How to hack or steal a WiFi network with a password?

Hack or steal a WiFi network It is something that requires certain skills or technical knowledge in the area, since it is not simple to do, due to the security protocols that are used.

However, there are those who use special tools to achieve this. Therefore, below we will explain how you can hack a WiFi network with programs or applications.

Aspects to consider

Before learning how to compromise a WiFi network, it is important to take into account the different levels of security that exist to prevent unauthorized access to wireless connections. Below are what they are:

  • W.E.P.: Wire Equivalent Privacy is an older security method that uses CR4 stream encryption and can be easily compromised with readily available hardware and software.
  • WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access replaced the WEP method in 2003, becoming the standard type of security. It uses a Temporary Key Integrity Protocol that generates different levels of protection for the network.
  • WPA2: It is the most secure level of protection for Wi-Fi networks today and, although it is not a foolproof method against hackers, it is much more difficult to breach.

Based on the above, one could quickly conclude that the easiest networks to hack They are those with a lower level of security, that is, those that have WEP encryption.

Best Wi-Fi Hacking Apps

Yes ok There is no app designed especially for hacking WiFi networks, there are different options for Android or iOS that allow you to evaluate how vulnerable a network is and thus implement methods to steal security information. Below are some of the most common ones.


is an app for Android Smartphones that has a free version and a paid version that provides access to different wireless network analysis tools. Allows you to determine how secure a connection is and some additional details, such as speed and the number of connected devices. Information that can be used to hack or steal a password.

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Network Analyzer Pro

It integrates an incredible set of tools that allow you to analyze almost any detail of a WiFi network, from the IP address of the connected devices to the closed or open ports. It is designed for Apple industry equipment and can be obtained free of charge from the .


This application is used on Smartphones and is designed to evaluate the security level of wireless networks, through connection with the WPS protocol. Which try to decrypt WiFi passwordusing different eight-digit combinations that generally correspond to the combinations that are programmed by default in routers.

Note– If the WiFi connection is shown in green color, it will be easy to hack.

WiFi Analyzer

This is a free terminal application used to Find and analyze all wireless networks available around, with 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band. It is used to know all the connection information, from its type of encryption, signal level, MAC address, among other details.

WiFiAudit Pro

It is an app developed for those who use terminals with the iOS Operating System and can be downloaded for free without the need for Jailbreak. It is used to know how secure is a WiFi network and implement strategies to hack the password, depending on the level of encryption it has.

WPS WPA Tester Premium

is an application for devices with Android Operating System that allows you to know how vulnerable a WiFi network is WPS or WPA to steal your password. To do this, different attacks can be tested to determine the security of the connection and connect. This app also serves to measure the speed of the connection.

Note: It is only compatible with Android Smartphones from version 5.0.

ZAnti Penetration Testing Android Hacking Toolkit

This application integrates a set of tools to evaluate the security level of any WiFi network. It is ideal to use on Smartphones with Android OS to know how vulnerable the connection is and try to steal or hack your password. Therefore, it is an excellent option if you want to prevent someone from accessing it without authorization.

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How can you hack a WiFi network using programs?

Desktop programs that allow you to determine the security level of a WiFi network are also well known. There are versions for Windows, macOS and even Linux. The most well-known ones are described below.

Acrylic WiFi Analyzer

Allows you to view your own access point and that of other people, evaluating security flaws, channels, signal strength, etc. It also has a Premium version with many more options available. This program is suitable for computers with Windows Operating System.

Commview WiFi

It’s a 802.11 wireless network analyzer with various functions that allow you to discover flaws in the security system, study the connection speed, detect intruders, etc. It takes the information of each available package and analyzes it quickly and safely to improve any detail, but it is a paid software that is only available under billing.

Kali Linux

It’s a WiFi network audit program which incorporates tools such as Reaver (to hack WPS connections) and FreeRadius-WPE (to perform “man in the middle” style attacks). In addition, it has the Wi-Fi Honey function that creates false access points for people looking to connect without authorization.


it’s a device, wireless network and intruder detector on the WiFi connection. With this tool you can view and evaluate the different wireless access points (Bluetooth, WiFi and some specialized SDR and capture hardware) available. However, it has some limitations for computers with macOS, Linux and, to some extent, Win10.


This wireless network analysis program allows you to detect or violate those, specifically those with WEP protection. It is responsible for collecting data from all access points available in nearby areas, including their name, security or signal level, among others. It should be noted that it is paid software.

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It is one of the best in Spain. It is designed to work on computers with an open source system (Linux) and has many more tools than others in its category. It houses its own dictionary of passwords used by Movistar, Vodafone and Orange to try hack a wireless connection and thus know how vulnerable it is.

How to protect a WiFi network against hackers?

Taking into account that there are different programs and applications to evaluate and violate WiFi networks, it is important to protect yourself against hackers, applying the following tips:

  • Use the Most secure encryption level WPA-2 or WPA-3 to encrypt security information.
  • Do not use easy-to-guess passwords (personal data such as name or date of birth), nor those that are programmed by default in routers.
  • Keep the updated router firmware to maximize protection.
  • Check the connection periodically to make sure everything is fine.
  • Change default values of the network, such as the name and password that comes by default.
  • Use antivirus programs on all devices connected to the network.

Consequences of hacking WiFi networks

Access private wireless networks without authorization It is a criminal offense in many countries in the world, unless it is an action for educational or testing purposes. However, if what you are looking for is to have free Internet, you must be very careful and not commit this crime. Since the penalty can include fines or days in prison, depending on the severity of the laws in each country.

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