How to Fix the Problem of a Slow PS4 – Premium Tuto

Does your PlayStation 4 console () is getting slower and slower? This is surprisingly very common. As games become more and more demanding in terms of graphics and memory, as well as the amount of downloadable content and game updates, our consoles are becoming overloaded and experiencing performance issues.

If your PS4 has stalled, here are a series of steps to Before you have to take your console for expensive service:

  • Start your console in safe mode.
  • Check the .
  • Keep your console updated.
  • Clear the system cache.
  • Uninstall unnecessary games and applications.
  • Reduce screen brightness.

By starting your PS4 in safe mode you can disable all third-party programs to identify if any of them are interfering with the proper functioning of your console. To start your console in safe mode, you must press and hold the for at least 7 seconds until you hear two beeps, then your console will enter safe mode.

Check storage from the console. A console with little available memory will have performance problems. Clean up your internal storage by uninstalling games and images you no longer use; You can always download them again from your account if you need them again. You should also clean external memory such as USB hard drives to improve performance.

Always keep your console updated since Sony’s system updates contain significant improvements to the console’s performance. You should regularly check that your console is updated with the latest version to take advantage of all the new features.

Clear the system cache to free up space in your console’s RAM. You can do this from the Settings menu of your PS4 and delete all the contents of the cache to .

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Uninstall unnecessary games and applications: This is especially important if you have many games installed, as each one consumes hard drive storage. If you have games that you no longer play, uninstall them! This also applies to apps, like Netflix, etc., which govern the memory of your console.

Reduce screen brightness. This may seem like a small change, but watching videos or playing games at high brightness can cause a big hit to performance. Reduce brightness to improve the performance of your console.

Now that you have learned the main ways to fix the problem of a slow PS4, you will be able to enjoy your favorite games without problems. Take a look at these steps to keep your console in good condition and avoid software errors in the future.


  1. Turn off your PlayStation 4. This means holding down the console’s power button until you hear two consecutive beeps; This will indicate that it has been shut down successfully.
  2. Unplug all connected cables to the PS4, such as the HDMI cable, the power cable, as well as the controller cables.
  3. Leave the PlayStation 4 unused for several minutes. This will help eliminate any residual built-up power that may be disrupting the console’s operation.
  4. Go back to all cables correctly for the console to function properly.
  5. of the operating system P.S.
  6. This means that you must connect the console to the Internet and download the latest version of the update. Make sure you have enough hard drive space.
  7. Change your network settings if you are connected to the internet. This means that you need from your PS4 network to check the . For example, try changing your DNS settings.
  8. Clear cache. Go to system settings and clear the memory cache to free up space on your hard drive.
  9. Hard reset the PlayStation 4, which means holding down the power button for 10 seconds. This will completely restart the console.
  10. Check if the slow PS4 problem has been fixed. Try opening a game, navigating the UI, etc. to check if the console has sped up and is operating normally.
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What are the possible causes of a slow PS4?

A slow PS4 It can cause frustration, as poor performance decreases the quality of a gaming experience. Here are some possible reasons for this:

  • Games that require a lot of memory : Recent games, with improved graphics, are a challenge for console systems. This can require more RAM, which makes the system run slower.
  • Inefficient software : Inefficient software requires more system resources to run. If there is a lot of software installed, it can affect the performance of the console.
  • System and game updates : It is important to keep the most up-to-date versions of the operating system and games, however, this can also demand more resources from the console, affecting processing speed.
  • Low hard drive space : As new games or content are downloaded, hard drive space can quickly reduce. This can cause additional storage issues that affect system speed.
  • Physical damages : Lastly, a malfunction is due to physical damage to the hardware, such as faulty drivers, bad hard drives, etc.

It is important to identify the cause of poor performance so that the necessary repairs or solutions can be made. Users are advised to check their systems periodically for potential problems.

What steps should I follow to perform a manual PS4 repair?

  • : We prepare everything to start the manual repair of our PS4. This includes finding a clean surface to work on, unplugging the console, preparing the (screwdrivers in different sizes) and obtain the necessary spare parts to complete the repair.
  • Step 2: We performed a visual analysis of the PS4 to determine the exact problem area. After identifying the area, we eliminate any external symptoms that may be related to the problem.
  • Step 3: We open the case of the PS4. We remove the screws on the sides of the console and carefully loosen the back of the PS4.
  • Step 4: We identify the exact location of the problem on the console. We analyze the components and cables to see if there is visible damage. If this is not detectable, we will check the connections within the PS4.
  • Step 5: If necessary, we update the drivers or firmware related to the detected problem.
  • Step 6: We check the connection between the controller and the PS4. We can do this manually, by connecting the controller to a computer and checking for problems with the connection. If there is a problem with the controller, we replace the part.
  • Step 7: We replace the screen if necessary. We dismantle the old screen and assemble the new one according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Step 8: We verify the proper functioning of the PS4. Once the repair is complete, we connect the console to a television and verify that all functions are working correctly.
  • Step 9: We close the case and replace the screws. We leave the console ready for use.
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If you want to optimize the performance of your console, you can use the menu settings to make some improvements. Start with the “Updates” section, where you can see what updates are available for your games, controllers and console. If there are any pending updates, install them immediately to get the latest improvements and keep your console running smoothly.

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Then, go to the “Network Settings” section to make sure you are connected to a fast and reliable. There are other options such as using an Ethernet cable for a faster connection. Try to stay connected to a stable Wi-Fi network to ensure optimal performance.

Finally, change the “Display settings”, such as brightness and resolution, to help improve console performance. These options allow you to adjust the display performance for an immersive gaming experience. The lower the resolution, the faster games will run. The video quality on the screen will also improve.

By following these simple instructions, you’ll be ready to optimize your console’s performance with the settings menu.

What other tips can be followed to solve the problem of a slow PS4?

When it comes to solving the problem of a slow PS4, there are several tips you can follow to improve the performance of your console. Build the cachethat is, deleting temporary files, cookie information or browsing history that accumulate when using the console.

In the main settings of the PS4 you will find the option to “ “System Information”, when selected you will be presented with the options “Unused Files” and “Application System Information”. These functions delete temporary files and free up memory.

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Another tip is free up hard drive space. If there are too many games, applications, and other data stored on the hard drive, the console will slow down. It is recommended to delete unnecessary files such as finished games or old application settings.

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It is also important clean external componentsas dust accumulation reduces airflow, which could cause overheating and negatively affect performance.

Another recommendation is . The console drivers have bug fixes and performance improvements, so making sure you always have the latest firmware version is very important.

Finally, securely erase data. If you want to sell your console, remember to securely erase all data. This ensures that a potential buyer will not have access to personal information.
To solve the problem of a slow PS4, it is recommended:

  • Build the cache.
  • Free up space on the hard drive.
  • Clean external components.
  • Update the firmware.
  • Securely erase data.


Solving the problem of a slow PS4 is quite simple if you follow a well-established maintenance and diagnosis routine. First, it is important to perform a hard drive scan to unnecessary and free up space for the console.

Next, verify that the operating system is updated to the latest version recommended by Sony. Finally, ensure that the system temperature is not excessive, either with clotheslines to improve ventilation or with internal cleaning of the console. Performing these tasks cyclically will allow your PS4 to run games smoothly and improve its performance.

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