How to improve slow Safari browser on Mac ▷【】

The Safari browser is the fastest and most highly optimized browser on Apple Mac computers. However, it can experience poor performance due to accumulated website caching and unnecessary extensions. Therefore, it recommended to clear any unwanted or outdated data files to make Safari faster and smoother. Discover how to improve slow safari browser on mac

Safari is a native web browser in the Apple ecosystem and is not expected to lag or slow down. Most iOS and Mac users rely on Safari for their overall browsing and Internet experience. And not to mention that the browser has done a great job serving its users so far.

However, sometimes it seems to decrease its performance rate with constant use of the web browser as the response time gradually increases. Being an Apple user, it can be frustrating as we are not used to this. So how to improve slow safari browser on Mac?

Well, just like other regular browsers, Safari too has particular things to take care of in order to keep experiencing its consistency. To get started, you can start by updating your Safari to the latest version available. And if you are already on the latter, you can follow the tricks below to overcome this problem and speed up your Safari browser on Mac.


There are some solutions that you can follow to improve the performance of Safari browser on Mac. In this article, we will discuss all the possible ways that could help you increase the speed of your slow Safari browser.

Restart Safari on Mac

Like any other browser, if you use Safari for a longer interval of time, it still consumes more system memory. And sometimes due to this, you may experience comparatively slow performance with the browser. In that case, a normal reboot does the job comfortably.

Close the app and restart it on your Mac. It will break the previous session in the browser and free up memory. The next time you start it, you will get a new window with its normal speed.

Update Safari browser

It is always best to keep your Safari browser up to date and running on the latest version. Most browser issues and security threats are fixed in version updates. So if any known issue is causing Safari to slow down, it will be fixed immediately after the update.

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Follow these steps on how to update Safari browser on macOS:

  • Click on the apple and select the submenu preferences of system… .
    It will open the System Preferences window.
  • Select the program Software update of the list.
  • click the link More information…
  • Select the checkbox of the browser Safari to install updates.
  • Hit the Install Now Command button.
  • The download will start and the installation of the Safari update will finish automatically.

That’s it. Safari is now up to date with the latest enhancements, security, and features. Safari developers will fix any known bugs that cause slow Safari browser after update.

Clear browser history

Safari normally keeps track of all the websites you have browsed in all of your previous sessions. So if you haven’t deleted your history for a long time, it will increase the amount in your browser.

It could be another reason why you might be having issues with slow Safari performance on your Mac. That being the case, simply clearing your browsing history should help you get back to normal browser speed.

Here are the steps to clear browsing history on Safari Mac :

  • start Apple’s Safari browser.
  • Click on the menu Record in the menu bar.
  • Select option Delete history …
  • It will display a clear history dialog on the screen.
  • choose a time frame appropriate and click the Clear History button

Clearing your browser history will free up space and processes to load the history database. It is recommended to keep clearing your browsing data every month, and it is also a good privacy protection practice.

Clear browser cache

The Safari browser saves caches of the websites/web pages you visit for the first time. And this is one of the most efficient ways to provide lightning-fast loading of those web pages when you revisit them in the future.

However, one of the problems with caching is that files grow too large in a short period of time. And this is probably one of the popular reasons behind your Safari browser slowing down.

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Here are the steps to clear Safari browser cache on Mac :

  • start Apple’s Safari browser.
  • Click on the menu Safari and select the submenu preferences .
  • Switch to tab Advanced .
  • Check the checkbox from the Show Develop menu in the menu bar
  • It will enable a new Develop menu in the Safari menu bar.
  • Click on the menu Develop in the menu bar.
  • Select empty caches in the dropdown menu.
    It will clean and empty all cache files stored in Safari browser.

Note: By clearing your browser cache from time to time, you can avoid slow performance of Safari on Mac in the future.

Remove container file from Safari

If your preferences file is corrupted, you will end up with slow Safari performance. However, it occurs in sporadic cases but is still considerable.

By deleting the Safari container files and folder, you can fix the corrupted files issue. However, remember that deleting these files will delete all your home page settings and other saved browser features. But it will automatically create a new file when you restart the browser in the future.

Here are the steps to remove container files from Safari on Mac :

  • Start the window Finder on Mac
  • Hold down the Option key and select the menu To go .
  • Select option Library from the dropdown menu.
  • Go to Library > Binder container .
  • Delete the folder and restart Safari.

It will remove the old container files and rebuild a new folder with the latest settings.

Remove unnecessary browser extensions

Although Safari extensions are useful for performing various types of tasks effortlessly, installing too many extensions or plug-ins could degrade the performance of Safari.

It makes your browser slow and you have trouble surfing the Internet. Therefore, you can remove or disable some extensions temporarily, which you don’t need at the moment.

Here are the steps to remove extensions from Mac Safari browser :

  • Open the Safari browser on your Mac.
  • Click on the menu Safari and select the submenu Preferences…
  • It will open the Safari Preferences window.
  • Switch to tab extensions .
  • Search of less useful extensions installed.
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Select the extension and press uninstall to remove from Safari.

Uninstalling Safari extensions will free up processes and memory, which can help the browser run smoothly. Browser extensions are often to blame for most problems.

Reset Safari browser

Resetting your browser will free you from all kinds of issues that you are facing with your Safari Mac. But on the other hand, it will also cost you all your saved data like browsing history, home page settings, browser caches, etc. preferences etc Therefore, proceed with caution and use reset Safari only if it is of great importance.

Here are the steps to reset Safari settings to default settings :

  • Start the window Finder on Mac
  • Hold down the Option key and select the menu To go .
  • Select option Library from the dropdown menu.
  • Go to the folder Library > Preferences .
  • Delete the file from the preferences folder.

It will delete the Safari preferences file and create a new settings and preferences file when it is restarted. Thus, erasing all the data that has been stored to date.

Conclusion: Safari browser is slow

Safari browser slowdown can be due to various reasons. And apparently, the exact problem with the browser cannot be pinpointed. So it’s worth spending some time trying each of these methods to find out what works if you want to solve this problem and know how to improve slow safari browser on mac

Furthermore, you can also try adding memory to your Mac. In fact, it will increase the performance of all other applications including Safari itself.

In addition to knowing how to improve slow safari browser on macbelow you can see more related topics of related to this article:

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