How to Fix Error During Microsoft Office Installation

The Microsoft Office package is an office tool that leads user preferences for its versatility and .
Occasionally there are reports of an error during the installation of Microsoft Office, in this text we will tell you how to solve it so that it does not affect the pace of your work.

Have you experienced an error on your computer during the installation of Microsoft Office? Find out why this happens

Microsoft Office is a package of office functions developed since 1989 by the American corporation. They are some of the popular programs that comprise it, most used worldwide.

The advantage of using this tool is that makes it easy to automatically carry out the basic actions required for study or office work. Microsoft Word is the most used word processor in everyday work, study actions.

and any of its integrated programs are not exempt from suffering, with obvious cause or not, various failures, which are reported by users with considerable frequency.

With increasing recurrence in several of its versions we find a error during installation of Microsoft Officean error that, as its name indicates, stops Office installation and activation in the Windows operating system.

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Several user reports express that this error during the installation of Microsoft Office emerges in Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Microsoft Office Professional Plus; In short, in several of its versions, when trying to install them on the Windows operating system.

Specifically during the installation, at some point the following message appears: “Office has encountered an error during the installation”, proceeding to the blocking or immediate stoppage of the process.

By performing the necessary reviews to define why the error emerges during the installation of Microsoft Office, the user verifies that even though after an error check, the system and computer function correctly, this failure persists, affecting the execution of Office on any computer. computing.

Error reported during installation of Microsoft Office appears after previously uninstalling Microsoft Office and reinstalling/updating to another newer version,

It usually emerges in the final steps of the extensive Microsoft Office installation and configuration process, without a proven cause; Although there is some evidence that could be caused by conflicts with the of the Windows system.

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Likewise, the error message may appear when trying to run any of the programs that make up the package, indicating that it does not open due to a failure during installation.

The error during installation of Microsoft Office also It can be generated by the existence of a compatibility conflict between the system and the application. Remember both must be compatible in their bit definition, 32 or 64.

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He antivirus in use It may also pop up this error during your security check, thereby blocking Microsoft Office.

Error messages during Microsoft Office installation that may appear on your computer

The error during Microsoft installation can be identified in various ways, each affecting the execution of the program in a different way.

Recurring error messages during Microsoft Office installation include:

  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus encountered an error during installation. Error 2905. Internal Error. C:\Windows\Installer\MSIA834.tmp.
  • There was a failure installing an Office 2019 application. Code 0x426-0x0. This notification does not give more details and invites you to repair the installation message without detailed explanation, which appears when trying to open any Office program and indicates to repair its installation.
  • Microsoft Office 2019/2016 encountered an error during installation.
  • Error Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 encountered an error that prevents its installation.
  • An error was encountered during the installation of Microsoft Office. Code Error: 1603emerges if you have an Office edition installed on your computer and proceed to install another, without first deleting it or due to problems with user permissions management.
  • MS Office does not allow you to add different versions simultaneously to your computer.

Checks prior to solving the error during the installation of Microsoft Office

It is pertinent before taking action to resolve the error during the installation of Microsoft Office, which check the status of the program and the configurations of your computer equipmentnamely:

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  1. Check to see if you have a different version of Microsoft Office installed than the one you are trying to update.
  2. Verify that the folder selected to install the Microsoft Office pack is not encrypted.
  3. Verify that you have full access and the required administrator permissions for Windows Installer to successfully run the Microsoft Office installation.
  4. Try running the Microsoft Office installer .

Basic solutions for error during installation of Microsoft Office

Initially and according to the probable causes that trigger the appearance of the error message during the installation of Microsoft Office, you can execute the following actions:

  • When the message appears. Try the installation again to see if the error persists.
  • Run the Microsoft Office update in Administrator mode, to do this:
  1. With the right mouse button click on the Microsoft Office installation file.
  2. When the sub menu appears, click on the option Execute as an administrator.
  3. If when verifying you find that a version of the package has already been installed previously, locate it and proceed to uninstall it and then perform another installation.
  4. To find the location of the activated Microsoft Office file on your computer, :
  5. Press the keys together Windows + I.
  6. Select the option System and once there press successively on Apps and Apps and features.

