How to Find the IP Address on Roku: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

Find your device’s IP address ? How relieved it would be to find her quickly and . Don’t worry, here we explain as you will be able to find the IP address of your Roku .

Whether you are using a version ancient or a new one from the device, connecting it via cable or wirelessly, finding your IP address with Roku is a simple and relatively quick process.

In this article we will explain:

  • What is Internet Protocol (IP)
  • How to find your IP address using an older version of Roku
  • How to find the IP of a Roku device from version 4.0 onwards
  • Why it is important to know your IP

No matter the version of your Roku device, knowing how to find the IP address is a basic skill to get the most out of this incredible streaming player.

Important: Don’t forget

  1. First, you’ll need to turn on your Roku device. To do this, locate the on the side of the Roku and press it.
  2. Then open the main menu on your device. This can be achieved using the buttons on the remote control.
  3. Then scroll down in the menu to locate the “Settings” option and press the Select button on the remote control.
  4. Now you will see a list:
    – Grid
    – Player
    – Sounds
    – System
    – Channels
  5. Select the “Network” option from this list and confirm your choice by pressing the Select button.
  6. When you get to “Network Information”, you will have your IP adress.
  7. Finally, write down the IP address and save this information for when you need it.

How to Find Roku IP Address


What is an IP address?

An IP address is a number assigned to each device that uses a computer network to identify it. These addresses are made up of numerical symbols that allow the device to communicate with other devices on the same network. An IP address is typically made up of 4 groups of numbers separated by ‘dots’ (for example: These addresses are used to allocate resources, as well as:

  • Addressing and routing of packets.
  • Network Security.
  • Internet services.

IP addresses can be used to locate computers and equipment directly connected to the network, such as routers, printers, desktop computers, cell phones, etc. The most common versions of IP are IPv4 and IPv6. While the IPv4 address is a 32-bit address (e.g., the IPv6 address is a 128-bit address (e.g. 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334) and increase the number of possible directions.

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What are the steps to find the IP address on Roku?

Find the IP address on Roku:

1. First, navigate to your Roku device’s main settings menu on the TV.
2. Next, select the “See my device” option in the Settings menu, then go to the Network section.
3. This will show you a list of your current network details. Under this list, there is a section that shows the IP Address of the Roku device.
4. Take note of this address and use it to external to your local network.

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What do the acronyms DNS and DHCP mean?

DNS is the acronym for “Domain Name System”, a domain name system on the Internet. This technology assigns IP addresses to web pages so that users can locate and connect to them. When a user types a web address, for example, DNS translates it to an IP address (for example, This allows users to find and connect to a web server.

DHCP stands for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” and is a wide area network protocol that provides a mechanism for the automation of IP Address Management. DHCP is one of the main network technologies that allows you to connect to the network without manually configuring IP addresses. The DHCP server stores information about which IP address is assigned to each computer. When a computer connects to the network, DHCP automatically assigns an IP address; This way the equipment is visible and accessible to any network application.

DNS is a protocol that translates domain names into IP addresses, while DHCP is a protocol that assigns IP addresses and network settings to devices connected to the network.

Why is it important to know the Roku IP address?

It is important to know the Roku IP address because it allows us to perform various functionalities by consuming multimedia content from external devices, such as computers, smartphones or tablets. In addition, it allows us to configure the device to enjoy online or local streaming content from radio or television services. By knowing the Roku IP address it is also possible:

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  • Install and manage applicationssuch as those used to play multimedia content.
  • Manage your device remotelywhich provides greater comfort to the user.
  • Incorporate it into a home networkwhich allows multimedia with other devices.

In addition, knowing the Roku IP address allows you to diagnose connection problems and activate security features such as content filtering or restricting access to certain applications.

What is a network address?

A network address is a term used to describe the location of a specific device within a computer network. This address is used so that data travels correctly between devices interacting on the network and can identify and communicate with each other. It is a type of address that acts as a unique “tag” for each device connected to a network.

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The network address is made up of two main parts: the network name and the host number. The network name identifies the network segment to which the device belongs, and the host number, also known as the IP address, identifies the particular device within the network. These addresses allow the network to function smoothly, as devices will not constantly find each other without this unique address associated with each one.

There are several types of network addresses, each with different purposes and characteristics. The two main ones are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The IPv4 address is the most common, and is the one used by default in most networks. This address consists of four dotted numbers (style “”) and is limited to devices connected to a single network. IPv6 addresses offer a wider range of network configurations, with support for much larger network sizes.

Network address names are also called domain names, and are used to identify specific addresses. For example, the website has a domain name of “”. This allows users to enter “” into their browser, which helps servers find the correct network address. This is known as name resolution, where the domain name is mapped to a unique network address for devices that want to access it.

Each device on a network needs to have a unique network address in order to communicate with other devices and receive information. This means that if a device has the same network address as another device, it can cause conflicts on the network. Network administrators should ensure that all devices have a unique network address to avoid these conflicts.

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What should be taken into account when entering the IP address?

When entering an IP address, some aspects must be taken into account, the most important and relevant are the following:

1. Correctly identify the IP address version: This is essential when entering the address correctly since there are several established formats: IPv4 and IPv6. Depending on the network system we are dealing with, one or the other should be the format to be entered.

2. Check the IP subnet: On many occasions it happens that there are specific characteristics within a subnet that must be validated before assigning an IP address. This process goes hand in hand with configuring the best route to follow to establish communication with other computers within the network.

3. Check IP address through tools: There are tools that allow us to verify the correct assignment and recognition of an IP address. These tests return information about the domain name, computer information connected, the output port of the request, etc.

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4. Check IP address availability: Before configuring an IP address, it must be free and not yet assigned to another computer or device to avoid conflicts or communication problems between devices.

5. The user must have the necessary permissions: In some companies, IP address configuration is restricted solely and exclusively to network administrators, although in most cases users have access to this configuration as long as they have the necessary privileges to do so.

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6. Use static address: If the network is designed for use and all devices receive an IP address automatically, it is more advisable to use static IP addresses, since these allow the equipment to achieve better performance, thus offering a better user experience.


Finding the IP address on your Roku can be a simple task if you know . In first place, you should know the basics of networking, such as IP addresses, routers, and network configurations. Once you have these principles are clearyou can start finding your Roku’s IP address. To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Access your Roku settings.
  2. Look for the network information section.
  3. Check the IP address assigned to your Roku.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to find the IP address of your Roku to be able to enjoy your favorite content without problems. Furthermore, by knowing the IP address, you will be able to make advanced configurations on your devicesuch as changing the network name, adding security and much more.

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