How to Hide Likes on Twitter: A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintain Your Privacy – Premium Tuto

Are you a Twitter user who wants to maintain your privacy and want to hide your likes on the platform? Then this article is for you! Here you will find information on how not to show your likes on Twitter. This way you can share messages without worrying about controlling the likes you receive, and to the maximum.

Below we show you :

  • Sign in to Twitter.
  • Once you access your account, click on the gear icon (Privacy and security settings).
  • Scroll down to where it says: “Who can see your likes.”
  • Select the option: “People who follow you”.
  • Save the changes.

And ready! Now your Likes will be hidden in your Twitter account. This way you can improve your privacy and security on the platform, without having to worry about controlling the elements that you “like”, and without thinking too much.


  1. Log in to your Twitter account. Once this is done, go to the “Settings” page of the account.
  2. Look for the “Privacy and Security” section and click on the “Content you want to hide” option found within it.
  3. Review the box that specifies what content, if any, is under the “Hide” option. If there is nothing added here yet, click the “Add content” button.
  4. Once this is done, select the “Like” option, so that this content is hidden from view only for you.
  5. The change should be saved automatically. So with this last action you will have completed the process to hide the Likes from your Twitter account. Congratulations!

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How can I hide likes on Twitter?

To hide likes on Twitter, you’ll need a browser extension like BetterTTV. This tool allows you to turn off Likes on your timeline so you don’t see who liked the tweets that appear on your timeline. Additionally, you can also disable “Likes” on your own tweets; The ‘Like’ button will disappear and no one will be able to show whether they liked your tweet or not. This extension is available for Chrome, and .

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Another way to hide likes on Twitter is by installing the Tweetdeck app. This application is a personalized control panel that has been designed by the company itself to manage multiple accounts, search for relevant topics and organize discussions within the social network. Tweetdeck offers many useful features for users, including the ability to hide likes on a given Twitter account.

The last way to hide likes on Twitter is through your account privacy settings. To do this, go to Settings & privacy > Privacy & security > Content my followers see and turn off the Like option. This will prevent anyone from seeing the likes you have received from your account. However, keep in mind that turning off this option also means that you will also not see the content of others’ likes.

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What are the steps to maintain my privacy when hiding likes on Twitter?

Maintaining privacy on Twitter is very simple if you follow these simple steps:

  • Go to your Twitter profile. You will see a settings icon at the bottom.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” and sign in to your account.
  • Look for the “Privacy and security” section, in it you will find an option called “Your account content”.
  • In this tab you will see several sections, including “Likes”.
  • Once here, select the option that says “All users”; This means that no one will be able to see what you like on Twitter.
  • Save the settings and you now have your Likes hidden.

You can also hide your activity in other sections such as your responses to tweets, retweets and all the content you upload. To do this, go to the “Visible activity of my account” section and deactivate each of the options there, so that no one can see what you have done and said in your account. Some options will allow you to limit your activity to specific users, while others will allow you to hide it from the general public. When you have selected all the settings, click Save to apply the changes.

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Finally, we recommend frequently reviewing the “Tagged accounts” section.. All the accounts you have responded to or mentioned in a tweet are stored here; Make sure the setting is set to “Only me” to prevent strangers, or other accounts you don’t want to interact with, from seeing your content.

How do I know if my likes are hidden on Twitter?

If you want to know if your Likes are hidden on Twitter, the first thing you should do is go to your account settings. In the Privacy and security tab There is an option that says “Hidden Elements”. There it will show you the Likes that you have made in the past, which are now hidden. Also, right there you can decide whether or not you want your Likes to be hidden.

Another way to know if your Likes are hidden is through a simple search. Enter the search menu in your account bar and click on “Like”, this will take you to a list of all the tweets or retweets that you have “liked” in the past. If you see that a tweet does not appear there, then there is a high probability that it is hidden.

Finally, there is a section on Twitter’s Help page called “Viewing Account Activity.” You will be able to see there all the interactions you have had with a tweet, including Likes. When you enter the section you will see a list with all the tweets that you have interacted with and what each of them means to you. If you have any hidden Likes, they will appear there as such.

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Is there a way to temporarily disable likes on Twitter?

Yeah, there is a way to temporarily disable Twitter Likes. Some of the options that exist to do this are:

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1. Disable Likes on your account. This is for privacy. You can change the settings in your “Settings & Privacy” to disable the Like button. This means that no one else can interact with your tweets by liking them.

2. Use temporary locks. If you want to temporarily disable your Likes, you can also use a tool like Temporary Blocker, which allows you to block users for a specific period of time. This will make your profile invisible to those users during that period of time, meaning they won’t be able to react to your tweets by liking them.

3. Hide Likes. Most people don’t know that they can hide their Likes without turning them off. This can be done from the “Settings and privacy” of your account. Simply choose “Show Tweets and Likes privately” to ensure that only you can see the Likes received for your tweets.

In short, there are several ways to temporarily disable likes on Twitter. If you want to respect your privacy, these solutions are ideal to achieve it.


We conclude that ensuring our privacy on Twitter is if the steps are followed correctly. To hide likes effectively, it is helpful to understand and apply the tips mentioned above.

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The privacy settings of our account or the use of external tools will help us achieve the desired privacy to avoid being victims of any technological threat. It is important to remember that internet security is our responsibility!

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