How to find out who is using your Netflix account

Find out if someone has stolen your Netflix password and blocked you from accessing it again.

Netflix is ​​the most important streaming platform

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Netflix is ​​one of the most used apps and for this reason users are exposed to possible password theft that allows other users to use our account. Netflix is ​​fighting against this, but while these measures improve, we can do a lot to prevent someone from using our account without permission, we can know if someone has entered our Netflix account and kick him out forever.

Who is using my Netflix account?

From the Netflix website we can access a section from which to see which devices have recently accessed your account, so that we can quickly find out if there is someone who has accessed our Netflix account, the device and the date on which it was done. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your computer and enter the .
  2. Sign in with your account.
  3. Now select your profile icon at the top right and tap on Account.
  4. Now scroll down to Settings and tap on “Recent device streaming activity”.
  5. Here you will see a list of devices that have recently connected to your Netflix account. You can view the device’s location, IP address, and the date and time the device accessed your account.
  6. Carefully examine each device to make sure it matches the ones you use and the locations where you usually watch Netflix. Any unusual location or device you don’t have could be from someone using your Netflix account without permission.
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How to block access to Netflix account

If you have located that someone is accessing your account without authorization, you can take steps to block it. Netflix does not allow it directlybut we can log out of all devices and then change password of your account so that no one without permission can access it again. To do so follow these steps:

  • First of all, you need to access your Netflix account settings, just like before.
  • Look for the “Sign out of all devices” option.
  • Click “Sign out of all devices” to disconnect all devices from your account.
  • Once this is done, you must proceed to change your password.
  • Within your Account Settings, tap on “Change Password” above.
  • You will now need to log in to your devices with the new password.

With these tips you can keep your Netflix account safe. No one will be able to access your account and so you can enjoy it without major problems. Also, remember to choose a good unique password to prevent it from happening to you again.

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