How to Fix the Error The Requested Resource is Already Being Used

When we try to transfer a file from one folder to another on our computer or from a USB device we may receive the annoying message “the requested resource is already being used“without knowing very well what it means and why it originates.

This It has been reported by many users who find themselves unable to move or transfer their files to or from the computer, which can cause annoying inconveniences when using them. But don’t worry, here we will teach you what you should do to no longer receive this message.

Correct the message the requested resource is already being used

Before starting, we must know that the message that the requested resource is already being used can be a clear sign of having been a victim of a malware attack known as SmartService which has managed to infect hundreds of computers around the world.

Although at first the message may go unnoticed, the action of the Trojan will cause the message that the requested resource is already being used to appear again and again to the point that it can render the computer unusable.

This malware is one of the most dangerous threats because due to its intelligent design it can infect various sectors of the PC and install fraudulent programs on the system or even spy on all our online activity to sell it to the highest bidder among cyber hackers.

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Therefore, beyond the annoying message that the requested resource is already being used, we must quickly attack this problem before the SmartService does irreparable damage to our computer and we lose valuable information. Here we will explain to you .

Recover the information

As a previous step to If the requested resource is already being used, we must guarantee that we have safekeeping our vital information that is both on our computer and on the USB device that is infected.

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To do this, we can have specialized programs such as the Data Recovery Assistant which will allow you to preserve your files despite the device being affected by malware.

These programs work by scanning the hard drive or USB device, then you must choose which data you want to recover and the program recovers and stores it on the device or folder of your choice. It is important that you do this step just when the message that the requested resource is already being used appears so that you run the least risk of losing information.

Restart the computer in Safe Mode

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This is without a doubt the best option to attack the threat generated by the message in time, since the requested resource is being used, since this way you neutralize the action of the Trojan to a certain extent and you can eliminate it more easily.

Safe Mode prevents the malware from executing and also prevents it from blocking the antivirus when we try to eliminate it, since we will only be running the basic services of the PC and it does not give the malware the opportunity to infect more sectors of it.

To boot your computer in Safe Mode in Windows 10 you must follow these steps:

  • On the menu Start Choose Restart while holding down the key shift
  • The computer will restart in Advanced Mode. In the menu that is presented to you, you must choose Solve problems and then Advanced Options.
  • In the next menu, go to Startup Settings and then choose Safe Mode

After starting your computer in Safe Mode, you should immediately run the Windows Defender which is the antivirus and security program that comes by default with the operating system, which must do a deep scan of your PC until it locates and eliminates the SmartService Trojan threat.

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To run Windows Defender and fix the requested resource is already being used issue, you must follow these steps:

  • Go to Setting
  • Choose Update and security
  • Choose Windows Defender
  • Give the option Scan offline.

This should be enough to eliminate all threats hosted on your computer, including the Trojan that causes the message that the requested resource is already being used. If not, try these alternatives.

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Use Third Party Antivirus

One of the peculiarities of SmartService malware is that it has the ability to resist the best antiviruses, including Windows Defender, so it may turn out to be undetectable and, therefore, we will not be able to eliminate it as easily as we would like.

In this sense, we recommend that you go to the most powerful antivirus that specializes in the detection and elimination of Malware, such as the one or those that have a higher success rate when eliminating these viruses, in particular SmartService.

Get Rid of Malware from Windows Startup

If there is any malicious program on your computer, you can remove it from it by following these simple steps:

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Press Administration tools and then select System configuration
  • You must choose Selective Home
  • Go to the Start tab, choose the programs identified as Unknown shown in the list and select Disable.

With this procedure, we should prevent unknown programs, including those affected by SmartService, from running when our computer starts and continuing to affect our files.

Remove malicious programs from the Windows Registry

When Malware such as SmartService attacks your operating system and generates the error, the requested resource is already being used, it generally makes unexpected and malicious changes to the Windows registry entries, preventing the computer from functioning normally until we have eliminated them. complete.

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To do this, you can delete these changes in the Windows registry, with the exception that you must be very careful when doing so because any mistake you make can result in widespread malfunction of your computer. So, if you want to remove these malicious programs from the Windows registry, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Opens Execute pressing Windows + R
  • Press Ctrl + F and then write SmartService to display the malware log.
  • When you find it, click on Eliminate
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With this, you will no longer have a record of the malware on your system and it will be clean and functional again.

Remove malicious programs with Windows wizard

When most malware infects your computer, it does so by installing malicious programs that we often do not realize exist. Therefore, it is essential that we get rid of them to eliminate any residual threat that we may still have in our system. to do it:

  • Opens Execute pressing Windows + R
  • Writes appwiz.cpl
  • In the folder Programs and characteristics Uninstall all those programs that you cannot identify or verify their usefulness. To do this, we advise you to select the name of the program and do a quick search on the Internet to verify which are the malicious ones that you should eliminate immediately.

With this, there will no longer be any traces of malware on your computer. Likewise, always perform a routine check on it and use the best security systems to keep your equipment protected.

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