  7. In the list of programs or applications, search and select officepress the button now Uninstall.

Reinstall the Microsoft Office package, meeting these requirements:

  • If the folder where you will install the Office package is one, you must select an unencrypted folder.
  • Install Microsoft Office on a Drive that does not have access as a replacement drive.
  • To carry out the installation you must make sure that the System account has control permissions total of the folder where the Office package will be installed.

After completing these actions, try installing the office package on your system again to verify whether or not the error persists during the installation of Microsoft Office.

More actions to free yourself from the error during the installation of Microsoft Office

In addition to the basic actions described above, you can try to fix the error during the installation of Microsoft Office, with other, somewhat more complex ways, do not lose patience, as they are all effective.

Solution 1. Eliminate the error during installation of Microsoft Office with Windows Task Scheduler

You can carry out this action using the assistant Cortanayou just have to follow these steps:

  1. Opens Cortana and in his Search bar enter the text: Task Scheduler (Task Scheduler). (Windows 10).
  2. Select the search result.
  3. Locate the option in the new window Task Scheduler (Task Scheduler) and click on it.
  4. In the displayed menu, click, with the right mouse button, on the Microsoft folderin the submenu select eliminate.

To check if the error persists during the installation of Microsoft Office, try installing it again.

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Solution 2. Eliminate the error during installation of Microsoft Office with Windows Application Store

You can fix the error during the installation of Microsoft Office with the Windows Application Store (Windows Store Apps), which you can access from the Problem solver (Troubleshoot).

To apply this solution do the following:

  1. Press the keys together Windows + Xin the displayed menu select Setting (Settings).
  2. In Setting click on Update and securityselect the option Troubleshoot.
  3. In the right panel of the window, scroll down to the listed options and click Windows Store Apps to execute the problem solver.
  4. Restart your computer and try installing Microsoft Office again.

Solution 3. Proceed to temporarily deactivate the antivirus in use

As we have explained on other occasions, some security functions can cause your antivirus software to erroneously recognize a reliable program such as a threat to the system and proceed to block its installation or execution.

It is recommended then to avoid the error during the installation of Microsoft Office is that before trying to install it, proceed to Temporarily disable your antivirus features, firewall or antimalware. Temporary deactivation is accomplished with these steps:

  1. Locate the icon that identifies your antivirusit is usually pinned to the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the icon, with the right mouse button, and select the option disable antivirus.
  3. Perform the package installation process again to verify if the error persists during the installation of Microsoft Office.

Solution 4. Change the name of the Microsoft Help folder

Renaming the Microsoft Help folder may be helpful to fix the error during the installation of Microsoft Office.

This action is carried out in simple and few steps:

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  1. Press the keys together Windows + R to display the box Execution (Run).
  2. In the search bar add the text: %programdata%press Enter.
  3. Choose the folder Microsoft Help.
  4. Choose Renameand writes Microsoft.old Help.
  5. Restart your computer.

Solution 5. Uninstall any version of Microsoft Office from your computer and do a clean reinstall

You can uninstall Microsoft Office downloading and running Fix Ityou can download it from the official Microsoft support website, you just have to follow the instructions of the uninstall wizard until the process is complete.

You can also remove the Microsoft Office package installed on your computer with the Windows Task Scheduler. (Solution 1).

After uninstalling Office, it is advisable to make sure that no trace of the program remains on the PC, to do this, do the following:

  1. Press the keys Windows + R.
  2. In the search box add the text: regedit and press Enter.

  3. This action opens the Registry Editornavigate there until you locate the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > WindowsNT > CurrentVersion > Schedule > TaskCache > Tree > Microsoft > Office.
  4. Click on it with the right mouse button and select eliminate.
  5. In the deletion confirmation box, click the option Yeah.
  6. Install Microsoft Office again, in state of following the…
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