysis: It allows you to analyze the files or directories you want.
  4. Offline Exam: Restart the computer and use Microsoft Defender to search for threats before loading the operating system. This is especially useful for malicious code that you cannot eliminate with the rest of the scans.

Depending on the type of analysis, and your hardware, if you have SSD the time is much less than if you have HDDthese exams will take more or less time to complete.

How to Control Windows Defender with CMD

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In addition to being able to use the windows antivirus From its interface, more advanced users can also scan the PC and use the antivirus from a window. CMDwith commands.

For it :

The first thing you have to do is open a window Command Promptwith permissions Administratorand go to the following directory: cd C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Platform/4.18*

If you have more than one folder «4.18» in that directory, hence the asterisk at the end. CMD will go first on the list.

If you want to use another version of the motor, then you must replace the * for the specific folder you want.

Once in this folder, you will run the command «MpCmdRun -Scan -ScanType», followed by a parameter indicating the type of scan you want to perform. For example:

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  • MpCmdRun -Scan -ScanType 1 –> Fast Scanner
  • MpCmdRun -Scan -ScanType 2 –> Full Scan
  • MpCmdRun -Scan -ScanType 3 -File «directory» –> Scan a specific file or directory
  • MpCmdRun -Scan -ScanType -BootSectorScan –> Windows boot sector analysis

You can also use other types of commands to control other antivirus featuressuch as the following:

  • MpCmdRun -Restore -ListAll –> View all quarantined files
  • MpCmdRun -Restore -Name MyApp.exe –> Restore a specific file
  • MpCmdRun -Restore -Name MyApp.exe -FilePath PATH –> Restore a file to a specific directory
  • MpCmdRun -SignatureUpdate –> Update virus database

If you want to know in detail all the options that Defender antivirus offers you to use from the console, you can consult the help by running “MpCmdRun -h”and you will see everything you need to do

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How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 7

As has been said Windows Defender is a software antispyware included with the Windows operating system and runs automatically when turned on.

But if you realize that they do not meet your expectations and if you want to disable or uninstall Windows Defenderyou can follow the following procedures:

First Method

In this case you have to follow these steps:

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Type in the search box Start the next: services.msc and press Introand you click on the button Continue if prompted for a UAC message.

You go to the list of services until you see the name of Windows Defenderand right click on the name of Windows Defender and select the option Properties.

Then in the tab Generalset the startup type to the option “Disabled” and you click on the button Apply to save the changes.

Second Method

You can also disable Windows Defender from the right within the program itself, following these steps:

You have to open the Windows Defender program by typing Windows Defender in the search field of the menu Start.

When the program opens, you have to go to the option Tools then you are going to Administratorand deselect the option “Use this program” and you click on Apply.

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Third Method

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to go to the section antivirus settingsyou locate real-time and cloud-based protection modules, and remove their switches.

At this time, the antivirus will be disabled on your PC. And you can see it because an error symbol appears in the main Windows Defender window.

Fourth Method

Another way to disable Windows Defender is from the Windows registry itself, following these steps:

you have to open “regedit.exe” from the keyboard shortcut on Windows + R and you will scroll to the following command: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows Defender

After that you create a New and then the type of DWORD (32-bit) value With the right button, you give it the name of: “DisableAntiSpyware”and you double click on it and assign it the value of “1”, without the quotes.

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Finally you restart

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